All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 680 Daoist Luo Feng

Chapter 680 Luofeng Daoist (35)

"The world-honored Fahai Lei Yinsheng once made four great vows, relying on the power of the Buddha's compassion, all sentient beings will achieve success. I only wish that the Buddha's Dharma will always flourish, that all sentient beings will find peace and happiness, that ignorance and troubles will always be eliminated, and that they will quickly achieve the supreme path of enlightenment: May all sentient beings in the ten directions and the three times obtain... the right fruit!"

All the heavens and myriad worlds seem to be thundering, like the roar of a big lion, playing the supreme Sanskrit sound faintly, and the avenue rumbles.

Fahai Tathagata, Fahai Leiyin Tathagata!The Tathagata World Honored One with supernatural powers!

The Golden Immortal Buddha who transcended hundreds of millions of monks, destroyed the galaxy with his palm, and gave birth to thousands of thoughts!
Ananda Tathagata did not have the slightest fear, because he is the way of innate interception, and Fahai Tathagata is the way of incarnation.

He is the second step of the Golden Immortal, who has condensed one flower and is about to condense two flowers. Fa Hai is the first step of the Golden Immortal, which can be condensed into one flower.

If Fahai Tathagata was the master of Liuli Buddha, Ananda Tathagata would have already fought hard at this moment.

"Why did Junior Brother stop me?" Ananda Tathagata showed pain on his face, the swastika number as many as the sands of the Ganges River lit up in his thin and tall hands, and a faint glazed light emerged, revealing a terrifying, magnificent, transcendent and unchanging power. All secrets, all changes, all avenues, and all phases are intercepted and held in the palm of your hand.

This is the avenue of innate interception!
Fahai Tathagata squeezed the flowers and smiled, with immeasurable light, immeasurable life, and immeasurable body blooming behind him, all sentient beings in all heavens and myriad worlds recited the name of Fahai, the sound of thunder.Broadcasting among the heavens, the sound of the Buddha's trumpet can be heard, which can be described as great mercy!
The Way of Incarnation forcibly held back the supreme interception. Although the speed of passing away was extremely fast and visible to the naked eye, it was intercepted after all.

"Brother is merciful, you shouldn't get involved in this mortal dispute." Fahai Tathagata proclaimed a Buddha's name: "This is a matter of Taoism, and it has nothing to do with my Buddhism."

Ananda Tathagata sighed slightly: "Fellow Ji Mie gave me the gift of half-master in the Yulan Basin meeting in the past, so I must save him."

"Junior brother really wants to stop me, don't blame me for not talking about fellowship."

"Both are golden immortals, you are only the patriarch of the acquired Tao, and the poor monk is the ancestor of the innate interception of luck!"

The long and thin hand stretched out again, glowing with boundless luster, forcibly trying to intercept a vast world, connected to the infinite body of the Fahai, and interpret the endless and indescribable true meaning of the supreme Buddhism.

This blow is unstoppable, this blow is unspeakable, this is the complete suppression of nature against acquired!

There are only 49 innate avenues in the void universe, and there are more than 3000 acquired avenues in total.

Fahai Tathagata smiled slightly: "Acquired, innate really so important?!"

If it is placed in the Great Desolate Universe in the hands of Lingbao Tianzun, Houtian Sword Dao does not know how many innate saints will be beaten, and the traces of Sword Dao will be imprinted in Taiyi.

Any evolution to the extreme is the supreme avenue. The innate avenue is more important than detachment, and the acquired avenue is more important than the foundation. If there are three thousand post-heaven ancestors sitting in this void universe, the calamity of returning the universe to the ruins can be postponed infinitely, and try to derive The timeline is the birth of a real parallel universe, marching towards the supreme diversity.

Ananda Tathagata shook his head: "The innate avenue of this universe is the way of detachment."

Pressing down with one palm, Jie Yun suppressed the incarnation, helpless.Because the Three Thousand Houtian Dao of our side is not self-derived, but evolved from the 49 Innate Dao, the two are originally the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Although the avatar avenue does not belong to the interception evolution, but the official rank is overwhelming!
This is the divine will, the supreme law set by the legendary Squid Taoist, the master of the universe.

Even if it is the incarnation of Daluo, the transformation of the innate spiritual treasure, or even the projection of the Sanqing, the five heavenly deities must abide by this rule.

This is the will of God, this is the rule of heaven!
Fahai Tathagata muttered: "Sooner or later this rule of heaven will be changed!"

Ananda Tathagata's pupils shrank, not because of Fahai Tathagata's arrogant words. How could his innate Dao, which had been proved through countless calamities, be shaken by his words.His astonishment was due to the traces of good fortune sprouting from Fahai Tathagata.

Fahai Tathagata seems to have peeked into the legendary avenue of innate creation!Want to sublimate the acquired incarnation dao-seed into the innate creation dao-seed!

No wonder he has the confidence to stop himself!No wonder he was confident and said that he would change the rules of heaven!

The Dao of Creation is the Xiantian Dao that is closest to the Houtian Dao. It can be said that the three thousand Houtian Dao are all related to good fortune.

"Junior brother is so brave~!" Ananda Tathagata's expression changed, and he no longer held back his hand to strike with all his strength. The avenues are separated, and there is no gentleman's demeanor.

"Ananda, you have forgotten me."

A voice that continued to be elegant and heart-pounding sounded.

On a bright and bright star, sitting cross-legged is a fresh and refined stunning girl, wearing an ivory white complicated dress, with a jade face lightly brushed, moon eyebrows and star eyes, like an orchid in an empty valley, it is the ancestor of the innate Yi Dao. picture.

She is good friends with Daozu Qingyun, and also has many ties to Yu Yu's lineage.

The more important point is that the avenue of Xiantianyi is restrained by the avenue of Xiantian Jieyun, and the avenue of Xiantian Jieyun is also the future of Hetu.

The enemy of the Taoist ancestors is a friend. Today, I will try my best to stop Ananda Tathagata, let Fahai Tathagata comprehend the creation, and be promoted to the ancestor of Taoism.

Daozu's fighting method does not leave the slightest breath of fireworks, and there is no such thing as the [-] rounds of the battle in the secular legend. Either it is stalemate, or the winner is decided in just a few breaths!
A bright golden lotus flower above Fahai Tathagata's head will not open until a trace of good fortune is injected, slowly blooming, the situation changes, little rays of light gather, tumbling and boiling, and in an instant the golden lotus bone turns into a green flower. The lucky green lotus that wants to drip.

Seeing this, Ananda Tathagata let out a long sigh, knowing that the opportunity must not be missed, he would not come again, no longer obstruct Fa Hai Tathagata, and wanted to escape to the Qingjing Liulitian.

However, how could Fahai Tathagata, the ancestor of the new creation, let him get what he wanted? In an instant, Fahai and Hetu shot together.

In an instant, the secret was clear, but the number of Dayan became fifty, and there was no chance of survival. The monks who practiced the Dao of Interception were either injured and sluggish due to backlash, or their cultivation base disappeared in a short period of time.

The avenue of congenital interception was vacated.

The road ahead of Hetu is bright, and Fahai Tathagata has become the only innate Taoist ancestor under the head of Liuli Buddha, which is quite a bit of the charm of Xuanwumen's succession method.

Hetu looked at Fahai Tathagata curiously, bit his teeth lightly, and asked softly, "Why did you help me?"

Logically speaking, Fahai Tathagata is a Buddhist, so he should be closer to Ananda Tathagata.

Fahai Tathagata smiled together: "Because Fahai is the east wind, and the east wind is Fahai!"

Daoist Zuluo, who was born frozen and exorbitant, laughed loudly: "Wonderful." '

Forcibly being hit by Zulong, he was exiled to an unknown time and space by Zulong's space avenue. Even Zulong couldn't find Luo Feng for a while.

It's really good to use the strength of your opponent to do your own thing.

Immediately afterwards, the void trembled, and in front of countless monks in the heavens and myriad worlds, a lunar jade rabbit and a verdant lotus flower appeared.

The Jade Rabbit perched on the green lotus, and in the void, the avenue of congenital good fortune and the avenue of congenital freezing resonate, and the third lotus flower is about to be conceived in the dark.

The three thousand avenues vibrated together, the universe changed color, Luo Feng smiled slightly, pointed at the void, a trace of good fortune evolved, and a world of heavens was opened up.

Dongfeng and Fahai are one, the two avenues are intertwined and staggered, condensing three flowers, and opening three thousand avenues.

Since then, Luofeng has proved good fortune one step at a time~!

(End of this chapter)

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