All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 873 Loen Laughing Chapter

Chapter 873 Loen's Joke
Backlund, the capital of the Kingdom of Loen, is divided into two parts by the Tassock River that flows to the southeast estuary. It is connected by the Backlund Bridge and a ferry. It has a population of more than 500 million and is the northern and southern continent The most prosperous city, known as the capital of all capitals.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not difficult to see that the prosperity here is comparable to the capital of England in the era of the empire on which the sun never sets. Foreigners, pirates, and underground businessmen who were originally rare can be seen everywhere here.

You can even occasionally meet ancient celebrities, such as Princess Huang Beibei of Emperor Roselle, Amon, the eldest son of the ancient sun god, Azik Eggers, the son of the god of death... Besides, the resident archbishop , There are countless powerful demigods.

In the palace, there is also a Sequence 1 peak, Dzogchen Nine Heavens, the ultimate state, His Majesty George III, one step away from the gods.

But it is said that angels walk all over the place, demigods are not as good as dogs, occasionally there will be gods descending, it can be called the safest place in the whole continent.

The only downside is that there is too much smog caused by industrial exhaust.

In Backlund, there was a yellowish mist everywhere, and visibility was extremely poor. The gas lamps hanging on the platform had already been lit one by one, dispelling the gloom and gloom.

An annoying gentleman told a joke about Loen on the train: "A gentleman who just arrived in Backlund lost his way in the thick smog, so he had to ask the wet gentleman who passed by, Ask the other party 'How to get to the Tussock River', the gentleman replied very kindly: 'Go straight, don't stop, I just swam up from there.

A gentleman holding a two-meter magic wand wrapped in white cloth laughed twice and applauded: "Thank you for your speech, sir. Let me tell you a story too."

"In the far east, there is a magical island. The believers on it believe in God devoutly and have perfect qualities."

"The believers of the Storm Lord are elegant and easy-going, the believers of the radiant sun are humble and polite, the believers of the earth of life are tolerant and generous, the believers of the sea of ​​knowledge are loyal and trustworthy, the believers of the power of war are wise and profound, and the believers of mechanical craftsmen love nature..."

Although the name of the god was not directly named, the corners of the mouths of the believers in the dark night on the car seat have already curled up, and the believers of the other six gods have already clenched their fists, preparing to punish the country's thieves, eliminate harm for the people, and launch a holy war.

A believer in the night, a middle-aged gentleman smiled and said: "Sir, you have to know that every believer has advantages."

Luo Feng nodded approvingly: "Indeed, it even includes followers of the night."

"They are sincere and friendly, they never make up lies, they always see people in their true colors."

In an instant, the workshop was filled with awe, and a murderous aura was brewing.

Ding dong, the train has arrived.

Luo Feng hurriedly led his entourage, Captain Luen, out of the car, and signed his and Dunn's current names under the hateful eyes of the conductor.

dumbledore gandalf

steve john

"Let's go." Luo Feng waved his hand, handed the ticket in his hand to the captain, and signaled him to pay.

"Where are we going next?" Captain Dunn asked

Luo Feng thought for a while, looked at the mist and said, "Do you think it's better to be a fool or a dark night?"

Captain Dunn's expression became serious in an instant. He stayed beside Luo Feng, and he had already heard a little about the Fool, and he was an ally of Mr. Zhisou.

Could this mysterious existence be thinking about the relationship between the Church of Evernight and the Organization of Fools.

After a moment of silence, Captain Dunn, a former follower of the night, said cautiously: "The night has no conflict with the Fool."

Luo Feng smiled slightly: "Then you must hit it off with Mr. World."

Captain Dunn showed a curious look, Mister World, is this someone from the organization?

Luo Feng calmly said: "He is a member of the Tarot Society, he thinks the Fools are well organized, but he himself is the favored person of the Evernight Goddess."

Captain Dunn first showed a surprised expression, and then thought deeply. Mr. Gandalf was reminding himself that the relationship between Mr. Fool and the Evernight Goddess is an alliance.

Mr. Wise Old Man, who is an ally of Mr. Fool, will not be hostile to the Church of Evernight, let him relax.

"Are you willing to join the Tarot Club?" Luo Feng asked suddenly

Captain Dunn thought for a while, and replied truthfully: "This is your wish, and I am willing to comply, but I want to know the reason."

Luo Feng said leisurely: "A centipede with 40 legs and 4 faces is a follower of the fool."

"Those who hide their identities have the hope of becoming the Fool's patron."

Captain Dunn was stunned, at this moment, he heard a burst of orderly and hasty footsteps, and then saw a few men in black wearing black coats and holding black umbrellas, standing opposite and bowed to salute: "Gan Mr. Dove, we have been ordered to come and pick you up."

For a moment, Dunn suddenly felt that it was a wrong choice for him to leave the Nighthawks team.

After all, the former is an official Extraordinary organization, has a direct connection with the Loen Kingdom, and carries the title of Inspector on his shoulder.

Now, it's more like a dynamic social group.

Luo Feng glanced at the man in black, and asked as he walked, "Are you workers from the Eastern District?"

Although the people of the night were well dressed, the rough calluses on their palms betrayed their former identities.

Referring to his past life, the man of the night who asked the question had a gloomy expression at first, and then a look of fanatical faith appeared, and he replied piously: "Yes, Mr. Gandalf, we were all poor people struggling on the line of life and death. '

"It was the Lord who saved me, saved my wife who suffered from lung disease from breathing dust pollution from work all the year round, saved everyone, and promised us bread and milk."

"And will lead us to the land of fruitful harvests of honey and ointment."

Luo Feng nodded with a normal expression, as if he heard someone chatting with him for breakfast.

However, as a former official Extraordinary, Captain Dunn, who often arrests cult members, almost exploded. It turned out that he did not join the underworld, but an evil god organization!

But when I walked to the East District, I saw the aurora and would distribute free black bread to the extremely poor workers.

Time seemed to have stood still. Dunn hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything. Strictly speaking, he is now a member of the evil god organization.

Besides, is an evil god organization that saves the lives of the poor really an evil god?
In other words, can a country that is about to be saved by evil gods still be saved? !
As the captain of the Nighthawks who was once a middle-class man whose wealth was close to that of a rich man, it was the first time for Dunn to look at this country and this society with a new eye.


The Aurora Society, as an organization that has existed for two or three hundred years, is deeply entrenched in every terrorist activity, even in Backlund, the capital of the Loen Kingdom.

Nowadays, there are a large number of poor believers in the East District, but there are also potential believers in the noble class.

Sitting in a villa, the basement below the villa is the base camp of the Aurora Society.

The first layer of vest is a normal aristocratic gentleman who occasionally organizes Extraordinary gatherings and pretends to be a wild Beyonder, so that the official organization can relax its vigilance as the second layer of vest.

In fact the true face is an organization that believes in the true Creator.

(End of this chapter)

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