Chapter 729
What are you looking at me for?look at yourself!
What are you looking at yourself for?Read Taoism!

Why do you read Taoism?Look at me! "

The classic triple formula stood out from the mouth of Tongtian Jiaozhu, as if as long as the teacher is a profession, he will know these skills and speech skills.

Painful expressions appeared on the faces of Da Luo Tianzun, who bowed his head like a turtle, fearing that the teacher would call his name.

When Master Tongtian named Taoist Luofeng's name, countless Jiejiao Daluo couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, looked at each other and smiled, and it was considered a disaster.

Although they have gone through vicissitudes, Zhujiejiao Daluo is still respectful and humble in front of the leader of Tongtian. Only in front of the teacher, they will return to the ancient years when they have not yet achieved the immortal way, and turned into green onions, sitting and listening to Huang Ting young doorman.

You Yuan took a look at the many senior brothers who were gloating at others' misfortune, and being named by the leader, Taoist Luo Feng got up helplessly and walked in front of the leader: ""

"What's the reason for hesitating." Master Tongtian closed his eyes and sighed: "You tell all the disciples about Gongming's preaching."

Taoist Luofeng looked serious, and said solemnly: "Preaching to all living beings is a great merit, a great achievement! I only have one sun in my heart, and I only have admiration for Senior Brother Gongming."

The Da Luo Tianzun in the dojo rolled their eyes at the same time, and they really listened to what you said, like listening to a word.

Evangelizing sentient beings is a great merit. In your opinion, it is something that everyone knows.

The relationship between sentient beings and Da Luo is very delicate.Da Luo used to realize the Tao, seek the Tao, obtain the Tao, and finally prove the Da Luo.After Daluo, he preached, preached, joined together, and finally reached consummation.

Da Luo is Tao, so Da Luo preaches to all living beings, and Da Luo preaches to heaven and earth.

Da Luo creates all living beings, creates all living beings, and affects all living beings, but all living beings are not dead things. Although they are stuck in the traces of Da Luo, they also have their own novel ideas.

Perhaps in a certain age, an unremarkable mortal inadvertently gave birth to an unprecedented idea that can affect the multiverse. Due to the fact that the power and personality of mortals cannot be realized, ideas are always just ideas in the eyes of mortals.

But Da Luo, who has infinite power, has the ability and confidence to practice this kind of avenue!
This kind of different cognition, understanding, recognition, and analysis based on Da Luo's way is the most precious wealth of Da Luo.

The years are endless, all living beings are immeasurable, and infinite miracles are born.

Da Luo affects all living beings, and all living beings give back to Da Luo. This is why almost all Da Luo people value sentient beings.

This is also one of the main reasons why all Daluo people will establish their own orthodoxy, open up their own universe, and even establish a great religion to educate all living beings.

Master Tongtian frowned and said: "It's not this, let's talk about the key points."

Taoist Luofeng pondered for a long time, and dragged his feet: "Buddhism calls it cause and effect, Taoism calls it commitment."

"Preaching to sentient beings is merit and virtue. This is a positive influence. But Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. All things bear yin and embrace yang, and they are full of energy to make peace. If there is a positive impact, there will be a negative impact."

"In case... if there is a problem with Da Luo's preaching, especially Zhao Gong Mingzun's Dao that dominates the flow of humanity, once it appears, it will easily contaminate the world and make the entire prehistoric universe fall into evil ways... Then..."

Taoist Luofeng didn't go on, but all the Daluomen knew that as the preacher, Zhao Gongming, the source of all evil ways, would take the place of the Demon Ancestor.Everyone shouted and beat them.

Master Tongtian nodded, and then asked: "The mistakes of the immortals, Da Luo will take care of them, and the mistakes of Da Luo, the leader will take care of them, but if Gongming is allowed to prove the status of the leader of Taoism, who will take care of the evil consequences he caused?!"

Pangu? !If you really want to go out in Pangu, it will be an immeasurable calamity. When the era is reopened, let alone a Taiyi, it is a group of Taiyi who are not enough to cut.

Can't tell the truth, then only...

Ding Guangxian, the long-eared Ding Guangxian among the many Da Luo below, sighed: "There is only liquidation!"

If, assuming that the universe under the influence of Zhao Gongming's Dao is huge, the gap between the rich and the poor is serious, the polarization is serious, and the anger and resentment of all beings are everywhere, causing countless catastrophes, and the exploited, poor and white beings swing their knives at the sky.

The son of calamity, the son of destiny, the son of humanity, and the son of calamity emerged one after another, and with the support of the unspeakable existence, they proved Da Luo, and then hanged Zhao Gong Mingzun, the mastermind behind the universe.

After all, Jiejiao is not the only one family, not even Taoism is the only one family. Counting from the ancient times, the battle between the dragon and phoenix camps, the game between the three camps of heaven, earth and man, the comparison between gods and immortals, the spying of Buddha and demons, one by one. Everything makes the originally unsettled prehistoric undercurrent surge.

Humanity is like fire, and everything is settled. Zhao Gong Mingzun smashed the innate immortality, and hanged on the street lamp is a good ending.

This is not impossible, but a very likely timeline!

A disciple who has not yet become a great Luo asked thoughtfully: "Master, is this a reminder to the disciples to think twice before doing things?!"

"Wrong!" The leader of the Tongtian sect stood up and walked, his eyes revealing the sword light, he rushed to kill Yunxiao, and shouted: "I immediately intercepted the teaching, but to intercept a glimmer of life!"

"Since Gongming has such a heart, there is no reason to cut off the teaching and not help!"

"The fruit of the Dao is slim, but it is what the true Taoist seeks!"

"I have sent Duobao down the mountain to help Gongming, and now I am telling you that the disciples of Jiejiao should be united as one, not afraid of hardships and dangers!"

Many Jiejiao disciples stood up one after another, with serious faces, and shouted in unison: "I respect the order of the master!"

Master Tongtian looked into the distance with deep eyes.

Since there is going to be a counterattack in this era, let's make it bigger. Zhao Gongming's coming out of the mountain is just a dessert, and Duobao Taoist's battle is just a cold dish. The real Manchu banquet is still waiting behind!
Taoist Luofeng just froze Sparta in place, this... what's going on? !

As the leader of the sect, the leader of Tongtian didn't stop him, but directly took the lead in making trouble? !

What gave Master Tongtian such confidence? !
What exactly does this priest want to do? !
What is Luo Tianzun planning behind his back? !

Taoist Luo Feng was full of doubts in his heart, then took a deep breath, raised the banner and shouted: "Master Shengming, why should we be afraid of fighting!"

"Sweeping Xiqi today, capturing Jifa alive tomorrow!"

Whether it's Luo Tianzun in the heavens who is planning something, or the God of Luohe in time is scheming, it's none of my business.

Pindao is the Taoist of Jiejiao Eternal Luo, so he directly fanned the flames and supported the trouble!
This is the advantage of having more vests, no matter who wins, it will not lose!

And it's not just Luo Feng who does this alone, look at Wu Dang and Jin Ling in the Four True Biography are both vests, not to mention the other disciples of Da Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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