Chapter 734 Rubbing Heat (12)

I saw countless immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons leaping out of the formation like illusory, passing through the boundaries of time and space, shouting in unison, "Junior Brother, save me!"

A single call, broadcasting to the heavens and the universe, the prehistoric universe, made countless Daluo Tianzun startled, and countless Taiyi Taoist monarchs trembled. Although Guang Chengzi did not establish a religion as his ancestor, nor did he spread the realm of Taoism, he can be regarded as the bottom figure in Taiyi. Combat standards.

However, Guangcheng Datianzun is still Taiyi Daluo!He is still a character who creates something out of nothing and does whatever he wants, who dares to hurt him, who can make him call for help? !

Looking at the incomplete Guangchengzi in the Jiuqu Yellow River, Zhao Gong Mingming said with great emotion: "Okay, what a Guangchengzi, so decisive, so heartless."

"But in this way, in this era, you will have no chance to prove Pangu!"

The miserable Guang Chengzi, with his body broken and his aura flickering at the moment, smiled freely and said, "At the end of the era, it is not an easy task to prove Pangu."

"How many great supernatural beings are staring at this opportunity, His Majesty Zhulong wants to be Pangu again, and the two incarnations of Patriarch Kunpeng are eyeing it... There are too many, too many."

"It's too easy for the poor to step into the last era, hehe, don't wishful thinking about competing for Pangu in this era, the chance is too small, too slim."

"This retreat is to advance by retreating. Taking a step back will broaden the sea and sky, and it will be full of vitality from then on."

Zhao Gongming's expression was gloomy. He set up this formation for the purpose of proving the Tao, but Guang Chengzi gave up the opportunity of proving the Tao and broke through the formation.

Guang Chengzi said lightly, you need to know that Pangu is the ultimate goal of the prehistoric lineage of practice, to give up this goal, even if it is to give up the slim hope, is inconceivable, it is tantamount to letting mortals give up their life in this life Put it in the next cycle.

Such a determination, at least Zhao Gongming can't do it, if he is too easy, he will definitely be greedy!
"Junior Brother Gongming, you have a way." Daoist Duobao approached Lingxu, and said calmly, "Guang Chengzi's way of Taiyi is not your way of Taiyi."

Zhao Gongming bowed his hands in awe, "Thank you for your guidance, Senior Brother, Junior Brother understands."

The left hand drives the Jiuqu Yellow River, the waves of time are surging, the right hand grasps the stars of the week, and the sun and the moon are in an array of 28 constellations!
Now that you have been disabled, you should completely disable him. If you beat Guang Chengzi until the next era, he will not be able to become enlightened, and even the realm of Taiyi cannot be restored. Let Guang Chengzi fall into a deep sleep for a period of time, so that the next era will not Get revenge by Guang Chengzi!He, Zhao Gongming, has the day of enlightenment!
Persevere as if walking on thin ice, do those diligent and brave things, and do it as soon as you say it!
The power of Time and Galaxy was surging and continuous, sapping Guang Chengzi's aura, but the endless power falling on the half-dead Guang Chengzi did not reduce a trace of blood.

Zhao Gongming couldn't help taking a breath, suspecting that the previous Guang Chengzi was playing himself!The difference between the two is too great.

"The realm of Taiyi cannot be defeated, just like Daluo." Daoist Duobao raised his forehead and said, "I mean to suppress him under the gate of Biyou Palace."

"Even if Kunlun Mountain comes to please people, we can still send them away with academic exchanges and reasons for retreat."

Zhao Gongming suddenly realized that he was about to kill him.

Guang Chengzi solemnly and firmly shouted: "It doesn't matter who suppresses who! You can give it a try, even if you are carrying the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation and you need to rely on Taoist Duobao, I, Guang Chengzi, are invincible in the world."

As we all know, the head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the frame can't be lost, especially as an immortal Da Luo, he is not afraid of real death because he can be resurrected, but he is most afraid of social death, because the friends will remember it for a long time.

Taoist Duobao rolled his eyes, Guang Chengzi's scheming is too obvious, he removed the small characters of Xiao Zhou Tian Xingdou Dazhen in a dark way, I don't know if he thought you were a Pangu.

"Guang Chengzi, I'm going to press you under the Five Elements Mountain with your butt facing out!" Daoist Duobao laughed and stretched out the Five Fingers Mountain.

Guang Chengzi's expression changed drastically, and a voice like thunder and lion's roar came out of the flash.

"Jiulianmiao, Qinghuaxuan, kill all the great Luo and destroy the nine heavens!"

An emperor and god-man came from the east, wearing a crown on his head, dressed in Xiayi, with a wonderful real body, a purple gold auspicious appearance, sitting on a nine-color lotus throne, surrounded by nine blue lions breathing flames.Surrounded by nine-color divine light, it emits ten thousand zhang rays of light.

Guang Chengzi was dumbfounded, why did Junior Brother Taiyi change his clothes? !Just now he was dressed as an ordinary Taoist, but now he doesn't look like a Taoist of Qingxiu, but a heavenly emperor.

Holding a lotus flower in his hand, Taiyi Tianzun said compassionately: "Senior brother, don't panic, today we will break through the star formation together with the two of us!"

Daoist Duobao was furious, and scolded: "It's Little Zhou Tian's Star Fighting Formation!"

Could Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation and Little Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Formation be the same thing?The former fought hard against Pangu, while the latter was difficult to deal with too easily.

Daoist Duobao felt very disturbed, but this was just the beginning, because Da Luo Xianjia kept coming.

"Brother Guangcheng, don't panic, I, Chi Jingzi, are here too! The three of us broke through this week's star battle together!"

"Brother Guangcheng, don't panic, I'm Daoxing Tianzun coming! The four of us broke the star formation this week together!"


"Brother Guangcheng, don't panic, I, Master Huanglong, are here too! The 12 of us broke through this week's star formation together!"

There is a Daluo Xianjia, located in the void, manifesting the body of the Dharma, with thousands of hands and eyes, the compassionate and white-clothed Cihang Daoist, and the Huanglong Great Sage who is full of brilliance and disturbs the oneness, and there is a sword, and the white clothes are like Snow's Yuding Tianzun, there is infinite brilliance, the Lingbao Master of Lingbao Daoguo... A total of eleven Daluo Xianjia came to support.

Guang Chengzi's expression changed from joy to cold silence later on, are you here to save me? !It's clearly here to catch the heat!

One person, two people broke through the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, which was ridiculously high, if twelve people broke through, it was called a group fight.

"Brother, don't be angry." Chi Jingzi, who has the best relationship with Guang Chengzi on weekdays, said in a low voice, "It's too ridiculous for you to break the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation by yourself."

"Back then, the Twelve Ancestral Witches worked together to defeat the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation. Could it be that Senior Brother and Taiyi Junior Brother alone could not beat the six Ancestral Witches. It is more reliable for us to dispatch the Twelve Supreme Immortals together."

Guang Chengzi thought for a moment, nodded his head as a gesture, stood up and shouted: "Today, my 12 brothers and sisters, followed the example of the twelve ancestor witches and broke your star formation this week!"

"How many times have you said, it's the little Zhou Tian Xingdou array!" Daoist Duobao roared angrily

The Twelve Immortals turned a deaf ear to it, and in the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, the twelve of us said we couldn't hear it, but we couldn't hear it!
Today, not only do they have to take advantage of the popularity of Zhou Tian's Star Dou Formation, but the Twelve Ancestral Witches will not let it go!

[Start the second update]

(End of this chapter)

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