All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 717 A Surprise

Chapter 717 A Surprise (Resume Update)

The secret place of Guixu is empty and lonely. There is only an indescribably huge and invisible black water dragon hovering around. The scales on its body are dark and translucent. ruins.Although it is just a decadent body, as a cleaner Zu Longlong is not old, he has a dragon heart that always wants to improve.

Ripples appeared in the space, gossip emerged, and secrets swirled. In a miracle, something went wrong in the originally impenetrable return to the ruins, and a passage to visit the prison opened.

A look of anticipation appeared in the golden dragon's pupils. The hundreds of millions of years of waiting finally ushered in hope, and it was time for his version of the ancestor dragon again!

This wave, Zulong epic level strengthened_(:3J∠)
"Why did fellow Taoist Fuxi come here?" Zu Long pretended to be confused and asked reservedly.This is like an upright official in a brothel, can it be compared with the women in the Goulan?People are prostitutes, not prostitutes.

Although they all came out to buy, but they are upright officials who are held by the general public and make fun of the rich businessmen and dignitaries. The wealth is so high that I don't know where to go.

The great sage Fuxi held the Kongtong seal in his hand, brought the will of humanity, smiled, and said frankly: "Fellow Daoist Zulong, we have made a decision in Huoyun Cave. Fellow Daoists have both ability and morality. I would like to invite you to be the leader of the human race." Candidate for the Unified Emperor."

Zu Long narrowed his eyes, smiled and asked, "Is it just a candidate?"

Now that Zulong intends to sell, he must sell at a good price, sell a good future, maybe he can sell Wu Zetian.

The Great Sage Fuxi smiled lightly and said, "The candidate is already good. After all, fellow Taoists are now waiting for crimes. This is an opportunity."

"Nowadays, people who are willing to stand up for Fellow Daoist Ancestral Dragon are not bad. Fellow Daoist Ancestral Dragon will not think that someone is willing to rob the prison."

There are still big Luos of the dragon clan. For example, the nine sons of the dragon are nine big Luos, but they can't get on the stage after all, and they can't even be counted as great supernatural powers.

There are only four dragons among the direct descendants of the dragon family who are truly powerful, well-respected, and able to travel and persuade in Zixiao Palace.Zulong, Candle Dragon, Dragon Mother, Qinglong.

The ancestor dragon was sealed, the candle dragon retired, the mother of the dragon stood firm, and the green dragon... let's not mention this little boy.

Zulong is up for grabs, Fuxi is confident, one is a bandit, the other is a bully, one is ready for the lion to open his mouth, and the other is for the overlord to force his bow. It is very simple.

"A chance." A trace of emotion appeared in Zu Long's eyes, unwilling to be reconciled to this, he began to wave his hand and refuse: "How can I, a cleaner who is trapped in Guixu, be a candidate for the emperor of the human race to unify the human race and lead humanity. It's really not modest. Please name Gao Ming."

The great sage Fuxi said solemnly: "Fellow Zulong Taoist, don't refuse, you are doing something, we can rest assured, this person must belong to you."

"Humanity sets the position, and all living beings have hope in the law,"

Zu Long chuckled, others, find someone else to try.The scapegoat of the human race has involved all aspects, and it can be related to almost every Taiyi Daluo. If Taiyi goes to participate, I am afraid that even the big bosses who are in charge of all parties will not be able to see it.As for Taiyi Daluo, each has its own basic disk.They will participate in the betting, but they will never end in person.

Only Zulong, only Zulong, has great power and potential, but was imprisoned in Guixu for indescribable reasons.

Zulong seems to be the best choice, but it is also the only choice.

They are all prehistoric old foxes, no one knows how to play Liaozhai, after the hypocritical and classic three words and three concessions, the exchange is enough to mediate.Include some clichés that this is the need of the times, and we require common ground while reserving differences.The great sage Fuxi said solemnly: "Fellow Daoist, are you really not going to run for the unification of the human race? As far as I know, Emperor Ziwei, King Zhuanlun, Prince Dong and others seem to be interested."

This is the ultimatum. Zu Long was thinking about one side and felt that he could make a move, so he stood up, his eyes full of emotions, and sighed with emotion: "Although a dragon does not seek his position, I still take it as my own." It is my duty to benefit the prehistoric people. If everyone expects it, only becoming the emperor of the prehistoric one can best benefit the prehistoric peoples, and I can only take responsibility and completely abandon my selfishness."

The Great Sage Fuxi took a deep look at Zulong. He was talking about the human race, the unified emperor of humanity, but Zulong was talking about the unified emperor of the prehistoric and desolate.

It is mysterious, very subtle.

All this happens silently, only you know, I know, even the sky and the earth don't know.Because once heaven and earth know, all Daluo will know.

It is an open secret that Zu Long is going to take office, but no matter how open the secret is, it is also a secret.Before it is fully realized, it must be covered, so as to surprise the great Luos in the wild!
There is only one exception, this is Guixu, the world does not know, but Guixu knows.What is Guixu, the waters of the eight corners and the nine fields, and the flow of the Han Dynasty, all pour into it without increasing or decreasing.

Here is the root that bears everything, and here is the end and destination of things.And there is only one big statue that symbolizes the end and destruction of the prehistoric world.

Demon ancestor!

This is His supreme authority, a right that cannot be deprived even by the Sanqing Daomen, Hongjun Tiandao, human emperors, and reincarnation.He is part of the Pillar of the Primordial, and He is the main component.

Mozu's avenue tends to be destroyed and is responsible for the work of the garbage disposal station, while Zulong's avenue tends to flow, the ladder flows, everything flows, and the water element flows, and he is a good cleaner for the garbage disposal station.

Now the only employee in the garbage disposal station needs to be transferred, and Mo Zu, as the station manager, must take care of it.

In the dark, deep, simple and splendid hall, the demon ancestor is not alone. Outside Guixu, there are 81 heavenly demon masters waiting for the demon ancestor to return.

Within Guixu, there are eighteen demon kings accompanying them, they are Bahong, Jiuye, and Tianhan and others!
The Heavenly Demon Lord outside wanted to come in, and the Demon Lord inside wanted to go out, so the Demon Ancestor was caught in the middle and bowed and ruled.But this is the characteristic of the prehistoric, even the land of returning to the ruins, is no exception.

"How did you say that a good dragon sage became a human ancestor dragon?" At the end of the ruins, a handsome demon king sighed with emotion, took the opportunity to put on his eyes and said: "The ancestor dragon's plot is not small. Mr. demon ancestor must not Don't be wary."

The demon ancestor with blond hair and golden eyes smiled lightly: "Individual struggle is important, but it also depends on the progress of history. Nowadays, human nature is complicated, and Zulong may overturn without even achieving great unification in this era."

"I remember that in the first fifteen epochs, Zulong was replaced by someone, and that counterfeit took Zulong's appointment letter to serve as a human being, causing a lot of trouble."

"In this era, even if Zulong succeeds in unifying humanity, even the prehistoric world, it will not return to the ruins."

"I am originally a scattered person in the ruins, so what can the world do to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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