All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 763 Da Luo fights, Ao Bing suffers

Chapter 763 Da Luo fights, Ao Bing suffers (one more)
[Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things.Everything bears the yin and embraces the yang, full of energy for harmony]

Everything has two sides. If you want to achieve a great cause, you must first experience a great catastrophe.

This catastrophe is something like karma, retribution, etc. These things are illusory in the eyes of ordinary people, and only gods who have attained Taoism and longevity will fear them.

Da Luo has no calamity, the laws of the natural universe cannot restrain Da Luo, the so-called calamity can no longer hurt them, the four elements are all empty, and all matter is false, and it will return to zero when it falls on the body. Tiantongshou solemn body, great master of Mingxin who has gone through many calamities.

What Da Luo wants to do must be successful, if not, there must be another Da Luo blocking it.

The three demon ancestors who blocked the Ksitigarbha may be the ones who really do not deal with Buddhism, or they may be the ones who come to gain merits, and of course, they may be the spy who bought it by themselves and used it as a stepping stone for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva spy.

No matter what the purpose is, the three mysterious great Luos unanimously chose the name of the Demon Ancestor, adding a brilliance to the Demon Ancestor's resume, which is really gratifying.

This is a very commemorative and proud thing, and it will be widely spread in the heavens and worlds in the future!

Anyway, corruption is the reputation of Mozu Luohu, and it has nothing to do with me, the bright and powerful Daluo.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sighed slightly, looked at the three demon ancestors and began to hesitate, not knowing which one would come to practice and which one was his real enemy.

All of a sudden, a sea of ​​blood emerged from the depths of the underworld, continuously, mightily, and turbulently coming, everyone was startled and said, this is not over yet.

Looking at the weather, there is another demon Dao Luo, so it is possible that the fourth Luo Hou is about to appear
Under the watchful eyes of countless great sages and gods, the boundless sea of ​​blood was collected and turned into a handsome young man. His robe was as red as blood, and embroidered with huge karma lotus flowers, overlapping and beautiful like flowers on the other side.

Mie Shiluo frowned, and said in a low voice, "Patriarch Minghe!"

The person who came was not the first Demon Ancestor, but the second Demon Ancestor Ming He, who seemed to be the real body.

The other two Luo Hou also looked embarrassed. The ancestor of Minghe was the number one shit-stirring stick in the prehistoric world, and Ming He's banquet was regarded as the three major crises in the prehistoric era!
"Haha, it's not bad, there are so many people, it's really lively, hey hey, isn't this Brother Luohou, I'm so happy that you came out, I've been in charge of the magic gate all these years, and I miss you very much."

"Two of us brothers...well, four of us might as well have a drink!"

"Let's discuss how to make the magic gate bigger and stronger, and create another glories!"

Patriarch Minghe glanced at the three demon ancestors and said with a smile, but who knows what is in his heart.

Hearing the words of Patriarch Styx, no matter which Luohou he was, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. When Mo Zuluohu went to prison, the biggest black hand was none other than you, the second in command of the Demon Sect, and now you still have face say this.

If Luo Hou knew, he would definitely die of anger. Fortunately, I am not Luo Hou!

Thoughts were turning back and forth, and the scene became more and more dark and turbulent. Three demon ancestors were not enough, and a second demon ancestor was added. Is today a meeting of the demon sect leadership? !
Countless creatures trembled as they thought.


Patriarch Styx was joking with the three Rahus, and unknowingly pulled away one of the Mieshi Luohus, making the great sages sweat for the guy who pretended to be Mieshi Luohu. The small size of the door has become larger!
"Interesting, what does this ghost Styx want to do?!" Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu watched this scene with great interest, and Styx, as the second devil ancestor, actually helped the Buddhist sect break a barrier.

This is absolutely abnormal, very abnormal.

The keen Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu smelled an unusual aura from it, conspiracy, conspiracy? !
It seemed that he had guessed the truth of the matter, but he didn't point it out. Instead, Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu began to quarrel: "What's the matter, aren't the two Lord Demon Ancestors here to dig the earth?!"

"Why don't you do it now, you won't be afraid of Western religion if you lose one person!"

"That's right, the so-called evil can never prevail against good, the devil tsk tsk tsk..."

Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu was a bit yin and yang, but the remaining two demon ancestors were extremely calm. They were scolded as demon heads, so it's none of my business...

Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu failed in one plan, so he made another plan, and said calmly: "Since the Demon Ancestor is afraid of Buddhism, let's get out of the way!"

"We're in a hurry!"

It is impossible to get out of the way, it is impossible to get out of the way in this life, what are the two demon ancestors doing here, isn't it just to block the way!

Mozu Luohou snorted coldly, glanced at Baidi Luohou indifferently, and took the lead in moving his hands, the demon energy rippling, enveloping Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sighed helplessly, and took out a pink arbitrary door from his bosom.

That's right, it's the pink arbitrary door.

In an instant, the void was quiet, and the demon ancestors realized that this did not seem to be a serious Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the water was a bit deep!

However, this is not something that can be stopped at all. The Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva did not do anything, and the arbitrary door opened by itself, and a mighty Sanskrit sound resounded from it!

"Bold and monstrous, I can tell at a glance that you are not a demon ancestor!" A monk wearing a red cassock and holding a dust whisk came through the door of any one, King Kong glared and shouted: "How dare you pretend to be a fool in broad daylight, the way of heaven is clear, For the sake of Mo Zu's reputation, let's see if I, Fa Hai, will accept you!"

The mysterious Da Luo, who pretended to be Mozu Luohu, sneered: "I, Luohou, don't know that I still have a reputation!"

With a single palm, the demonic flames surged to the sky, shattered endless hell, thousands of ghosts, countless ghosts, endless, and disappeared in a single palm.

An incomparable aura emanates from the mysterious Da Luo who pretends to be the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou, like a nine-fold sky tower, extremely noble, looking down on all living beings and scorning ants!

It seems that an ancestor of the demonic way who really regards the common people as ants appears on the stage.

Fahai backed up a few steps, spit out a mouthful of blood, and said with hatred: "If the poor monk and the guardian dragon are not there, otherwise, I will definitely be able to subdue you with the power of the mighty dragon!"

Looking back and turning to look at the Endless Yellow Spring, Youyou Netherland, shouted: "Maybe there is a dragon clan to help me!"

Ao Bing hurriedly retreated to the hundreds of millions of miles of water, but Fa Hai looked at him with surprise on his face: "I didn't expect that at such a young age, the Golden Immortal Realm would have such a commitment!"

Ao Bing looked horrified, and quickly looked around. Countless ghosts and ghosts had retreated behind several universes. Compared with him, his hundreds of millions of waters were almost as if he hadn't walked.

"Senior, I'm just here to save one world." Ao Bing wanted to cry without tears, and came to take a test by himself, why are there so many things!

Fahai Tathagata said solemnly: "Saving one is saving ten thousand. Saving a world is not like going through endless hells with poor monks and redeeming the ten directions of the underworld!"

Turning his hands around, a golden dragon appeared in his hands, stained with supreme merit, and Fahai shouted: "Majestic Tianlong, World Honored One, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna Ba Makong..."

There are no problems before, but... the World Honored One, Ksitigarbha? !

"Good, good!" There is a world of constant sand in the lotus Buddha sea. In the world of constant sand, there are countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas cooked in the sand of the endless Ganges River. In the center of the world of endless constant sand is a big snow mountain. The ancient Lantern Buddha recited a Buddha's name, and looked at the fat Buddha in front of him with compassion.

Maitreya Buddha, the future star, shook his head, and said helplessly: "A big belly can tolerate things that are hard to tolerate in the world; you can always smile, and laugh at the ridiculous people in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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