All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 67 Innate Primordial Spirit, Flowers Blossom 2

Chapter 67 Innate Primordial Spirit, Flower Blossoms Twelve
Qi and Jing are the changes of the body and have nothing to do with heaven and earth.

But the flower of the gods is different, it is the supreme realm that seeks the unity of heaven and man.

Understand the world, so as to transform and progress.

The interior scene is linked to the exterior scene, and the situation changes suddenly.

Thunder rolled in the sky, dark clouds rumbled, and the radius of ten miles was gloomy.

If it wasn't for the Tiandun Valley being far away from the town, I don't know how much news would have been made.

Luo Feng took a deep breath.

In this case, at least run naked.

However, Luo Feng was well prepared for this situation.

After all, there is still a bit of a b-number for one's own cultivation situation.

Sooner or later there will be immortals.

Since he wants to become an immortal, there will be a catastrophe.

Luo Feng coughed softly: "Please give me a face, can you prepare for it?!"

Above the sky, Rolling Sky Thunder paused for a while, but did not descend immediately.

Heaven is ruthless and runs naturally.

There is no difference between humans and ants in the eyes of Tiandao.

Therefore, it is impossible to stop because of the ants' request.

What stopped the robbery was that Luo Feng showed an acre of luck, the clear light was flawless, and it turned into a cloud of celebration and enveloped the valley.

The robbery paused, and the air transport protects the body, so that the thunder does not fall.

Staring at the heavenly tribulation that gathers but does not disperse in the sky, Luo Feng smiled.

When he was the elder of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion in the Shangqing School, he read many scriptures and classics.

Those who desire heaven and immortals should establish one thousand three hundred virtues, and those who desire earth immortals should establish three hundred virtues.

Many fairies want to change their forms, and they all go to Dade to take refuge in their homes.

Luo Feng has guessed that the merits and virtues of qi luck have a magical effect on transcending the calamity.

Therefore, to fight against Dongying is to follow the general trend, to adhere to the original intention, and to prepare for immortality!
It now appears that humanistic qi luck is also humanistic merit and does not belong to the heavenly system.There is no authority to cancel Tianlei, but it can hide the catastrophe and delay.

With the passage of time, the luck began to dissipate little by little.

Although, the passing of luck is only a drop in the bucket.

But it can be proved that air transport is also a consumable.

However, time is enough.

Luo Feng Shennian moved, first, withdrew the three-layered defense formation in the valley, and then put down the two-layered fog formation.

Immediately afterwards, the 500 million tons of explosives were removed from the back mountain to prevent the explosion caused by the fall of sky thunder.

And then the creek...

Back and forth, busy for an hour.

Finally got everything cleaned up.

That's right, what Luo Feng is doing now is to face the catastrophe.

Mrs. Wei Cunhua, the patriarch of the Shangqing School, has left a record that if she wants to become an immortal, thunder calamity is inevitable.

Thunder tribulation is not only a kind of suffering, but also a kind of good fortune.

If you avoid catastrophe and become immortal, your strength is very weak, and longevity is not pure.

If longevity is not pure, there is a danger of depletion of longevity.

Luo Feng will never allow this to happen.

All defensive means were withdrawn, Luo Feng looked solemn, stood up, and saluted the thunder tribulation in the sky.

"The emperor's sky is bright, and the green fields are vast. The heart of the sky is merciful, and the people are saved by thunder, and Luo Feng, a disciple of Taoism, pays respect to the Tao of Heaven!"

This ritual is the ritual of the ancient ancestors to worship heaven and earth.

Senior brother Ma Tianling is in the line of wizards, and there are records.

The thunder tumbled for a while, and there was no reason to cancel the thunder tribulation because of Luo Feng's etiquette, nor did it shrink.


The first thunder struck down, Luo Fengyun was light and light, and the thought of almost pure Yang greeted him.

This blow is equivalent to the Dragon Tiger Mountain Celestial Master casting the Five Thunders Dharma.

Power, flat..., um, extraordinary power.

The second thunder struck down, with ten times the power of the previous one.

This blow is equivalent to the full strength of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Celestial Master, using the five thunders to rectify the law.

Power can be seen.

The third thunderbolt struck down, with ten times the power of the previous one.

This blow is equivalent to a blow from the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master who sacrifices his life and perishes together.

Power, really good.

Luo Feng greeted the soul and realized the glory of the sky!

The Thunderer is the cardinal of yin and yang, who commands the root of all things.Therefore, without thunder, there is no way to slay and control the three realms.It is because of the thunder, the class is also, and it is out of ten thousand kinds to create a group of products.It is the chance of life and death at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.The beginning of the universe is due to the momentary explosion of the intersection of yin and yang, which is also the use of thunder, so thunder appears everywhere.

Therefore, the Yin God sublimated into the Yang God, survived the two disasters of wind and fire, listened to the spring thunder, and survived the tribulation of thunder.

Therefore, the Yang God is sublimated to the flawless primordial spirit, and it needs to survive nine thunder tribulations, flawless and flawless, and a single thought can be divided into thousands.

Thunder is both destruction and creation.

After Luo Feng crossed the thunder tribulation three times in a row, the soul that was almost pure Yang gradually became complete.

A mysterious and mysterious atmosphere of good fortune was born from the soul.

This is the breath of the ancestor Qi.

Innate Thunder Ancestor Qi!

After the three thunders fell, the catastrophe paused again, and began to roll over to give birth to a new thunder catastrophe.

Luo Feng's eyes flashed, thoughtful.

Once again, he said solemnly: "The living beings are born in the heaven and the earth, and rely on all things to survive!"

"Heaven and earth are ruthless, it is for great affection, heaven is silent, it is for great words, and the heart of heaven has no love, it is for great love!"

Luo Feng's kowtow was completed, and the new Tianlei fell again.

Metal, wood, water, fire, soil, and five elements of thunder robbery, fell in order.

According to the principle of mutual restraint, slaughter all things and everything.

Luo Feng shouted, the spirit returned to the body, and the spirit and the body together resisted the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation.

In an instant, the clothes shattered, revealing delicate and white skin that was bred with strength.

Luo Feng murmured: "I know, the clothes will be torn."

Although it was complaining, the joy could not be concealed in his tone.

The five elements are mutually restrained, and at the same time they are mutually generated.

The soul goes one step further, transforming into pure yang, and under the connection between the inside and outside, the physical body also receives a huge fortune.

Staring at the sky, Luo Feng stood against the wind with a solemn expression.

Next, is the last thunder robbery!

Pregnant half sound, do not know when.

A half-black and half-white thunder, falling slowly, very fast and very slow, broke through the time limit.

Thunder is born of yin and yang, thunder is yang, and thunder is yin.According to the number of the five elements in the "Luo Shu", "East three, south, two north, one west, four, the ancestor of this large number and the central five.

This is the thunder of yin and yang!

The flower of the [-]th rank god rose slowly, and the primordial spirit of pure yang stood in the center of the lotus flower, bowing his hands to the sky, showing the phoenix grace.

The thunder fell, and the dark clouds dissipated.

Luo Feng put on a Taoist robe and folded his hands towards the sky: "Thank you for the thunder and the grace of the transmutation!"

At this moment, I live up to the Yin God, not the Yang God.

Pure and flawless, pure Yang Yuanshen is also.

One thought roams the North Sea, another thought transcends the galaxy.

This is the energy of the primordial spirit, as long as it does not encounter a great danger like a gamma-ray burst, it can travel in the universe.

After the calamity was over, Luo Feng didn't let up and worked hard.

Hold on as if walking on thin ice, and act bravely and diligently.

Now is the best time to set foot on Innate!
True qi is as unfathomable as the ocean, the blood qi is vigorous like a nine-day blue dragon, and the pure yang of divine sense penetrates the immortal sky.
On the flower of the twelfth rank of essence, sits the golden figure of the law, and the treasure is solemn; on the flower of the [-]th rank of qi, the illusory villain is looming; on the flower of the [-]th rank of god, the innate pure yang primordial spirit stands and overlooks, the heaven and man One.

(End of this chapter)

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