All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 69 Zheng Zha who opened the modifier

Chapter 69 Zheng Zha, who opened the modifier (one more)
Reincarnator: Luo Feng (The Lord of God)
Number: 00-0
Skills: Breathing Ancestor Qi Art: 140 four layers; nine-turn golden body: three heavens; pure soul;

Achievements: Senior Dharma Immortal, Elder of the Shangqing School;
Shouyuan: No disaster

Props: Amon's Gift;

Permission: Time and Space Come (World Coordinates)

Stepping into the innate way, Luo Feng almost completely grasped the fragments of the Lord God.

In the skill line, there is an extra pure essence, which is the performance of the flower of the gods blooming at the [-]th grade and the perfection of the soul.

What attracted Luo Feng's attention was Shouyuan.

Staring at the word "no disaster", Luo Feng was thoughtful.

The day after tomorrow returns to the innate and transforms into a congenital spirit. A little ancestor of the ancestors will remain in the void forever.

There is no longer the crisis of Shouyuan, it can be called the same life as the sky, and immortality.

Wind, fire, thunder, and electricity can no longer threaten the safety of life.

Internal disasters can no longer affect themselves.

This is no disaster.

But disaster-free is not disaster-free.

External catastrophe still exists. If an atomic bomb hits you, your life will definitely be in danger~!

Not to die, but to be seriously injured.

No disasters, not enough insurance, need no disasters and no disasters, to be guaranteed.

Hundreds of millions of divine senses run, analyze the knowledge in their minds, and sparks of wisdom collide wildly.

After pondering for a long time, Luo Feng murmured speculatively: "Three flowers gather on the top, and five qi are in harmony. Is this the next step?"

Only by gathering the top three flowers and condensing the five qi in the chest can one jump out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements.

All things in the world are composed of five elements. Only by comprehending the Dao of the five elements and mastering the mysteries of the five elements can we not be harmed by all things in the universe.

Adds five immunities to self.This is the role of the five qi!
Luo Feng named this realm Jindan!

The three flowers gathered on the top are innate, and the five energies are the golden elixir.


After the upgrade, it is necessary to save people.

First, the routine.

Try it out, wake up outside the body.

This guy Zheng Zha is still sleeping. If it wasn't for the fact that his body was getting stronger and stronger, Luo Feng would have thought that this guy was dead.

The newly released congenital cultivator Luo Feng glanced at it, Zheng · unremarkable · actual super hard · physical body · Zha
Clap it down with a palm.

Zheng Zha was unscathed, but Luo Feng was shaken back a step or two.

In this experiment, it was tested that the effects of the forces are mutual.


Violence broke the game, still not working

Luo Feng began to use the means of various factions, dancing gods, summoning souls, praying, burning paper, singing...

All the methods that appeared in the Inhuman Realm were used.

Wonderful means and rich variety.

It is the Southern Border Great Gu Master, a necromancer who specializes in spiritual cultivation, and is ashamed to see it.

However, Zheng Zha remained motionless.

Even if Luo Feng was promoted to Innate and his power increased by a hundred times, it would not help.


Luo Feng's face sank, it was time to show his last move.

With a big wave of his hand, he activated all the defensive formations in the valley, the outer third layer, the inner fog second layer, the space teleportation by the stream, the explosive pit by the valley...

Make sure, no one will suddenly break in and create a bloody plot.

Luo Feng sighed, stretched out his fingertips, and gently recited the mind-purifying mantra.

Taishang star, the strain never stops

exorcise evil spirits, protect life

Wisdom is clear, peace of mind

The three souls are forever, and the soul is not lost

The Taoist scriptures are long, and there is no measure of human beings. Vitality fluctuates with recitation, and a drop of water floats in the void.

Luo Feng looked solemn, and with a flick of his finger, the water droplets were divided into thousands, and then, a hundred drops, a thousand drops, a thousand drops, a void appeared.

Looking at the sky, Luo Feng muttered, "Lao Zheng, you won't wake up this time. Even God won't help you."

Sitting cross-legged across from Zheng Zha, the treasured image was solemn, and in an instant, the pure essence came out of the body.

Between breaths, ten thousand drops of Jingxin Divine Liquid broke through Zheng Zha's eyebrows and opened a crack.

Between the light and flint, Luo Feng Yuanshen stepped into the Zheng Zha Lingtai with lightning speed!

Other people's spiritual platform, everything is white.

I do not know how long it has been.

A roar suddenly rang out between Zheng Zha's Lingtai: "Sleep, you're paralyzed, hey!"

The power of the primordial spirit swelled, and the white mist dissipated.

Luo Feng saw that Zheng Zha was on the sunny beach, following a loli girl, chatting and smiling.

This is Zheng Zha's spiritual world, and everything comes from his fantasy.

Luo Feng's face turned dark, and I was outside to help you find a cure.

You are here looking for flowers and willows, talking about love, courting death!
Luo Feng doesn't compare, just do it.

This is obviously Zheng Zha's spiritual world. If you don't wake up this guy, you can't talk about it.

The moment he saw Luo Feng, Zheng Zha froze for a moment, took two steps forward, and was about to say some chicken soup.

Comfort Luo Feng and deceive himself.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud roar in the ear.


"Do it, it's over!"

Luo Feng shouted, and in Zheng Zha's terrified eyes, the golden body of the law was revealed.

The human immortal's appearance is as high as ten thousand feet, and the golden body stands upright, like a small Pangu.

Stepping on the mountains, rivers and the universe in one step, the void suddenly shattered, and the space exploded.

Originally, the sunny Hawaii beach, which was like summer in all seasons, turned into doomsday, surrounded by black hole-like space cracks.

Zheng Zha fell from heaven to hell.

Luo Feng smiled grimly and picked up Zheng Zha, just like the Buddha captured Sun Wukong.

"I hit!!!"

A slap slapped it down.

Luo Feng shouted angrily: "Zheng Zha wakes up, don't be afraid of any difficulties we encounter!"

"The best way to overcome fear is to face it!!!"

"Ola Ora Ora... Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da..."


In the end, Zheng Zha woke up.

It was not awakened by Luo Feng, but awakened by himself.

At the moment of waking up, it was like having a nightmare, subconsciously resisted, and suddenly threw a punch.

In an instant, the mountain in the distance was blasted into ruins.

Although Luo Feng lightly avoided this blow.

However, looking at the mountains in the distance, and then looking at Zheng Zha who had turned on the modifier, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

I originally thought that I had opened and hung up, but I didn't expect Zheng Zha to open the modifier directly.

Zheng Zha shook his head and asked unwillingly, "Is this the reality?"

Luo Feng said blankly: "Of course it's a dream, look at the mountain outside, tsk tsk tsk, it's cleaner than me."

"Just like you, you still build a fart talisman. Simply, my name is Tianfu Zhenxian Luofeng, how about your name is Zheng Zha, the real person of Pangu?!"

It was like a dream, and people couldn't tell the truth from the false. Zheng Zha was silent for a long time, and murmured: "It's all a dream?!"

Luo Feng slapped it down and said coldly, "When you wake up, don't pretend to be asleep."

"I don't know, you have experienced anything in your dreams, and I don't know why your physical body has become stronger."

"However, I know that dreams are always dreams, and there is no possibility of realization in reality."

"Reality is always reality. Even if he is extremely cruel and extremely difficult, there is still a possibility of realization."

A slap made Zheng Zha sober a lot.

Zheng Zha thought for a long time, looked at the sky, then looked at the collapsed mountain in the distance, nodded and said, "You are right."

Slowly stood up, took a pot and cleaned it up for myself.

The person is still the same person, the temperament has changed a lot.

If it is said that Luo Feng, as an otaku, is tolerant, the line of goodness in his heart is extremely low, before crossing the bottom line, he is easy-going and does not want to cause trouble.

Once the bottom line is crossed, the shot should never be soft, and you will see things very thoroughly.

Zheng Zha is an adult who has experienced facts. He seems to be mature, but he has certain illusions about the impossible.

This big dream evokes fantasy, but also shatters fantasy.

back to reality.

(End of this chapter)

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