All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 705 Under the Daluo there are bubbles

Chapter 705 Under the Daluo there are bubbles
Looking at Taoist Yiyuan, he nodded thoughtfully: "Uncle Shi means that Da Luo can only be regarded as your disciple if he proves Taiyi."

"Of course." Jiang Taigong nodded and said: "If you don't prove the Dao Taiyi, you can't become a Daluo, it will be nothing after all."

"It's not just me, it's also the consensus of the heavenly venerables and the great sages of the ten directions. Only disciples who have transcended are considered true orthodox disciples."

"There is a saying in Buddhism that is right. All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such."

"It's just a bubble after all if you can't be detached. It's not that we are ruthless, but that the most powerful golden immortal can't escape the power of returning to the ruins, and can't live without immeasurable kalpas."

"Time and time again, the only companions who are fellow Taoists are Da Luo and Tai Yi, and at most the Tathagata is added."

Talking, talking, I don't know who I thought of, the grandfather's eyes flickered with vicissitudes, and he couldn't help sighing slightly: "You and fellow Taoist Du'e are both proving the way in this era. After a few Pangu eras, you will understand what we are waiting for!" mood."

"At this stage, it is the most important thing to help your big brother escape. Although it is still too early to reach immeasurable calamity, and the multiverse is still booming, we still need to prepare earlier."

"If you miss this era, even if you survive under the protection of Daluo, you will only be able to live in the heart of Zhulong Denghuo like the sentient beings in the Candle Dragon Era. Everything is fixed and there will be no change. It seems that life is real death."

Daoist Yiyuan cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Grandpa, for your suggestion."

The grandfather smiled slightly: "That's the end of the conversation, you can go."

Daoist Yiyuan bowed respectfully again, and slowly retreated.

Looking at the distant figure of Daoist Yiyuan, it seems that a certain figure from a long time ago overlapped, also so young and so full of vigor.The grandfather couldn't help laughing at himself: "Don't dare to go deep, afraid of a big dream, dare not count the hexagrams, afraid of the impermanence of the heavens."

"There is no robbery in the big Luo, robbery for yourself."

The most uncomfortable thing in the world is not having nothing, but after paying, nothing is returned.

I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

Outside the big tent, the wind roared and rolled up banners and flags, which aroused someone's heartstrings.

Taigong looked at the dissipated figure of Daoist Yiyuan, then at the jade box in his hand, pondered for a long time, put it back and forth several times, and finally opened the jade box.

How many Pangu epochs have passed, and he also wants to introduce some variables. It is always the same, which is too boring. It is always the same, and some obsessions of the grandpa are irreversible.

The mutton fat jade box originally contained Sanguang Shenshui, and under the Shenshui was a letter, and at the end of the letter was a line of Zhu Zhu - burn after reading.

When a flame appeared, the three colors were separated, burning the space, endlessly.

After the letter was burned, Luo Feng appeared distracted, looked at the samadhi real fire and smiled slightly: "The heart is the monarch fire, also known as the god fire, and its name is Shangmei; the kidney is the minister fire, also known as the essence fire, its name It is called Zhongmei; the bladder, that is, the sea of ​​Qi under the navel, is called Minhuo, and its name is Xiamei. This is the real fire of Samadhi."

"This is the method of an immortal to reach the peak of energy and spirit, and it already belongs to the category of supernatural powers. Grandpa's hand is not weaker than ordinary golden immortals."

"Yuanshi Da Tianzun said that you are hard to achieve immortality, and your aptitude is dull. I am afraid it is not true."

Jiang Taiping said indifferently: "Mr. Yuanshi hoped that Pindao would take over as Yuxu's head teacher, but after several Pangu epochs, he only proved that it was too easy to become Pangu, but the teacher's request was rejected by Pindao. But Yuanshi The teacher is disappointed."

Luo Feng: …………

It turned out to be like this, it turned out that this is the truth of the impossibility of immortality, and the inability to prove the Dao with emotion is due to dull aptitude.

No wonder there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that explaining education pays attention to following one's feet, and feelings are not big, so you don't accept them, right?

Sure enough, the book Feng Shen Yan Yi is all nonsense.

"Then how did this word spread?" Luo Feng asked curiously

Jiang Ziya looked in the direction of West Kunlun, and couldn't help saying sadly: "Back then, Teacher Yuanshi said in West Kunlun: If you don't prove Pangu, it's hard to achieve immortality."

"Pindao just replied, the prescription is too easy, and the aptitude is dull."

"It spread out for some reason, and spread throughout the heavens and worlds for several consecutive Pan Gu eras."

Fan, it's really extraordinary.

Jiang Ziya didn't know how the word got out, but Luo Feng did.

If he was Da Luo who was present at the time, after suffering a huge trauma, the rumors spread must be more serious than this one.

After being silent for a while, Jiang Ziya put away the real fire of samadhi and asked, "Tianzun came secretly, maybe he didn't just listen to a few allusions."

"Of course not." Luo Feng coughed twice, solemnly said: "The so-called general trend of the world, long-term division must unite, long-term unity must divide..."

Jiang Ziya followed Luo Feng's words and continued: "Seven kingdoms fought over the weekend and were merged into Qin. After Qin was destroyed, Chu and Han fought and merged into Han. The Han Dynasty revolted from the ancestor Gaozu who cut the white snake and unified the world. Guangwu Zhongxing was passed on to Emperor Xian, and it was divided into three kingdoms."

"I've watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms. A few days ago, when Chen Zhonglin and Wu Chengen were fighting in the underworld, I was invited to help. Luo Guanzhong and Cao Xueqin were also present."

Luo Feng immediately asked: "I've read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, does Grandpa have the last forty chapters of the Dream of the Red Chamber."

The grandfather smiled slightly: "Of course there are."

Luo Feng was overjoyed immediately: "I would like to hear the details!"

Flipping his hands a bit, Kongkong produced four more books. The grandfather smiled slightly and said: "Let's say No. 80, once Wukong became a Buddha and returned to the East, he proposed marriage to the Lin family to fix the universe. "

The corner of Luo Feng's mouth twitched: "Why is there such a thing as fighting against Buddha?"

The Grand Duke smiled lightly and said, "You don't know, the last forty chapters were written by Cao Xueqin in the Underworld. Wu Cheng'en, Luo Guanzhong and others were there when writing. The so-called reference, reference, is about the same."

Luo Feng suddenly had an ominous premonition, and hurriedly asked: "What is No. 80 written in the second chapter?"

The Grandfather flipped through the book in his hand, and said unhurriedly: "It was Lin Daiyu who pulled out the weeping willow angrily..."

"Enough!" Luo Feng couldn't listen any longer, and hurriedly said: "Grandpa, let's get down to business."

Grandpa shook his head, he was still too young, if old Luo came here, he must have listened with gusto.

"Let's talk about the general trend of the world first." Luo Feng cupped his hands and said, "You created Tianzhou, but it was overthrown by Xianqin Zulong. Are you willing?"

Grandpa narrowed his eyes: "Of course I don't want to, but the general trend of history is like this, so what can I do."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "The trend of history is unstoppable, which is good, but doesn't Grandpa want to take revenge once?"

When the grandpa heard the words, he immediately smiled and said, "You want to drag me into your godly warship. But what good does it do me?"

"Tianzhou has already perished, whether it is Xianqin or Shenhan, it is a unified human empire."

"No more enfeoffments, there is no place for me in Qi."

 Things didn't end yesterday, I didn't have time to update, I didn't go home until [-] o'clock today.

(End of this chapter)

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