Chapter 702
Taoist Ran Deng has a profound background and ancient heels. I don't know whether it is the great sage of Taoism who turned to Buddhism and shouldered the mission, or whether Dingguang Buddha worshiped under the sect of Chanjiao in the past, and it was the Tathagata who realized the fruit of Daluo.

When Taoist Ran Deng was first exposed to the perspective of sentient beings, he was already Taiyi Daluo, and he became the first person in Mahayana Buddhism. He did not abdicate until the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha. One of the priests.

After Sakyamuni Nirvana, Dingguang Buddha worshiped Chanjiao as the deputy leader, Lantern Taoist. Otherwise, even if Duobao Tathagata won the future star Maitreya, he would not be able to be the leader of Daleiyin Temple.

But even with such great power, the innate spiritual treasures on his body are only a few pieces, and they are not as good as a third-generation Xuanmen disciple. Daoist Ran Deng couldn't help but feel sad for a while.

"Where have all my innate spirit treasures gone?" Daoist Ran Deng sighed in his heart, and suddenly narrowed his eyes. That's right, where did his innate spirit treasure go? Why didn't he have the slightest impression.

It is absolutely unreasonable and absolutely abnormal that the wealth of the Buddha in the past was not as high as that of a three-generation disciple.I must have forgotten something.

Daoist Ran Deng pondered for a long time, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. He is a Da Luo of the Taiyi series. Even the Dao Patriarch of the Sanqing, Pan Gu Da Luo can't interfere with his memory. If the memory is missing, there is only one situation.

"That is, I sealed my own memory myself."

"It must be for some kind of plan!"

"The chess game of Fengshen is really interesting." Daoist Ran Deng smiled and looked in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

Although I don't know what I'm planning, but it must have something to do with Chan.

Nezha left Xiqi and set off towards Tiangong. Although he didn't know where Taoist Duer was, he knew that Emperor Dongyin lived on the side of the Tianhe River.

Where is Tianhe?

Looking up at the starry sky, the sky full of stars is a galaxy hanging down, the sky is full of stars, and there are countless clouds.

Nezha drove the Hot Wheels and wandered around the Tianhe River, gazing at the Zhoutian Galaxy, a little bit of starlight, and couldn't help frowning. He has been wandering for a long time, why can't he see a trace of people.

It stands to reason that stepping into Tianhe means arriving at the domain of Emperor Dongyin, and it should have been sent by Tianzun to escort his family.

Looking at the surrounding space, Nezha suddenly yelled loudly, three heads and six arms manifested the sky and the earth, the sky was full of flames, and the spear shot out like a dragon, piercing the void and shattering the illusory time and space.

Looking at the vast expanse of whiteness, Nezha sneered: "It really is a phantom formation!"

"Life and death are disillusioned and obscured, the virtual and the real are constantly exchanged, evolving infinite universes, opening up billions of great universes, but like dust and bubbles, no wonder they can hide from my perception!"

"Life and death are disillusioned with bubbles, and the two worlds wait for the dust. This is the dust array of the two appearances."

"He Fangxiao is young, dare to plot against your grandpa Nezha, and still hasn't shown his original shape!"

At the end of the Tianhe River, peach blossoms were scattered, and Taoist Yiyuan on the futon looked at the sea of ​​stars and the flames in the sky, and couldn't help smiling slightly: "I heard that Nezha was rebellious and unruly, killing countless people like a madman, and even killed himself in the end. Shaving the flesh for the mother, cutting the bones for the father, this is really the case today.”

Beside Daojun, Longxian Daotong on one side said worriedly: "Brother, open the door quickly, Li Nezha, who is not restrained by his parents and teachers, is a little lunatic, and he will accidentally break the dust array of Liangyi later."

Daoist Yiyuan laughed lightly: "Junior brother, you underestimate the teacher too much. The Liangyi dust array is only the outermost."

Long Xian looked down in amazement, and saw that after Nezha broke the dust array of Liangyi, starlight suddenly gathered around the sea of ​​stars, and a total of 12 Jingzhao Liangyi dust array manifested, relying on the infinite Milky Way, The immeasurable sea of ​​stars has built a large dust array of Liangyi.

What Nezha shattered just now is just a point among the 12 Jingzhao stars, just like a grain of constant sand, a drop in the ocean.

Daoist Yiyuan smiled and said: "The big baby sets the small baby, unlimited mating is the teacher's housekeeping skill. Junior brother, you go and bring that Nezha up."

Long Xian was dumbfounded, and nodded instinctively.

Nezha, who shattered one of the 12 Jingzhao formations, looked at the dense sea of ​​stars, and suddenly felt upset and was about to fight.

Suddenly, a white dress floated past, and a Taoist boy with red lips and white teeth, as delicate as a fairy, stood in the void, looking at Nezha with a smile.

"Long time no see."

In an instant, Nezha calmed down, scratched his head and smiled, "Long time no see."

Nezha did his own way all his life, but he rarely owed others. Even his parents would shave their flesh to return to their mother, and cut their bones to return to their father.But there are only a few times when I feel guilty.

When Donghai was killed, Nezha fought more and more bravely, influenced by Lingzhuzi's innate irascibility, and in a fit of rage he skinned Ao Bing with cramps. Although he regretted it afterwards, it was useless.

Fortunately, Ao Bing practiced with Emperor Dongyin later, so that the ending of his soul flying away was avoided.

Ao Bing sighed slightly: "You also restrain your anger a little, don't shoot casually."Just now you are broken is my teacher's mountain protection array, there are as many as Jingzhao like this. '

"You have to break them one by one, until the year of the monkey."

Nezha said with a hippie smile, "Isn't there still you here?"

Ao Bing shook his head, stretched out his hand and said, "Come with me."

Ao Bing has practiced under the master of water for many years, and Ao Bing's Taoism has improved a lot. With a simple swipe, he opened up a dragon road all over the sky, pointing directly to the palace deep in the dark.

Nezha followed Ao Bing to visit Emperor Yin of Shuiyuan Cave, and borrowed the Dingfeng Pearl.

"Dingfengzhu?" Dongyin Emperor pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "You go and wait outside the door, and I will let my second disciple Yiyuan Daojun accompany you to the lower realm later."

Nezha bowed happily, and took Ao Bing outside the palace to renew his old love.

There are only Yiyuan Daojun and Dongyin Emperor outside the palace, and there are no outsiders.Daoist Yiyuan asked puzzledly: "Isn't the teacher always hating being entangled in cause and effect, and the world of mortals coming to the door?"

"Why did you take the initiative to intervene in the Conferred God Realm today?"

Emperor Dongyin asked back: "Do you know that Daoist Du'er can leave even an ordinary Daluo, why can't the Twelve Heavenly Venerates break away from the Conferred Gods, instead, they have to take the initiative to be robbed every time they are Conferred Gods?"

Daoist Yiyuan was silent for a while and said: "According to the most popular saying in Honghuang, Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains explained and taught Yuanshi Datianzun. The Haotian God ordered the first twelve immortals to be ministers, so the three religions are discussed together, and the gods are conferred a great calamity?"

Emperor Dongyin smiled mysteriously: "Then you know why the Twelve Golden Immortals committed the misfortune of the world of mortals, and they were killed and punished."

Daoist Yiyuan shook his head. He just came to Honghuang not long ago, so how could he know such a thing.

Emperor Dongyin said in a low voice: "The killing of the Twelve Golden Immortals came from the Battle of Zhuolu. They were doing things for Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor!"

"Then Guang Chengzi is the emperor's teacher!"

Daoist Yiyuan suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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