All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 869 The Avengers

Chapter 869 The Avengers

"Leonard, you go to the patrolling police, block off this place, and disperse the onlookers."

The seasoned Captain Dunn, after a brief shock, immediately took action and ordered the two team members around him.

The Church of Evernight has a cooperative relationship with the Kingdom of Loen, and the Nighthawks will be given certain police titles to facilitate the handling of extraordinary cases.

The police ranks of the Kingdom of Loen are divided. At the top is the Minister of Police and the Chief Police Secretary. Below them are the directors, deputy directors, and assistant directors of each police department. The middle level is the superintendent and inspector, and the bottom is the sheriff. and police officers.

Every Nighthawk has three silver six-pointed stars on his shoulders and is at least the rank of inspector. The newly joined members such as Klein are trainee inspectors, while Dunn, Daly, and Leonard are all perennial senior inspectors. .

"Okay." Leonard turned and left, escaping from the mocking eyes of many citizens. He would rather face the evil god than stay here for a moment. It is really unbearable, a social death.

Leonard has the title of police inspector. Even Ruen, a semi-feudal and semi-capitalist kingdom, dispatched the police at an extraordinary speed. Soon, four policemen in black and white checkered uniforms and soft hats with badges, and a senior The inspector came to the scene.

According to the attitude of the four policemen in handling gang fights in the past, they quickly dealt with the present.

After glancing at him, Dunn quickly set his sights on the senior inspector Leonard called. The spirituality on his body reminded him that this was a Medium-Sequence Extraordinary, not just a Sequence 7, but even a Sequence 6.

In an instant, Dunn became vigilant. He had experienced too many accidents this day. He took a step back and touched the silver bullet gun in his hand.

"Captain, don't shoot. It's me." The senior police inspector smiled helplessly and showed a badge that only those inside the Church of Evernight could understand.

There was a rumor circulating among the senior officials in the Loen police circle. It wasn't that the Loen police department had an extra Church of Evernight, but that the Church of Evernight had an extra Loen police department.

As the eldest sister of the Seven Gods, the Goddess of the Night has far more control over the Kingdom of Loen than other kingdoms of true gods.

"Sir, are you a Nighthawk, or..." Dunn stepped forward, his expression softened, and he whispered earnestly
The Extraordinary members of the Church of Evernight in the police system are all senior police inspectors, even if they are demigods and demihumans.

Senior members of the church, although their status is equal to the superintendent, or even the chief superintendent, but police officers at that level are not good at this kind of task. identity action.

So this joke was circulated in the circle of Loen Extraordinary.

When you are arrested by the police, even if the chief superintendent arrests you, don't panic, the brothers have their own ways to rescue you.

If you are arrested by a senior inspector, it is recommended that you convert to Evernight on the spot.

The senior police inspector of Loen Kingdom, Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger, is not a joke, but the real fact.

The Extraordinary Senior Inspector chuckled, "I am the captain of the Red Gloves Squad who was passing by. Your Excellency, Sword of the Goddess, asked me to bring you a sentence." '

Dunn immediately stood in awe, stretched out his right hand, and expressed friendship.

Red Gloves is the name of the elite team within the Nighthawks. Generally speaking, each Nighthawk team is stationed locally and has its own jurisdiction. They cannot go outside the jurisdiction to hunt down criminals without permission, but some evil guys always attack Changing a place with one shot caused a lot of inconvenience.

For this reason, the Church of the Goddess of the Night was specially established within the Nighthawks. The Red Gloves, they are strictly selected elites, and even mastered some holy objects. Their mission is to reinforce the Nighthawks team that sent out the signal, and to track And arrest the evil people who are concerned.

In some circles, they are known as "stalkers" and "hounds."

Extraordinary people who can enter the red gloves, at least Sequence 7, are all strong at the captain level, and the danger they face is double that of ordinary nighthawk teams

When Dunn was young, he also had a passionate heart to join the Red Gloves, but as he grew older and his hairline grew, his former ambitions became a daily expense.

However, this does not prevent Dunn from paying tribute: "Your Excellency, what did the Sword of the Goddess, Your Excellency Cresta Sesima say?!"

The captain of the Red Gloves Squad coughed, and his expression became extremely solemn: "Your Excellency Creste Sesima said that everything is the will of the goddess, and there is no danger in this incident."

As soon as the words were finished, the captain of the Red Gloves Squad, who was ordered to come, nodded to Dun En, and walked away in a leisurely manner.

When passing by Leonard, he looked at the Nighthawk who was covering his face for fear of being recognized, the captain of the Red Gloves Squad chuckled lightly: "If you have nothing to miss in Tingen City, you can come to me . '

Leonard raised his head in astonishment, his fate as a clown left, and became the protagonist again.

The grandfather in the body, the angel Pales Zarathustra, sighed slightly, this child is hopeless, it's okay to be stupid, why did he find a host to parasitize.

In Captain Dunn Smith's office, Daly sat quietly, looking at the two unrevealed cards, without saying a word.

There is a sound of da, da, da...
The rhythmic keyboard tapping sounds like a hard music from metal and industry. Dunn is writing today's report.

"It's useless to escape." Daly said calmly: "If my fate is as predicted, then I choose to change!" '

Speaking of which, Daly was about to uncover the card, but was stopped by a pair of warm hands.

"!" Daly was a little annoyed and glared at him

Captain Dunn looked calm, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up: "If fate is like this, I will uncover it with you."

"Do you want to?!"

"Dear Miss Daly."

The figure of the card appeared, it was a character in the novel of Emperor Roselle.

Avengers: Captain Loen and Scarlet Witch.

Dai Li stared blankly at the scene in front of her, which would only exist in a dream. She was always calm, and replied at a loss: "Yes..."

"No... No, this is too casual."

Ms. Daly is a little flustered now, and all the messy fates have been left behind.

"What's wrong?" Although he was asking, Captain Dunn's tone was extremely gentle.

crunch sounded

The door, which was tightly closed, was suddenly half-opened, and one figure after another fell out from behind the door.

Leonard, Old Neil, Klein...

The ruthless Nighthawks all showed happy smiles after eating dog food and the comfort of hearing gossip.
(End of this chapter)

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