All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 720 Zhao Gongming with extensive business

Chapter 720 Zhao Gongming with extensive business
The world of mortals is full of disturbances, immortals are also human beings, and there is a need for material energy. They are eager to master the laws of heaven and earth, and the avenue of the universe.Commerce still exists in fairyland.

Even if you become the ultimate master, you can't get rid of the influence of business, because there is not only one great master, but three thousand masters gathered in one place. Such a scale makes the ultimate master fall into a lower status, no longer omniscient and omnipotent. Become the top property owner of the prehistoric world, and replace it with the embodiment of the common will of the prehistoric world - the supreme Zixiao Palace.

There are constant py transactions between Daluo, and exchanges among all living beings. A glorious river of pure gold wealth flows with time, lurking in the deepest part of the prehistoric universe.

Money, which symbolizes value, drives people's desires, but it is also one of the most important laws of life's progress. The God of Wealth's proportion in Shinto is no less than the innate gods of light and darkness, time, good fortune, destruction, and thunder.

Acquired souls may forget to sacrifice to the candle dragon, overthrow the sacrifice of the emperor of heaven, and cut off the orthodoxy of Sanqing Buddhism, but in any case they cannot refuse the temptation of the God of Wealth.

Zhao Gongming's accomplishments in the Dao of Wealth and Fortune have reached the No. 1 realm of Houtian Shinto.

It was such a big man, but Ao Bing found Zhao Gongming's mansion in a bustling market at the foot of Mount Emei. The market was in the middle of the world, and there was nothing special about it except that there were many people. Human beings from all over the world gathered in one place. , you can see the five-color human race in the ancestral land of Buzhou Mountain, there are kun-riding murlocs in strange costumes in the depths of Beiming, there are majestic real dragons from the depths of the four seas, and there are celestial beings in gorgeous costumes who come from the nine heavens...

There are hundreds of millions of races in the wild, and it seems that the names of the races are all here. There are monks who refine and transform energy, there are immortals with big sleeves, there are gods with magnificence, and there are mortals with ordinary faces. Transactions are in progress.

It's just that mortals and low-level monks set up stalls on the side of the road, while the holy Buddha has his own shop, and Zhao Gongming's mansion is located in the middle of the bustling city, in the middle of the world of mortals.

It was the first time Ao Bing saw such a scene, and he stopped and watched for a while.The doorman outside the mansion greeted him with a smile.

Looking at the small and exquisite dragon horns on top of Ao Bing's head, the doorman clapped his hands and asked with a smile neither humble nor overbearing: "Is this Master Dragon coming to visit my teacher Zhao Tianzun?"

Ao Bing nodded and signaled: "Please also ask Xiantong to guide you."

The doorman smiled, bowed slightly and said: "Excuse me, Zhenlong, my master is discussing the Tao with the Tathagata, the holy king of equal wheel turning, and please ask Master Zhenlong to take a number and line up."

"My family's rules have always been like this. If you want to see Master Zhao, you have to pay the money first. After you make a fortune, the fortune will be shared with Master Zhao."

Ao Bing looked at the long queue in front of the gate, nodded kindly, paid the fee for picking up the number, took the number and sat on a chair beside him and waited patiently.

The sound of Taoism in the inner courtyard of the mansion is faint, and the holy words are universal. Even Ao Bing, who was born under Tianzun's sect, couldn't help listening to him. He couldn't help asking the doorman to inquire: "Zhao Tianzun and the holy king of equal wheel turning, I wonder if I can do it." listen."

The door boy looked solemn, and reminded: "This is Da Luo's discussion of the Tao is unusual, if the Taoist brother does not have the karma of the Golden Immortal, I am afraid..."

"This immortal was born in the heavenly world, and I often serve under the seat of Tianzun, so I will not be assimilated by Da Luo Daoyin." Ao Bing said with a slight smile: "I would like to ask the fairy boy to be accommodating."

Big Romans?The door boy was startled: "Brother Dao, why didn't you say earlier that as a brother Dao, you can go through the VIP supreme channel."

Ao Bing said indifferently: "My teacher taught the poor Taoists that they need to form good karma when they go out, and they should not make mistakes, and dare not violate them."

"I don't know if I have entered the VIP Supreme channel, can I go to listen to the lecture?"

The doorman smiled and said: "Brother Dao doesn't know something. The VIP supreme channel needs VIP members to open it. Brother Dao is a member of the Daluomen who is automatically promoted to ordinary VIP supreme. But if you want to go in and listen to the sermon, you need at least v3 supreme to open the authority."

"Then how to become the v3 supreme?" Ao Bing asked doubtfully

The doorman pondered for a moment and said, "I have to pay more!"

Ao Bing touched his body, took out a bottle of Sanguang Shenshui, and Xinghui, who had a few bowls, handed it over, and asked cautiously: "Pindao only has these little things on him, I don't know if it's worth it."

The doorman took a look, even the doorman of the God of Wealth couldn't help but roll his eyes at this moment.

It is true that Zhao Gongming is the God of Wealth, but his business also requires costs, but the Taotao Tianhe and the endless starry sky are two huge mineral veins that cannot be dug out and grow infinitely.

The family has the throne to inherit, and Ao Bing, who owns minerals in his division, has never touched money. He has no interest in money. No one under Da Luo can make Ao Bing more wealthy.

For the disciples of the God of Wealth, money is the way!They have cultivated the avenue of wealth and luck, and they glanced at the vast sea of ​​water and Xinghui's door boy with an incomparably bright smile: "Brother Dao, follow me."

After entering the VIP passage and walking through the dark fairy gold floor, Ao Bing followed the doorman to a hall.

The hall is empty and vast, divided into several areas, hanging various businesses.

Window No. 1: For sale in the front row: Hetu, Luoshu, Wordless Book of Heaven, Qilin, Xiezhi, Spirit Turtle, Dragon Horse, White Fish, Red Carp, White Snake (Dai Zhan), Jiahe (Jiu Sui), Rui Mai (Three Qi), one-eyed man (buried instead of dug), yellow silk script (filled with fish belly), yellow bird flag, etc.
Window No. 2: Proxy: writing persuasion form, imitating the call of a fox, passing on clothes and belt edicts, erecting an altar for meditation, releasing auspicious clouds (colorful colors) on behalf of others, formulating prophecies (including dissemination and explanation), attaching place names, stargazing, watching Qi, measuring characters, Write and spread nursery rhymes, compile genealogy (can be traced back to Pangu)

Window No. 3: Plastic surgery: double pupils, forehead, four breasts, arm length (to the knee), parallel ribs, parallel teeth, sun angle, square eyes, hand and foot texture into characters (artistic seal script), black moles or red moles on various parts Wait
Window No. 4: Accept customization and repair: Chuanguo Yuxi, Emperor Crown and Dragon Robe, Danshu Iron Coupon, etc.
Window No. 5: Host: Founding Ceremony, Enthronement Ceremony, Heavenly Book Fengchan, Feudal System, etc.
Window No. 6: Prenatal education: Guaranteed to extend the pregnancy period from 48 to [-] months, able to speak at birth, with red light, strange fragrance, etc. Mingqi Mountain, Baihong Guanri, Ganlu Landing and many other businesses

Ao Bing was fascinated by watching, and finally understood why the teacher asked him to come to Zhao Gong Mingzun to apply for his identity!
The doorman was very familiar with this, he didn't care about anything else, he went directly to platform No. [-] and said, "I want a ticket, Shenshui Xinghui can exchange it." Then he dispensed nine drops of Sanguang Shenshui
(End of this chapter)

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