All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 75 My Master Is Not Right

Chapter 75 My Master Is Not Right (One More)
Looking at his master, the outer third layer and the inner third layer are setting up defensive formations.

Then he took out bottles and jars, strange things, and ambushed up and down the mountain.

The silver white snake trembled and asked nervously, "Master, what kind of enemy do you have?"

The Taoist Tianyi glared at him and said, "Be kind to your teacher and others. People in Jianghu call him an honest little gentleman. How could there be enemies."

"It must be known that the rivers and lakes are dangerous, and this move for the teacher is to prevent it from happening in the future, just plan ahead."

"Just like today, if you don't come out for the teacher, you're just afraid of dying on the spot."

"The world is not as peaceful as you think, you need to learn more."

Recalling the monks with two hearts and various routines, the master's speech seems to be reasonable.

The silver-white snake suddenly nodded and said: "Master is wise, and the disciple listens to the teaching."

The world is really sinister, and you can save your life by learning more from your master.

Be a cautious monk.

Then, after thinking about it, the silver white snake asked vigilantly: "Master, we have taken the cultivator of Xinyuezong today, will Xinyuezong come to take revenge."

Taoist Tianyi nodded in relief.

This apprentice, although a little stupid, is not stupid to the end, and it is not bad to think of Xinyuezong's revenge.

As for Xinyuezong, there is no Xinyuezong.

The two monks were transformed by puppets.

Taoist Tianyi smiled slightly and said, "Xinyuezong, don't worry, I have some friendship with Xinyuezong's Sect Master Ma, and we made a deal many years ago. After a while, I came to the door to talk and make peace, and the grievances were settled."

"I see."

The silver-white snake breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked with some doubts: "Master, what kind of sect is this Xinyuezong, the disciple has never heard of it, maybe it is not in the Qiandao sea area."

Taoist Tianyi lifted his eyelids, then smiled and said, "Xinyue Sect is located in the extreme south, not here. These two monks, I think, came here by accident."


The silver-white snake nodded, then looked eagerly at Tianyi Daoist.

The IQ of the silver snake is limited to this, and other problems are unexpected.


The atmosphere was awkward.

Taoist Tianyi sighed slightly in his heart.

How does it make him talk.

I know almost nothing about this world, and I can only determine this world of high-level immortals.

Place names, cultivation realm..., many common sense, I don't know it at all, and it is exposed as soon as I open my mouth.

This little snake is out of the way!

After a slight change in his thoughts, Taoist Tianyi smiled knowingly, and immediately came to his mind.

The robe was rolled up, revealing a finger.

Lightly recited a poem: "It's hard, hard, the most profound way, don't take the golden elixir lightly, don't pass on the wonderful tricks to someone, and talk in empty words with a dry tongue."

Then, Daogu Xianfeng sat down, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

The silver-white snake was stunned, and secretly speculated that this was testing me.


After half a day, Tianyi Daoist extracted from Xiao Snake's mouth, many common senses of this world, as well as the realm of cultivation.

Demon Realm: Little Demon, Big Demon, Demon General, Demon King, Big Demon King
Human realm: Qi practice, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, Yuanshen.

This is the realm of the mortal world, and beyond that is the immortal way.

Immortal Dao is high, mysterious and unusual, not a little demon general like the silver snake in the backcountry, can know.

Luo Feng thought about it, the realm of this world is a bit watery.

A layer of extreme puppets, equivalent to the Golden Core Demon General.

Based on this calculation, the [-]th floor Tianyi Daoist is not in the realm of Yuanshen Daoist.

The world seems to be...

The danger of Ztn, there are three primordial spirits in the remote Qiandao sea area.

Isn't it outside, the immortals walk all over the place, and the power is not as good as the dog!
Luo Feng originally lowered his heart by one centimeter, and instantly rose one hundred and eight thousand feet.

Following the cliché, Taoist Tianyi pretended to be a little sad and said: "So it is, Master knows, Xiaobai, please introduce to Master, the current situation in the Qiandao Sea Area."

"It hasn't come out for a thousand years, sigh, I'm afraid it's right and wrong."

"As ordered."

The silver-white snake secretly admired the master's profound cultivation, and the years of retreat are thousands of records.

Is this the trouble of the fairy?
I'm so envious!

As a demon general who has lived for 800 years, Little Silver Snake still knows his hometown Qiandao Sea Area very well.

"There are thousands of islands in the Qiandao sea area, and now there are three great demon kings in total, all of which are condensed primordial spirits, and they are extraordinary."

The silver-white little snake said: "The big demon king of the south, the big king Xuanjing, occupies [-] islands, and is majestic... The big demon king of the north, the big king of Yin Yang, occupies [-] islands, and it is extraordinary... There is also a thousand spirits big demon. The king is alone..."


"Of course, if the master makes a move, the mere primordial spirit will definitely be captured!"

At the end, at the end, the silver-white snake was witty and flattered.

I thought there would be a compliment, but Tianyi Daoist directly rewarded a floating dust.

"People of Taoism, guard against arrogance and impatience."

The Taoist Tianyi shouted: "How can we fight, kill and kill, we practitioners pursue immortality, and survival is the most important thing!"

"How can you be competitive!"

"I know, Master."

The silver-white snake bowed its head to admit its mistake on the surface, but didn't care in the bottom of its heart.

The next time will be alive and well.

Taoist Tianyi sneered: "Don't be dissatisfied, let me ask you, who wins and who loses when you fight with a foundation-building cultivator."

The silver-white snake said proudly: "Of course it is a disciple."

The Taoist Tianyi asked, "What if the foundation-building disciple was an immortal who concealed his cultivation!"

The silver snake was stunned for a moment and said, "Which immortal would do this?"

Daoist Tianyi shook his head in disappointment, and then asked, "What if there was a powerful magic weapon in the hands of the base-building cultivator!"

"What if he is good at using toxins?! What if this famous Foundation Establishment disciple is just a bait, with the Primordial Soul cultivator behind him, or even the Primordial Spirit Daoist wanting to arrest you."

"If it is, he has already set up a formation, just waiting for you to throw yourself into the net!"


"In this world, all kinds of dangers can kill you."

After a series of questions, he beat the silver-white little snake into a daze. After a while, he said in a low voice, "Disciple understands."

Taoist Tianyi sighed and said, "No, you don't understand"

"There are many crises in the world, so be careful in your actions. Take one step, think a thousand steps."

"Let me give you another example. If the three demon kings in the Qiandao Sea go to war, which side would you choose?"

Silver White Snake originally wanted to choose the most powerful Yin-Yang Demon King, but after thinking about it, he said, "Thousand Spirit Demon King, he has practiced the longest and has the highest cultivation base."

The Taoist Tianyi shook his head and said, "If it were the Great Demon King Xuanjing, he would have become an immortal long ago, and he deliberately set up this game?!"

The silver-white snake was stunned for a while, and then murmured, "Join us, the big demon king Xuanjing."

Taoist Tianyi sighed and said, "Have you ever thought about it, in case the Great Demon King of Yin and Yang killed the Great Demon King Xuanjing, and now the Great Demon King of Xuanjing is just a puppet..."

The silver-white snake was dumbfounded.

Taoist Tianyi told the silver snake a lot of possibilities.

In short, the fate of the silver snake is a dead word.

The silver-white snake cried and said: "Master, what should I do?"

The Taoist Tianyi said solemnly: "Of course, escape from the Qiandao sea area, find a place, gou, bah, and concentrate on cultivation to become an immortal."

The silver snake's body stiffened.

At this moment, I have realized that my master is not quite right.

It's not about being cautious!

The Taoist Tianyi continued: "When you come to my door, even though you are a Taoist boy, you must remember eight words."

"Practice cautiously and attain enlightenment steadily, this is the rule of our lineage."

Silver White Snake swallowed and asked, "Master, do we have names in this vein, and what are the generations of our disciples?"

Taoist Tianyi smiled indifferently and said, "The mountain gates don't have names, and the sects naturally don't have names either."

"As for seniority, the sect rules are seniority. I gave you a respectful generation for the teacher. How about being careful?"

The silver-white snake stayed in place for a long time, as if a new world had opened up.

【Let's grow thick today】

[One update for the time being.Make up tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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