All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 677 Yu Yu's detachment, 1 day 2 ancestors

Chapter 677

The authentic Taoist "condensed three flowers on the top" flower is just a description. What kind of Tao seed formed by the condensed avenue in the end depends on one's own preferences and whether it is close to the avenue, and it does not necessarily appear as a flower.

When the real Yangshen of the Three Tribulations passes through the Thunder Tribulation of the Nine Heavens God, and the Yuanshen entrusts the Dao, it will be able to trigger the blessing of the virtual shadow of the Dao. The appearance of Dao Jin Xian Dao.

Today's several lords of good fortune are honestly gathering lotus flowers to show their identities.

But Taoist masters and Taoist ancestors also have alternatives. For example, the Taoist seed condensed from the "Taiqing Great Five Elements Cave Zhenqingyun" by Kongji, the ancestor of the Five Elements, is the brilliance behind it, which is like the foundation of the universe.

For another example, the Dao Seed that Shi Xuan, the founder of Yin-Yang Dao, wanted to condense at first was a round, chubby, black and white bear.

But all the monks who practice the Dao of Yin and Yang will summon a Panda to fight for you when they mobilize the power of the Dao, what a joy it is.

Say the last sentence again: "Why is the fire of war burning, why are the autumn leaves falling; nature is invincible, and we are also confused; who holds the fist of anger? To protect the country and punish evil, Taoism will naturally eliminate the demons of the heart; the war is endless And the misfortunes never stop, why do we fight!"

In the ranks of transferring directly from the Xianxia universe to the fantasy universe, has the style of painting changed?

The Taiyin Jade Rabbit Dao species condensed by Luo Feng may be less expensive than the Panda Dao species.For example, in the future, there will probably be more female cultivators who will practice the Dao of Congenital Freezing Absolute.

After all, a fairy summoning the Jade Rabbit to fight is magnificent. If a muscular man summons the Jade Rabbit to descend to the earth, he must be Wu Gang, and his painting style will collapse.

"Congratulations to Daozu Dongjue!"

"Congratulations to Daoist Ancestor Dongjue~!"


While Luo Feng was thinking about it, the heavenly monarchs and Taoist monarchs near Yu Yutian came to congratulate him one after another. Although he did not show his holiness in front of people like Taoist Shi Xuan, he can be seen in all the heavens and worlds, but the vision of unity is so vast that it is inevitable to cover one boundary of.

In a few days, the news that there will be an extra Daoist Frozen Jue in the void universe will spread. This is a reminder and a respect.

Luo Feng smiled slightly: "Don't congratulate Pindao, but congratulate Teacher Yuyu for passing away and attaining supreme freedom."

All the heavenly monarchs and Taoist monarchs were astonished, and the aloof master of creation, Yuyu Taoist master, was detached!They didn't notice it at all.

Daoist Shenxiao's expression froze, and he nodded cautiously. As the teacher's accompanying spirit treasure, she couldn't detect the teacher's situation anymore.

Once you prove the Dao, you can use your two opposite innate Dao species as your roots to evolve your own Three Thousand Dao, which can no longer be killed by the Terminator and Xiangke Dao. Except for suppression, only the destruction of the universe in which you live will fall.

Several lords of good fortune did not make a move, but the teacher's aura disappeared. There is only one possibility, Taoist Yuyu really detached himself and passed away.

Taishi Mojun lost his voice and said: "But the teacher has only been able to prove good fortune for 10 years!"

The last great equatorial man who escaped detachment may have lingered in the position of the Lord of Creation for tens of millions of years before he detached himself.

Luo Feng explained with a smile: "If there are other conflicts that are intense, but there is no restraint in the opposite way, the step of joining the path to good fortune, in addition to grinding time, you have to break through the barriers like the previous realm, but compared to practicing three times. The difficulty is much simpler. The worst option is to join the opposite road with less intense conflicts."

"Teacher Harmony Congenital Yin-Yang and Congenital Chaos, conflicting with each other, naturally proves the time of eternity earlier."

A group of heavenly monarchs and Taoist monarchs thoughtfully, bowed their hands in thanks and said, "Thank you Dongjue Daozu for ordering."

"Ancestor of Dao." Daoist Xinghe had a complex look on his face, bowed his hands together and said, "Teacher, did he really leave behind? Do you have any instructions?"

For Master Xinghe, Luo Feng still had a good impression of him, and said with a smile: "Brother, you don't need to be too polite, the teacher didn't explain anything, everything can be done as usual."

Xinghe Daojun took a deep breath, everything was as usual, how could everything be as usual, without the protection of the Lord of Creation.Can these Daoist monarchs really practice as before?

Or is it said that Taoist Yu Yu's back-hand is the Xiantian Frozen Dao Patriarch, but even so, in the face of the three masters of good fortune, many Jinxian Dao Patriarchs can barely protect Yu Yutian.

Whether it's based on the teacher's kindness or the responsibility of Shengde Dao, Xinghe Daojun feels that he has to shoulder the responsibility of a big brother.

"Can Daozu help me?" Daoist Xinghe bowed deeply

A flash of understanding flashed in Luo Feng's eyes, and he smiled and said, "I'm also under Teacher Yuyu's seat, so there's no need to be like this."

"It's just that senior brother has too much concern in his heart, and I'm afraid it will hinder the way."

After hearing the words of Daozu Dongjue, the heavenly monarchs and Taoist monarchs were in an uproar. What kind of auspicious day is today?

Taishi Mojun, who had the worst relationship with Daoist Xinghe, was also worried: "Senior brother, why do you have to be like this..."

Taoist Qingyun and Taoist Shenxiao also hesitated to speak, and looked at Taoist Xinghe worriedly.

Xinghe Daojun chuckled: "If you can find your own way, you will understand the difficulty of joining the way. My practice is the way of holiness and virtue. If you are obsessed with worrying and forgetting your responsibilities, then that is the real way of joining the way." failure case."

"Fellow daoists, wait a minute. Daozu Dongjue will come later when Xinghe goes."

The beautiful young man with star-like pupils smiled freely, and with thousands of burdens, on the day when Taoist Yu Yu was transcended, and when Dong Jue Dao Patriarch became Taoist, he chose to conform to the Tao and be holy.

While Yu Yu Taoist Yu Wei is still there, while the Taoist ancestors of the heavens have not reacted, and while all the attention is on the Taoist ancestor Dongjue, hurry up and join the Tao!
In an instant, the Qing Yun above the head of Shengde Xinghe Daojun burst into billions of rays of light like time and water waves. Countless stars lit up and illuminated countless worlds. Bright justice.

Seeing the turn, Luo Feng smiled slightly: "Senior Brother Xinghe, go and come back quickly."

As he spoke, he pointed at the void, and a brilliant river of heaven flowed out from his fingertips. Seeing the blessings of his heart, Lord Xinghe Dao burst out laughing, carrying thousands of stars, and hundreds of millions of brilliance poured into the river of heaven.

The supreme brilliance washes the dark Tianhe, and the starlight of holiness drives away a little bit of darkness and impurities, and walks towards the pure and perfect.

In the dark, the three realms resonated, and Taoist Xinghe took the last step of the way.

Everyone watched this scene intently, and prayed for Taoist Xinghe, hoping that there would be another innate Taoist ancestor. It would be a joyous event if there were two Taoist ancestors in a day, and it would dilute the detached loneliness of Taoist Yuyu.

The brilliance of holiness, as clear as water, as bright as stars, as light as the sun and the moon, is the beacon that illuminates and guides everything.Where the avenues intersect, Master Xinghe expresses his feelings, condensing his own avenue of holiness.

"My generation's request! Heaven and earth establish a heart, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations!"

"There is no holiness in the universe, I cut off the holiness and endow it with concepts!"

This is the way of Lord Xinghe!Declare solemnly towards the void universe!Ze was bred by Cangsheng Galaxy Qingyun Xuanxuan to create the supreme, the most wonderful, and the most Taoous thing.

That is a rolling Milky Way, the stars are twinkling, and the time is rippling!
The Dao Seed that Taoist Xinghe chose to condense is not a lotus, but a star river, which illuminates the gloomy holy star river of people's hearts!
Take one step forward, the heavenly river flows, the sage is born, the brilliance shines through thousands!

The process was extremely short and the speed was extremely fast. It seemed that it was not like the Daoist Monarch joined the Tao, but the aura of holiness filled the world, telling the world that the innate holiness Xinghe Daozu was born.

Luo Feng nodded and said: "The stars enter the Tianhe River, and the sage with clear water exits!"

"Congratulations, brother."

Today, Yu Yu is detached, Dao Patriarch is enlightened!
The remaining three lords of good fortune cast their gazes one after another. After thinking for a while, they couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Yu Yu has a good method!"

(End of this chapter)

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