All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 710 How can the formation method be such an inconvenience

Chapter 710 How can the formation method be such an inconvenience
One orb is clear and blooms with hundreds of millions of light, crosses all living beings, relieves suffering, recites a Buddha's name, ascends to the upper realm of true oneness, enjoys the joy of inexistence and immortality, and the pain of eternal freedom.

The eyes of the Da Luo Tianzun are not on eternity, because the Da Luo Tianzun has broken away from low-level interests, and the pursuit is the practice of the Dao and his own value.In their view, the eternity that cannot practice their own way and realize their own value is a permanent cage, just like the demon ancestor who was suppressed in Guixu.

The Demon Ancestor can open up endless worlds in Return to the Ruins, and enjoy himself as a blessing, but what can he get?There are only vulgar glory and wealth, power and beauty, and worldly enjoyment.Unable to practice one's own value and practice one's own way, one is a spiritual prisoner after all.

The real power of the Zhenyi Orb lies in that it carries the perfection of the past, the sky of the present, and the holy ruins of the future. The dark side of the triple multiverse is the opposite of the Tao!
Those who are against it are the movement of the Tao; those who are weak are the function of the Tao.Everything in the world is born of being, and being is born of non-existence.

How powerful is the power of the spirit? Chaos has turned into a prehistoric place because of Pangu's spirit, and the human race is endlessly alive because of the humane spirit. The spirit of one person is like a spark, and the spirit of a group of people can start a prairie fire!

The triple universe, the righteousness of the ages, condensed the roars of sorrows and joys of countless emperors and emperors. Generations of supreme beings fell and changed, and the era changed, but the common people rose and the belief in resisting darkness, like a blazing red flame, never perished.

What a mighty power this is, what a mighty force this is!
One bead is enough to blow the brains of the real body of a Chaos Demon God into a bowl of salty tofu brains.

Seeing that the eyelids of the heavenly gods are jumping, the Taiyi gods can't help but touch the back of their heads and spine.

Daoist Yiyuan laughed lightly and said, "This bead breaks chaos, and it can break through ten absolute formations."

King Wu was overjoyed immediately, his ally was really strong, he couldn't help but stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "Then Daoist Lao will be here."

When he came to the front of the two armies, according to the etiquette, he had to talk coquettishly first, so Jiang Taigong rode out on a four-legged elephant, and facing the soldiers of the two armies, he said solemnly and righteously: "The number of days changes, and the artifacts are easier. This is the law of nature."

"Emperor Xin is not benevolent, why should the grand master help the emperor to abuse and brutalize living beings?"

"Today, there are millions of gods in my heaven and week, the gods are like rain, and the gods are thousands of members. Forgive the fluorescent light of the rotten grass in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, how can it compare with the bright moon in the sky? Isn't it beautiful to be entrusted with the position of Marquis, the country is safe and the people are happy?"

Hearing the words, the grand master almost became angry. He rode a black unicorn, stepped on the mountains and rivers, and cursed in a thunderous voice: "Jiang Ziya, I thought you, as a veteran of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and the father of Tianzhou, came to the front of the battle and faced the two armies. Soldiers, there must be high opinions, I never expected to say such vulgar words!"

"I have known about Jiang Ziya's life. You lived in the ruins of Kunlun, and Prime Minister Bi Gan promoted you to be an official. You should be a doctor. You should be the king to help the country, and the dynasty to prosper the business. Why do you help the rebels and conspire to usurp the throne! The crime is serious , heaven and earth cannot tolerate it!"

"Such a rebellious minister, how dare he claim the number of days in front of our army!"

Jiang Taigong laughed loudly, held up his whip and said: "Since Nuwa created man, evil spirits have been rampant, the world has been in dispute, the human race and society are in danger of being overwhelmed, and the prehistoric creatures are in danger."

"The chaos was first divided into Pangu, Tai Chi, two ceremonies and four images hang. Zi Tianchou and people come out to avoid beasts and nest sages. Sui people make fire to avoid fresh food, and Fuxi draws hexagrams before Yin and Yang. Shennong governs the world and tastes all kinds of herbs, Xuanyuan Marriage couplet of rites and music. Five Emperors of Shaohao and Minwu Fu, King Yu governs floods and floods."

"Even Xia Qi and Cheng Tang are all based on great merit, great achievements, changing the past and reforming the old, and changing the destiny."

"It can be seen that the Ninth Five-Year Supreme is not a long time ago, and the kings of the past generations have their own inheritance. The strong should let me be respected, and the hero only dares to fight for the first."

"I, King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty, evolved the 64 hexagrams of the Houtian, integrated the Houtian era, swept away the Liuhe, swept the eight wildernesses, all surnames adore, and the four sides look up to virtue. This is not taken by power, but it is the destiny of destiny!"

"I am King Wu of Zhou Dynasty, divine, literary and sage, inheriting the great order, responding to heaven and man, following the law of Yao, Zen and Shun, and helping each other with the gods, and the Tao and the king come to the world. Isn't this the will of heaven and man?"

"Why can't you be the King of People?!"

I heard that the Grand Master and Jiang Taigong scolded each other before the battle.Yin Shang had the righteousness to maintain the unity of the country, and Tianzhou had the righteousness to push the times forward and reform the past.

When righteousness collides with righteousness, in the end it is still necessary to rely on fists to speak.

Would the Son of Heaven rather have a kind? He who has a strong soldier and a strong horse will do it!
I saw the Ten Heavenly Lord sitting in the center of the town, agitated by wind and thunder, and the upper realm of the nine heavens.

The corner of Tianzun's mouth twitched when he saw it, and Godzun Tianzhou rolled his eyes.

You heard that Zhongzheng relied on his true self as the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, and he will do whatever he wants as the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Tianzun in the future, right? !
Guang Chengzi cursed and said: "If you have the power, you can do whatever you want? Can you do whatever you want if you have the power?"

Grand Master Wen sat on top of Mo Qilin, showed an innocent smile, and said provocatively: "I'm sorry, I really have the power to do whatever I want."

If you have the ability, you can also become a thunder god? !

Guang Chengzi was furious immediately, he picked up Fantian Seal and prepared to rush up, he was so violent that even the Yellow Emperor dared to beat him, so he was afraid that a Thunder God might not succeed? !

Master Huanglong hurriedly pulled Guang Chengzi firmly, and persuaded him: "Brother, please stop, the Heavenly Court Thunder Department is full of people who intercept the teaching, we can't fight."

Guang Chengzi looked up at the sky, and saw the thunder gods gathered in the sky, controlling the power of thunder in heaven.Even the biggest boy Dongfeng Leishen had to make an appearance, showing Guang Chengzi a helpless smile.

There is no way, as long as the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor is in power, the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun is the iron-clad Tianzun of Leibu, and he can't follow his immediate boss to do this.Too unstable.

Guang Chengzi was furious: "Am I afraid that he won't succeed, come on, take my seal!"

On the other side, Daoist Yuding stepped forward, also tightly holding Guang Chengzi's arm, and said via voice transmission: "Brother, the performance is over, over."

Guang Chengzi blinked and asked hesitantly, "Has it passed?"

Immortal Huanglong and Immortal Yuding nodded in unison, and said via voice transmission: "If the performance continues, Brother Nanji will not be able to end."

Guang Chengzi understood, and he still looked unyielding on the surface, but his left and right hands were held down by two real people, and they were slowly pulled to the rear of the army formation.

Wen Taishi accepted it as well, snorted coldly, cupped his hands and said, "Let's break the formation."

With the help of the God of Thunder from the upper realm, the "Heaven's Absolute Formation", "Earth Fiery Formation", "Wind Roaring Formation", "Ice Formation", "Golden Light Formation", "Blood Transformation Formation", "Raging Flame Formation", " There have been mysterious changes in the Falling Soul Formation, the Red Water Formation, and the Red Sand Formation.

Heavenly Thunder, Earth Thunder, Wind Thunder, Cold Thunder, Golden Thunder, Blood Thunder, Fire Thunder, Water Thunder, Earth Thunder, and ten square formations are integrated into one, with the Tianjue formation as yang, the wind roar formation as yin, and the eight formations as auxiliary , It seems to have completely transformed the innate thunder formation.

Tianzhou Youshen will blurt out a curse: "This is not a ten-jue formation at all, you are fooling around!"

Ten Tianjun laughed in unison: "The array is so inconvenient. Jiang Shang hasn't broken the array yet."

(End of this chapter)

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