All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 742 Seeing the candle dragon, why not worship

Chapter 742 Seeing the candle dragon, why not worship

"Who's talking?!"

Ao Bing looked back suddenly, but he didn't see any figure. The long river of time was still rushing forward, connecting the past and the future, rushing through the ages, day and night.

There are only countless worlds floating like dream bubbles, filling the entire space. In each bubble world, there are different figures emerging. There are young people who are antique and wear Taoist robes. , There are monks laughing, drinking and having fun...

All kinds of pictures, square bubbles, endless time and space, there are countless characters, they have different personalities, some are free and unrestrained, free and unrestrained, some are emperors and do not allow anyone to escape from their grasp, and some despise all living beings and are supreme , they come from different time and space, but they have common characteristics.

That is to have supreme luck, counterattack all unfavorable existences, eyes full of contempt, disdain for class blockade, no reverence for the sky, and firm belief, even an immortal emperor In front of them, the king of gods is nothing more than an object that can be challenged.And counterattack all the way up, standing at the pinnacle of the universe.

"Want to be them?" The ancient and majestic voice at the end of time and space, as if baptized by the river over time, sounded again

Another bubble rose, and Ao Bing saw that the men in it acted recklessly for the sake of beautiful women, and finally slaughtered a country to achieve their own goals.

Ao Bing was terrified, took a breath and asked, "Who are they?"

The ancient and majestic voice proclaimed: "They are dragons!"

"Dragon?" Ao Bing frowned, and looked at the people in the floating bubble again in doubt. Except for special cases, most of them did not have any dragon blood and the characteristics of real dragons.

Can they be considered dragons? !

Standing on the long river of time, Ao Bing observes the bubble world through the fourth wall from the perspective of God, and the life of the dragons in the floating universe.

They, greed, lust, killing, arrogance... For all beings in the bubble world, they are the source of all evils and the root of all crimes.

But it also has infinite stalwart power, endless desire, and endless ambition! ~
"They are Long Aotian, so they are also dragons!" The ancient and majestic voice seemed to see through Ao Bing's doubts, and said bluntly: "What is a dragon? Open your teeth and claws, move clouds and rain?!"

"The prehistoric beasts stretch their teeth and claws, and there are more than thousands of races that move clouds and rain. Could it be that group of garbage is also a dragon?! Let me tell you!"

"Only a dragon who possesses the spirit of a dragon, and a dragon who identifies with the dragon family, is a true dragon!"

"Ao Bing, you made an oath, don't you want to become a real dragon?!"

Ao Bing quietly stood on the long river of time, silent for a long time, his eyes were watching him, countless Long Aotian protagonists seemed to invite him.

Come on, come on, join us, be a part of us!
Counterattack all the way up, prove Da Luo, and become a true biography!

Isn't that what you want? !
Ao Bing could clearly sense that what the existence at the end of time and space said was not nothingness. Although he was arrogant, he possessed endless power. As long as he responded and joined the way of the real dragon, the road to Da Luo would be just around the corner!
"You... who are you?!"

Ao Bing showed shock. With such supernatural powers, at least it was Da Luo who started, and he said such tiger-wolf words, he must be Da Luo of the Dragon Clan!
Where is the sacred place? Could it be that the sleeping Ancestor Da Luo woke up in Longyuan!
There was a rustle, the sound of chains sounded, and the long river of time was filled with waves. A stalwart figure emerged, standing on top of the time, looking down at all beings in the sky, and calling out with a voice like thunder: "I see the candle dragon, why don't you worship!"

The supreme dragon's power and the dao rhyme that permeated the time made the golden fairy Ao Bing breathless, and the two were fighting, almost prostrate and kneel.

Although relying on the only bit of backbone, or obsession, he was not reconciled and held on, but he was still trembling, and he lost all the strength to even take a step.

But Jinxian's spirit was nothing to Da Luo, and soon, even the Taiji diagram between Ao Bing's eyebrows began to glow faintly, and he was about to surrender.

Even, Ao Bing was suffering and hesitating in his heart, and there was nothing wrong with paying homage to Da Luo of the Dragon Clan.

Suddenly, a cold gaze fell, and the entire river of time seemed to be frozen and stopped flowing. The endless time and space in the past were frozen, and the infinite possibilities in the future were frozen.

The reality is like an incomparable iceberg.

The predecessors worked hard and bowed their knees so that future generations would not work hard and bow their knees.

You bully my boy in front of me, this can still be tolerated, what kind of way am I still practicing!

"Zhulong, he is a descendant of the ancestor dragon, the descendant of the dragon mother, what does it have to do with your Zhulong lineage?"

"If you want to worship, you are also worshiping Zulong, and you are too shameless!"

There was a sneer, and a god-man manifested with a green snake hanging from the ears on each side, and two green snakes on his feet, like a severe winter, with cold air.

Ao Bing's eyes and pupils are slightly constricted, and the prehistoric and sacred are ever-changing, but with such an image, he dares to challenge Zhulong.

Only one of the ancient gods of the four seasons, North Xuanming!
As soon as Ancient God Xuanming appeared on the stage, he began to chatter and criticize Zhulong: "Look, what dragons did you choose as examples."

"Greed, lust, killing, arrogance... tsk tsk tsk, almost catching up with the demon lord of the endless abyss."

"Everyone shouted against the sky, turned the sky, and said words that could not be controlled by the sky, but they believed in themselves, and they were the choice of destiny."

Zhulong sneered: "Xuan Ming, you are a bird man who has two dragons on his feet, and you are also worthy to teach me the way of dragons!"

Xuanming snorted coldly, no longer entangled here, and hid his figure. The ancient gods of the four seasons are all powerful on dragons and snakes. The battle between the dragon and phoenix camps in ancient times continued to the liches, saying that the ancient gods of the four seasons are birdmen, and they are adjectives. Not a bad word.

Seeing that Xuan Ming did not answer and retreated, the candle dragon was as mighty as a prison, as if the heavens were knocking on his heart.

"If you don't kill, how can the country be picturesque, the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe!"

"Without lust, how to reproduce offspring, true dragons are infinite!"

"Don't be arrogant, how can you be a dragon god and stand proudly above all races!"

"Don't be greedy, how can you have the heart to practice, prove the Taoism of the ancient gods, and deter the heavens!"


A sound of dragon chant, like Huang Zhong Dalu, pointed directly to the depths of his heart.

It's a dragon, there's nothing wrong with it!
Ao Bing was shocked and attracted by it.

Suddenly, Ancient God Xuanming appeared again to interrupt Zhulong, and said with a sneer with disdain: "I have said so much, then you have to see how others choose!"

Zhu Long's eyes lowered, looking forward to the choice of the juniors of the Dragon Clan.

Ao Bing was silent for a long time, hesitant to speak, but recalling his oath, he still strengthened his heart, arched his hands towards the long river of time and space, and said with clear eyes:
"Great God Candle Dragon, what he said is the way of the Dragon God, and the little dragon is walking the way of the Dragon Immortal."

"Different road non-phase plan."

"It's so different, we don't conspire with each other." Zhulong was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed, and then shouted: "Then get out, and go to prove your Longxian Daluo!"

The dragon swayed its tail, and time was rippling. Ao Bing deviated from the track again, instead of going to the time and space of the three races, he went to the time and space of the Lich.

(End of this chapter)

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