All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 754 Innate 5 Virtue Avenue

Chapter 754
If other people talk about the adult college entrance examination for socially idle people, then the arrival of Lingbao Taiping Department is the collective imperial examination of colleges and universities, which is magnificent, uniform and self-contained, which makes people look sideways.

And it was just the beginning, Lingbao made a human voice first, and then a group of immortals appeared in the south. They were dressed in red Taoist uniforms, long hair shawls, fluttering like immortals, jade crowns on their heads, silk sash around their bodies, and the Five Emperors Sword hanging on their waists. The treasure is solemn.

There are many Taoists from the north who come to the Golden Avenue. They wear Taoist uniforms with gossip patterns, white topknots on their heads, shoes with gossip patterns, black and white two-color belts around their waists, and boots with seven-star patterns.

There is a fairy like the moon, tall and slender, with a delicate and handsome appearance, wearing a sapphire crown on her head, and a white palace skirt embroidered with the moon.

There were bald monks, and there were alien species from the North Sea. In an instant, Biluotian was full of voices, tens of thousands.

You Sanxian said softly with yearning expression: "One qi transforms into three qi, which are divided into three days. The first qi is Qingweitian, named Yuqingjing. Tianbao Lord transformed twelve Dongzheng scriptures to teach heaven. Zhongjiusheng; second, Yuanqi is Yu Yutian. It is called Shangqingjing, and Lingbaojun transformed the twelve volumes of Dongxuanjing to teach the nine truths in heaven; third, Xuanqi is Dachitian, named Taiqingjing, a treasure Twelve parts of the cave nerves have been transformed by you to teach the nine immortals in the sky."

"These are real people under Lord Lingbao's seat. The title of Lord Three Treasures is truly worthy of his reputation!"

"It is said that the Dragon Clan sent their own clansmen to Yuxu Palace to study!"

The Earth Immortal from the backcountry looked stunned, and asked in puzzlement, "What is a real person?!"

A red-clothed celestial being laughed: "A moral immortal, a virtuous sage, a holy man of virtue, and a man of perfect merit. As for real people, they naturally accumulate evil virtues."

"Little guy, if you don't even know this, if you dare to come to the Demon King for the exam, you won't be afraid that the heavenly soldiers and generals will get rid of you with all your sins."

The Earth Immortal who came from a remote place blushed suddenly, and argued, "How can you defile people's innocence out of thin air? Although I am not a very good person, I have done well and done right."

This is beyond your control, the red-clothed angel glanced at the sky, and said calmly: "If this is the case, let the Northern Demon King examine it."

Before the words were finished, there was the sound of thunder billowing from the sky, and a long and rippling Milky Way fell down, glowing with countless lights, and a god and man came into the world.

Disciples from various sects, gods who had taken the exam for the demon king all bowed down and shouted in unison: "We welcome the emperor of the northern demon king, the master god of the exam!"

Ao Bing didn't know the rules for the first time to participate, but everyone followed the crowd. Seeing a group of gods bowing down, he quickly slipped into it to fish in troubled waters.

The Heitian Demon King of the North, with magnificent divine light and majestic appearance, wears a black water god robe, holds the Dao seal with both hands, but has majesty and coldness in his eyes, surrounded by countless heavenly soldiers and generals from the Heitian Ministry, his power is astounding , standing in the void like stars holding the moon, tall and majestic, majestic and magnificent.

Looking down and referring to the gods and immortals, he paused at a certain place, and suddenly the corner of his mouth smiled slightly, and then he returned to his cold appearance, and declared expressionlessly:

"The emperor is ruthless, but virtue is the auxiliary; the Supreme Commandment is merciful;"

"Holy virtues are maintained, yin virtues are maintained, merit self-cultivation, and moral education!"

"There is only merit and virtue, and the sympathy between heaven and man. With the five virtues, we can select talents and talents."

"Now the political trial, the way of heaven will learn from it!"

Countless skylights are scattered on the sky, like a clear mirror, reflecting the starry sky of billions of miles, people can't help but yearn for it, but they don't dare to be too presumptuous, because the mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere is too terrifying , directly penetrates the hearts of the people.

It will refer to the virtues, sins, cause and effect of all living beings, three generations of ancestors, and two generations of descendants one by one, reflecting all the ugliness, darkness, filth and light, hope and kindness of all things in the world.

A Sanxian exudes a faint rainbow light, and the sky reflects that this immortal once extracted three mountain ranges in a barren mountain in order to refine a magic weapon, which caused the drying up of mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles, and cut off the possibility of nurturing all living beings in the future. possible.

On the top of the sky walked down a celestial general with a thunderbolt on his back, dressed in black armor, announced his name, and said coldly: "Although there is no major crime, but there is a minor fault, Yang Zixuan is dethroned!"

Yang Zixuan who was standing by the side suddenly changed his face when he heard this, his eyes showed despair, but then he forcibly calmed down and said respectfully: "Does Xiaoxian still have a chance to refer to it?"

Hei Jiatian was expressionless, and walked through the process: "If you appear in five colors, you will pass. Those who appear in different colors will be dismissed. Those who appear in black will be punished!"

black?Yang Zixuan was stunned, and looked at the black-clothed immortal not far away, not only the clothes were black, but also the light was black, and the skylight reflected his sins and karma.

Killing monsters to draw blood, killing people to draw blood, killing gods to draw blood, killing immortals to draw blood, a mountain of corpses rises and falls in a sea of ​​blood.

Before he finished speaking, a thunderbolt descended from the sky. It was the water god's thunder-falling technique, and it struck directly at the black-clothed fairy.

"Do not!!!"


When the divine thunder descended, the black-clothed immortal was terrified. His seven orifices bleed, he spit out blood, and trembled all over. He didn't expect that the water god's thunder technique would descend on his head, and under such circumstances, he was only here to take the exam. Yes, I didn't expect to die!
Hei Jiatian sneered, and dared to come before the God of Heaven even with his sins in his body. Isn't this a mouse delivering food to a cat to die.

Ao Bing was taken aback by watching the scenes, and there was no danger in the emotional test, and he quickly recalled the karma of his past sins.

When I came back to my senses and judged that there was nothing serious about my family, the review was almost over.Tens of thousands of heavenly generals will return to their respective positions,

In the whole audience, this dead guy, with a black light on his body, ran over to give away his head.

Other celestial beings, divine beings, were either qualified or told to come back next time.

Of course, there are also a few unlucky ones. A mountain god ancestor from the Ciyun Mountains committed crimes, and he was just three generations old, so he couldn't pass.

There is also a leader from a human tribe who was also disqualified from the exam because his son bullied men and women.

On Ao Bing's body, there is a golden radiance of merit, a white radiance of yin virtue, and a cyan radiance of merit, and he successfully passed the examination.

Looking at the various sects, there is no trace of strange color, all of which are all the glory of the five virtues.

The real people of Lingbaojun's lineage basically wear the clothes of yin and morality, showing a glimmer of life in the midst of a thousand calamities.

The saints of Tianbaojun's lineage basically have a golden light of merit and virtue on their heads, and their good fortune is endless.

Immortals of Shenbaojun's lineage basically glowed with moral brilliance, and their enlightenment was supreme.

At this moment, Ao Bing seemed to understand what enlightenment is, why Sanqing Xuanmen occupies a dominant position in Taoism, understands the foundation of Sanqing's teaching, and understands the status of Sanbaojun in the Supreme Heavenly Court.

In the prehistoric society, Sanqing University is the highest institution of learning!It is also one of the groups with the highest pass rate for applying for civil servants in Tianting.

[Finally, the second update has been coded, and more chapters will be added tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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