All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 723 The True Biography of Doum

Chapter 723 The True Biography of Doum
Zhao Gongming was thinking about the feasibility of the Seven Treasures of Merit, Virtue, Fuling, and God. Wen Zhong jumped back and forth on the position of Yin, Shang and Tianzhou, and there seemed to be an overwhelming black hand behind him, but Dongyin Emperor was not alone. Hidden are the plans of many emperors in the heaven to balance the forces and fight for each other.

However, what does all this have to do with Ao Bing? !He is just a weak, helpless, ordinary dragon immortal who can eat, not to mention the Da Luo career status, even Dao Guo Jinxian who has received Da Luo tickets has not reached it.

Ao Bing had a Dao heart at the beginning, but he didn't evolve his Dao heart into a Dao world, and opened up his own Dao.He has a clear mind, but possesses wisdom, knowing what he can make up his own mind and what he can't do.

This trip seems to be Ao Bing's task, but in fact Ao Bing is not responsible, he is just a simple tool man!

Grand Master Wen Zhong invited, but Zhao Tianzun was not in a hurry, and first let Wen Zhong live in his mansion for a night, and Ao Bing was also assigned to a dojo that Da Luo Tianzun could only enjoy with his blessing.

The courtyard is small and the house looks like a house, but there is a peach tree falling down in the center, and the peach blossoms are scattered all over the place. Ao Bing uses his spiritual sense to check left and right, and after confirming that no one is watching on the bright side, he takes out a bright and simple mirror from the space bag .

The mirror has two ears to divide yin and yang, and the colorful tassels hang down to fix the four directions.

"Mirror, mirror!" Ao Bing touched the edge of the mirror and respectfully said, "Please tell me how to behave!"

A piece of peach blossom fell onto the mirror surface, causing ripples like the water surface. The Yunhan Mirror bloomed with thousands of brilliance, and a fairy stood gracefully in the water, with silver-gray hair hanging down her waist, green pupils like emeralds, wearing a light blue palace dress, jasper Hair accessories and waist pendants gather the essence of thousands of water rhymes, just like Luoshen.

"It can suffocate me!" Fairy frowned, stretched her waist, and moved from fantasy to reality in a smooth flow.

Ao Bing was dumbfounded, but fortunately, Master Dongyin mentioned the existence of the Yunhan Realm Artifact Spirit. After being slightly taken aback, Ao Bing immediately came to his senses and bowed, "Uncle Luo Tianyi is in person."

Innate spirit treasures cannot be deduced by common sense. Ordinary magic treasures reach the level of golden immortals, and they are also objects attached to their masters. Normalized, innate spirit treasures that have not fallen into Taoism and lost themselves can be regarded as a Dao Daluo, just like ordinary magic treasures. Da Luo is on an equal footing!
"There's no need to be so vulgar..." Luo Tianyi waved his hands lazily: "From now on, you'll be messing with me."

Ao Bing hesitated for a moment and asked, "Master, the teacher told me..."

"I will not accept the orders of the generals abroad." Luo Tianyi said solemnly: "Your teacher, wait for me to go back and explain."

"Yes." Ao Bing bowed respectfully, but felt uneasy in his heart. This uncle's personality is completely opposite to that of his teacher, so he won't make any big troubles.

Luo Tianyi sat upright and coughed: "Which step has it developed so far?"

Ao Bing explained his experience truthfully, after listening Luo Tianyi looked at the surrounding courtyards and couldn't help but understand a little bit: "Master Zhao is still rich and generous."

Not to mention the houses built by purple golden bamboos with hundreds of millions of years in the distance, and the 99 underground dragon veins spewing fairy dew to moisten this place into a fairy fetus, and not to mention the Kunpeng real dragon in the small pond in front of the door, but the peach tree in front of you is extraordinary. It is a branch of the world tree.

"Ao Bing doesn't care if he doesn't see your ability." Looking at the peach tree, Luo Tianyi said with a half-smile: "Now that I'm here, don't you plan to take the initiative?"

The Peach Blossom World tree trembled and scattered countless peach blossoms, dyeing the courtyard into a pink dream world.

"Three thousand openings, the Yin of the cave returns to one." Luo Tianyi stretched out his hand, and the flowing water emerged. The Peach Blossom World Tree rotated according to her flowing water, and countless falling petals gave birth to thousands of worlds in the Xuanming True Water. One flower, one universe, one flower. Ye Yitiantang, three thousand peach blossom trees fell in a blink of an eye, and endless matter was derived from it, turning into a small ball.

Yunhanjing is the congenital spirit treasure forged by Laojun. It is said that the refining method is second only to the masters such as Taishang, Yuanshi, and Yun neutron. Samadhi real fire burns Xuanming real water. Practice together to forge the treasure of good fortune.After a while, the Three Thousand Peach Blossom World turned into a small pink ball, with the pattern of a pink furry rabbit engraved on the door.

Another small dish of peach blossoms was turned into a peach blossom cake under the cooking of Samadhi real fire.

"Wh... the first time we meet, uncle has nothing to give, so I'll give you this red rabbit bead as a present." Luo Tianyi said with a smile, "As long as you don't meet the Da Luo Immortal, it's sure to hit one. "

Ao Bing swallowed his saliva, and took the Chitu bead. With his physical state of a golden fairy and real dragon, he would have fallen head over heels the moment he took the bead. In the end, it was Luo Tianyi who held Ao Bing to keep him from falling.

"My disciples thank you, uncle." Ao Bing put the red rabbit beads into his mouth and conceived them together with the dragon beads, cupping his hands in gratitude

Now he finally understands why this uncle Luo Tianyi can become the teacher's weapon spirit. They all have a common hobby of hitting people with expensive and heavy objects!

Especially Uncle Luo Tianyi has a very wicked taste, he can imagine the humiliation of his opponent being crushed to death by a pink furry rabbit in the future.

Luo Tianyi took a bite of the peach blossom pastry he made, nodded with satisfaction and said, "It tastes good, Ao Bing, remember to ask Zhao Gongming about small things in the future, he is the most shrewd, and for life and death matters, you have to ask Wen Zhong for help, saying that you are A disciple of Mr. Chen Xingxing will do."

Ao Bing was able to ask Zhao Gongming about trivial matters, but Wen Zhong Aobing had never met him before, so he couldn't help asking: "Uncle Master, do we have a relationship with Grand Master Wen?!"

Luo Tianyi smiled lightly, walked into the mirror, and heard a leisurely voice: "Doumu transformed into Jin Ling, and Jin Ling accepted Wen Zhong as his apprentice, so Wen Zhong is also your uncle. Naturally, the relationship is closer than the Jue Chan family. .”

It was the first time Ao Bing heard Da Luo's secret, Ma Jia Dao, and he couldn't help being stunned.This... This expensive circle is really chaotic!
"Then... Uncle, what are you going to do?" Ao Bing couldn't help asking, looking at Luo Tianyi's disappearing figure.

The last part of Luo Tianyi's voice came: "The poor Taoist wants to comprehend the avenue of horse riding and slashing, and understand the mysteries of star civilization. I will retreat for a while, so please don't disturb me."

Ao Bing was suddenly in a state of mind, bowed his hands and said: "The disciple respectfully sent off the uncle! I wish the uncle to cultivate the Tao as soon as possible!"

Luo Tianyi disappeared, and Ao Bing put away the Yunhan mirror and sat in the courtyard to meditate.

Recalling what his uncle said, Ao Bing secretly guessed that the avenue of horseback riding and slashing was the legendary avenue of killing? !

My ancestor is Doum, so the mysterious civilization of the stars must be the true biography of Doum? !
Uncle Luo Tianyi is worthy of being a congenital spiritual treasure, every word contains mysteries and mysteries!

(End of this chapter)

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