All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 696 Luosang, it's time to cut Zulong again

Chapter 696 Lausanne, it's time to cut the ancestral dragon again

The heavenly court is powerful to suppress the heavenly court, and the Buddhist sect is powerful to suppress the Buddhist sect. Conquer by overhanging, divide and conquer, will always be the essence of the great game of prehistoric times.

Seeing him get up from the Zhu Tower, seeing him entertaining guests, seeing his building collapsed, the three clans in the past, the Liches in the past, and the Shang Dynasty today.

In the future, Tianzhou and Xianqin will all embark on the same trend.

This is God's will, this is the common will of Hong Huang Da Luo.

The eternal dynasty can exist in the time branch, stand-alone universe, but it must not appear on the time axis of the prehistoric universe.

Eternity must be decayed, and decay must be backward. This is not what Da Luo Tianzun, who is eager to progress, wants to see.

Looking at the torrential river rushing forward day and night, the River God couldn't help but feel a little melancholy. Although he controls the time, he can't change his direction.

"The general trend is unstoppable. If we reach the age of the gods and Han, how should we deal with it?"

River god asked
In the face of the general trend, the protagonists of each era have their own choices. Yin Shang speculates on Jiejiao. If Jiejiao can win, the Yin Shang Dynasty will continue for another calamity until the next Conferred God arrives.

If it was the era of Emperor Shenhan, how should Luo choose?

Emperor Dongyin showed a smile: "The so-called will of heaven is Da Luo's will. It is very simple to change the will of heaven."

"Winning the majority and attacking the small ones is the way."

"Block the timeline, restrict Da Luo's backtracking and re-opening, and the gods will be able to continue!"

"This is the established history, which cannot be changed!"

The God of the River sighed: "Can this be realized? Every big Luo has his own ideas, how can he win collectively, even if he pays profit compensation, at most he can win over a few big Luos."

Emperor Dongyin laughed and said: "The lower ones move people's hearts with benefits, the middle ones move people's hearts with painted cakes, and the upper ones move people's hearts with Dao ideas."

"Among the wilderness, the human race has the most Daluo."

"As long as the big Luos of the human race in Hongyun Cave agree with my ideas, and then pay benefits to win over the neutral big Luos, we can get most of the support of God's will."

The God of the River asked again: "So, what is our philosophy?"

Emperor Dongyin sat cross-legged by the river with a peaceful expression, and talked eloquently: "The protagonist of each generation has his historical mission, and this is the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Emperor Zhuanxu's destiny is the ultimate heavenly power. For the first time, divine power was placed under the monarchy. Yao, Shunyu's destiny was to govern the great waters, calm down the waters, transform from a tribe to a dynasty, and from a clan to a country."

"The destiny of Xia and Shang is to establish the status of the people of the country, while the destiny of Tianzhou is to divide the feudal system."

"Incorporate totems, ancestral spirits, demon gods...all the powers of the half-human race into the human race territory."

"Since then, the emperor of the human race has turned into the emperor of all races, and the human race is the leader of all spirits. Only then can we talk about the way of humanity, and only then can we keep pace with the way of heaven."

"Whoever completes this mission is the Son of Destiny!"

"For this reason, Huangdi Xuanyuan specially went to meet Di Xin Zishou before conferring the gods and opening the catastrophe. He gave Di Xin a chance."

The God of the River said softly: "The heart is like white clouds and is always at ease, and the mind is like flowing water. When the clouds disperse and the moon is in the sky, the water-dry pearl appears."

This is the question of Xuanyuan Huangdi, asking whether Emperor Xin has great perseverance to reform from top to bottom, so as to revolutionize the destiny.

Emperor Dongyin sighed and said, "It has been reformed, but it has not been completely reformed. There are slave owners again in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and the great princes... a lot of blood was shed in vain. And it was backlashed."

"Tian Zhou also took advantage of the opportunity to make a big difference with a small one, preparing to complete the next destiny."

River God nodded and said: "I understand, your grasp is destiny, and your idea is the next destiny."

"After enfeoffment, it will be unified."

Emperor Dongyin said with a smile: "Exactly. After the great unification, the destiny remains the same. Every innovation seems to have a huge change, but in fact it is the central unification in essence. The rest are small details."

"As long as this destiny is grasped, the divine man will be able to prosper water virtues once, fire virtues twice, earth virtues three times, wood virtues four times, metal virtues five times, endlessly, covering Ghost Jin, Di Sui, Shengtang, Dao Song, Moyuan, Wuming, Yaoqing, many timelines."

"Until the next coming of the destiny of the republic, it will last for countless calamities."

River God Luo Feng nodded: "I understand."

The turbulent river of time under the feet spreads through the void, flows through endless gaps, billions of branches, and countless universes, filling every realm where spiritual light rises.

With the power of infinite extension, the River God turned his head and asked: "Dear friends, do you understand?"

The river god and the emperor are both Luo Feng, so naturally they are not bored enough to chat with themselves.

This conversation was for Zhutian Daluo.The two are doing ppts, giving speeches, and attracting investment.

There was a moment of silence in the void, and for a long time, I don't know where it is in the highest world of the void, there is an old and cold voice: "When you have defeated Xianqin, let's discuss this matter."

As soon as this remark came out, countless compound voices sounded.It expresses the same meaning.

It is indeed a good blueprint to control the unification of destiny, although it is desirable.

But the real problem is that it is Xianqin who truly inherits the destiny of the great unification, and he is the No. 1 inheritor of the destiny.

Han inherits the Qin system, as long as Xianqin is not finished, Zulong can do the first, second, third...

What Shenhan promised is beautiful, but Xianqin is the real hardcore, truly powerful.

The young man of the river god and the emperor of Dongyin looked at each other, and said in unison: "Can you play with the ancestor dragon without cutting it?!"

All the problems have returned to the original starting point, generation after generation of gods, generation after generation of ancestor dragons.

Fortunately, Luo Feng and his group were not the only ones who wanted to cut the Zulong. After a while, some people came along the long river of time, projecting their aura.

"Luo Dao is friendly." The old voice sounded again, and Da Luo, who was holding a scepter, greeted with a smile
Just now he was the first to take the lead in refuting Luo Feng.

For a while, the River God was silent, and he could only say that Da Luo was all on the outside and another on the back.

As if he had seen the mind of the God of the River, Da Luo, holding the stick, said with a smile: "What is called real is empty, and empty is real."

"Everything is a confused ancestral dragon."

The God of the River nodded, I understand that, no one is a [-]-year-old, or everyone is a [-]-year-old.

"Dare to ask your real name?" Heshen asked.
Holding a stick, Da Luo stroked his beard and said: "The poor way is a bear."

Bear?The God of the River asked thoughtfully: "But the ancestor of the Chu people? One of the ancestors of Taoism, Xiong Daluo?"

The bear shook his head and said humbly, "The Dao ancestor is Li Er, and the poor Taoist is just a forerunner, just like the fireflies beside the sun and the moon."

"I can't bear these two words."

Dao ancestor is the ancestor of one way, and it can also be the ancestor of Taoism. Before Lao Tzu was born, there were many Tao ancestors.

After Lao Tzu was born, there was only one Dao Patriarch.

But it can make a big Luo so humble.Regarding this, the God of the River could only feel sorry for Lao Tzu.

(End of this chapter)

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