Chapter 885
"The way of inferior avatars, just like you, is to control the living corpses, using them as weapons, as palms, and as fingers."

Luo Feng pointed to a few living corpses, revealing a look of reminiscence: "These are all based on the outside world, or the flesh, or metal, or energy. In the end, they are foreign objects."

"It didn't reach my level."

Maric thought deeply. The path he was in was being bound. In Sequence 6: Living Corpse, he could become a real living corpse. His body could be as hard as steel, able to block bullets and shells, and immune to some magic.

It can even easily wake up dead bodies, cultivate puppets, control ghosts, and drive them.

He has already skillfully digested the special effects of Sequence 6: Living Corpse, and is marching towards the realm of Sequence 5: Wraith.

And if you want to digest Sequence 5: Resentful Soul, you must make your body like soul and flesh.It can transform its own state into a real shadow and obtain corresponding abilities.

The body and the soul involve many complex issues, such as the self, the real self, the superego, and the id.

Don't look at Maric playing cards all day, secretly reading many psychological books, and seeking help from a psychiatrist, although there is not much benefit.

"Avatar and me, spirit and body." Maric lowered his head, with the attitude of a student asking for advice from his teacher, and asked, "Excuse me, can a medium avatar reach my level?"

"Medium avatar involves a very essential issue, the soul." Luo Feng smiled and said: "People who can reach this stage are either geniuses or lunatics."

"For example, Tom, who cut his soul into seven equal parts, is a lunatic and a classic case of failure. Every time someone takes him out and flogs his corpse."

Even as a living corpse, when Maric heard someone cut his soul into seven parts, he couldn't help but shudder, took a deep breath and understood: "It's too crazy, even cultists wouldn't do it."

"Tom's path is not suitable for this world, and it will only make him more and more crazy." Luo Feng shook his head and said, "Playing avatars in this world is simply deadly. If you don't pay attention to avatars, you will lose control."

"I have only met one person in this world who is walking on the path of middle-level avatar and is able to succeed. His name is Amon."


"Fourth Era, the Tudor dynasty, that angel family with strange power?"

Maric's expression changed. As a Sequence 6, he is already a strong man in the mysterious world, and he knows a little about the Blasphemer family Amon.

In the old era, in the Tudor dynasty, there were five nobles, Abraham, Antigonus, Amon, Tamara and Jacob, each of which could be called the 'Angel Family', with extremely terrifying Strength.

It is said that the Amon family holds the mystery of stealing the power of the gods, and its ancient name shines in the human kingdom.

Even in that era when there were many high-sequence powerhouses, the surname of this family was still a taboo.

"It's not a family, there is only one Amon." Luo Feng corrected with a smile: "As an angel of the thief path, he can parasitize all lives whose personality is not higher than him. Those who are deeply parasitized by him will become his clones , completely under his control."

"The so-called "Angel Family" has only Amon in the whole family, and all family members are his avatars."

Maric's body was cold as a living corpse, and now his heart is also cold.

A parasitic owner, a family member, and believers are all angels who are clones, which is really terrifying.

"So, if you see, there are people wearing monocles."

Luo Feng reminded: "It's best to run away, and finally run to the Church of the Seven Gods,"

"Of course, if you meet someone in a black classic robe, a matching bonnet, and a crystal-carved monocle."

"Don't run away, you won't be able to run away at that time, just pray to the true Creator directly."

Maric took a deep breath, bowed and said, "Thank you for your guidance."

In the world of occultism, knowledge is power. Luo Feng revealed such knowledge to him, which could save his life at a critical time.

Luo Feng waved his hand and said: "Listen to me first, don't you want to know the way to a superior avatar?"

"May I ask this gentleman, what is the path to a superior avatar?"

Maric co-operated and made a joke. At the same time, he was also curious. The path of middle-level avatars belongs to the power of angels, so is the superior avatar a true god?
"The so-called superior avatar means that the body and I are one, and the true spirit is the only one." Luo Feng said leisurely: "Like the three thousand blood seas of the ancestor Minghe, like the one qi of the Taishang Taoist ancestor, like the Huangtian Emperor's He transforms into eternity, he transforms into freedom, these are all supernatural powers."

"I have only seen one kind of system that is truly systemized, and that is his system over there."

"There are infinite selves in the infinite universe, and these are other selves. Only by communicating with these other selves and integrating the common points of others and me, can we gradually explore the true self, find the only true spirit, and understand what I am."

As he talked, Luo Feng also fell into deep thought, and had a new understanding. He understood all these principles, and it was the road he had traveled.

But by reviewing the past, one learns the new, and this time preaching to others, one also gains a new understanding.

This is also one of the fundamental reasons why Da Luo is invincible, but wants to become hundreds of millions.

Passing on my own understanding to the master Luo Feng in the dark, a light about the construction of the universe emerges spontaneously.

After realizing who I am, I explored the true spirit, and finally took a leap to Daluotian.

With the help of the power of Da Luotian, lock the past, open up the future, create your own parallel universe, and finally converge the past and the future, there will be no more weak moments, and you will succeed in proving the Tao.

After successfully proving the Tao, one day will be opened in the Daluo Heaven, and after opening up to the 33rd Heaven of the Daluo, the infinite parallel universes will overlap and become the ultimate point, jumping out of the heavens and worlds, and finally the original universe can be promoted to the only real world.

The heart and mind only lasted for a moment. From Maric's point of view, Luo Feng was only stunned for a second, and in this second, he conveyed a lot of spiritual light, and also got a message from the deity.

Soon after, Luo Feng, the main body of Da Luo, will open the sky.

No longer go to other heavens and worlds, but open up a universe of your own.

"It's no wonder that you have to observe many extraordinary special effects, is it to prepare yourself for Pangu to transform into everything?"

Luo Feng murmured in his heart, and then said to Maric: "I said so much, do you understand the way of superior avatars?"

Maric shook his head in bewilderment: "I understand every word, but I don't know what it means when you put it together."

"Children can't be taught." Luo Feng shook his head regretfully: "I'd better talk to Bajie."

"Bajie?" Maric asked suspiciously
"It's Sharon." Luo Feng said
(End of this chapter)

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