All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 639 The first robbery

Chapter 639 One Thousand Seven Hundred Killing Precepts First Calamity

What kind of person to do, what kind of errand to do, there is a definite number in the dark.

When the water is full, it will overflow, when the moon is full, it will lose money; if you are complacent, you will lose, and if you are self-confident, you will be foolish. This is the law of heaven.

If you rule the world as a real dragon of the dragon family, you will be lucky; if you lose money by yourself, if you follow the way of the dragon god, you will be a blessing to all living beings and seek full authority; if you are all walking the way of the dragon spirit and narcissus, you should abide by the rules and regulations, and respect the Supreme Being Nine Precepts.

Mr. Yanglin walks in the two ways of immortals, and he has obtained the luck of the gods, and he is a great god of water, so he is not a child of great luck, but he can also be called a son of small luck.

Anyone who can become a fairy is a hero selected from a billion, who is lucky and favored by the heavens, and is expected to prove the great Luo; In the process of doing things, his luck was wasted.

If you slaughtered 1000 million people today, you will lose your days of humanity. Tomorrow, you will extract the spirit veins of the mountain, and you will lose the favor of heaven. If you reverse reincarnation the day after tomorrow and resurrect the dead, you will be offended.

Mr. Yanglin lives in the dragon family's luck, but he doesn't know the mind of the heavens above, and observes the public opinion from the bottom. He lives a life of arrogance, luxury and debauchery every day, obliterating his own luck.

Even if Mr. Luo doesn't make a move, it's time to walk on the stage of conferring gods in the future.

One life sentence, one death sentence.

Luo Feng has always been merciful, he couldn't see a dragon suffering in the heavenly court, so he directly helped Lord Yang Lin end his distress.

A letter to the nine heavens in the morning, and eight thousand to Huangquan Road in the evening.

The sky prison is dark and quiet, and there is no slightest fluctuation of spiritual power here, which is even more degenerate than the degenerate age.The aura of the Dharma-ending Age is shallow, but the principles of the Dao still exist, and the laws of the Heavenly Prison are completely stripped away by Da Luo Tianzun with special means.

Even if you are a Buddhist disciple of Lingshan, a true immortal of Taoism, you are like a bird in a cage when you get here, there is nowhere to escape.

In prison No. [-], Class C, Mr. Yanglin sat on a straw mat like a clay sculpture, silently praying in his heart that the elders of the Dragon Clan in the sky would give him a hand.

"It's just a little rain, it's just a little rain, it won't, it won't..."

"My Dragon Clan is a prehistoric clan, and the Ministry of Water dare not do anything to me."

While thinking about it, the gate of the prison suddenly opened, and two Tiancao stepped into it to interrogate Lord Yanglin.

A ray of sunlight came in from the outside of the cell, followed by the spirit of the fairy world, which was greedily absorbed by the prisoners in the C-type cell. They hadn't absorbed external energy for a long time, and they were already weak and decayed.

"You guys, are you here to let me out?"

Mr. Yang Lin said with a look of surprise: "Is it my uncle of the Wufang Dragon God, or other uncles from all over the world to pick me up?!"

The two Tiancao lifted the shackles expressionlessly, and untied the fairy gold soul locks and the god iron shackles on Lord Yanglin's body.Send Lord Yanglin to the threshold of the prison, and then leave without saying a word.


There was a crisp sound of shackles, and two thunder gods were squatting at the gate of the sky prison, holding new-type shackles, which looked much more beautiful than the dark and rigid shackles of the sky prison.

One of the gods of thunder laughed and said, "Mr. Yanglin, come with us."

Lord Yanglin's expression was stiff, and he murmured: "You guys, you guys are connecting well."

"Okay, you'll know when you arrive." Lei Shen said with a smile
Lord Yanglin stuttered as if waking up from a dream, "Next, where are we going next? I can tell you that my uncles are all dragon god emperors, and I will be safe and sound in a few days!"

The other God of Thunder sneered: "Yo, I can't tell it's someone with a background, my lord, I won't go anywhere else, please forgive me at Zhuxiantai."

"Zhuxian Terrace!" The extreme of fear is anger, Yang Linjun roared incompetently, "Zhuxian? I'm still Gouxian?! I don't want to go to any kind of ghostly place."

Thunder God sneered and pulled the chain coldly, piercing through Lord Yanglin's pipa bone: "Heaven, earth, people, gods and ghosts all have their own way, if you lose your way, you will be killed."

"It's up to you whether you go or not."

Mr. Yanglin was used to being rich and honored since he was a child, but he was tortured by the pipa piercing his bones, and he cried out in pain for a while.It was dragged to the ground by Thor like a dead dog.

Tears of remorse flowed from the pupils of his eyes, and Lord Yanglin lamented: "I won't go to Zhuxiantai, I won't go, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong..."

Thunder God was impatient, he kicked over, and cursed: "I've seen a lot of you bastard, you don't know you were wrong, you don't regret it. You regret being arrested!"

"If you don't get caught, I don't know how many souls have been killed by you, and how many majesty of the heavens have been trampled by you!"

When death was imminent, Lord Yanglin refused to give up struggling and said: "Two Thor brothers, please, as long as you don't go to Zhuxiantai, you can go anywhere, anywhere."

"I am willing to give the wealth of my life to the two of you!"

The God of Thunder who was holding Lord Yanglin frowned. As a God of Thunder, he was upright and could not understand the evil in the world.Leishen was even more annoyed that a serious criminal like Yanglin Lord wanted to bribe him, and was about to kick Yanglin Lord unconscious so that he would not keep yelling.

"Brother, wait a minute." Another Thunder God stopped him, knelt down and asked with a smile: "Duobao, the dragon family, you are really willing to give your life's wealth to the two of us."

Lord Yanglin repeatedly grabbed the last straw, nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes."

"Then tell me."

Lord Yanglin was a little hesitant, if he gave it to him, what would happen if the two gods of thunder backtracked.

The other Thunder God sneered: "It seems that he regards money as his life, and my brother sent him to Zhuxiantai."

Lei Shen, who was holding Lord Yanglin, walked towards Zhuxiantai in an instant, the speed was so fast that the dragon was dumbfounded.

"No, no, no!!!" Yang Lin-jun shouted desperately: "I am willing, I am willing."

The two thunder gods just stopped, seeing that they didn't need to go to Zhuxiantai, Yanglin Jun burst into tears, and told the two thunder gods where his treasure was hidden.

After finishing speaking, Lord Yanglin swallowed his saliva: "You two, I don't need to go to Zhuxiantai."

Lei Shen, who asked for the treasure from Lord Yanglin, smiled and said: "It's natural, I'm a person who speaks for himself."

Lord Yang Lin was overjoyed, and quickly asked: "Then where shall we go?"

The two thunder gods said in unison: "My lord, I invite you to the Dragon Slaying Stage."

Mr. Yang Lin felt his eyes darkened, and he passed out without being whipped by Thunder God.

Above Chentangguan, the clouds and mist are confused, the thunder is rolling, and the strong wind is whistling past, intertwined with the sound of the lady below crying and giving birth, converging into a symphony of thunder and fate.

Giving birth to a woman is the second biggest hurdle in life, no less than living a new life, and the child conceived this time is the reincarnation of the Lingzhu.

There was a stalemate in the delivery room for a long time, even Li Jing, who was so unpredictable, had a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

Suddenly, an unprecedented roar sounded, like thunder, like a strong wind, like a baby crying, like a real dragon mourning!
Above the sky, a trace of blood flowed out, and the huge dragon's head fell down on Daze.

Mr. Luo counted with his fingers, shook his head and said: "One thousand seven hundred killing rings, the first kalpa is the death of Yanglin's body."

"The spirit beads are really against the dragon clan, and against the water."

(End of this chapter)

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