All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 889 Red and 5 Stars

Chapter 889 Red and Five Stars (22)

The Fallen Mother Goddess is the existence standing at the top of all the outer gods, the ruler of all the negative forces in the entire universe, and one of the three pillars of the universe together with the Heavenly God and God.

In other normal Shinto universes, at least the mother of the earth, the master of the Yaochi, the queen of heaven, and the master of reincarnation exist at the first level.

However, due to the tearing and aggregation of the original creator, the fallen mother goddess has been torn apart, has lost its pillar strength, and has only a symbolic personality, reduced to the old first-class.

Therefore, the Fallen Mother Goddess is the most eager of the Outer Gods to invade the old days of the earth. She has been peeping at the real world, occupying the moon, and incarnate into the original moon that symbolizes the crimson moon, trying to retrieve the source quality and characteristics, and restore herself to completeness pillars.

In the Dark Age, the fallen mother goddess polluted Lilith, the ancestor of the blood race, causing her sanity to weaken.

In the Era of the Gods, the fallen mother polluted Mr. Men who roamed the starry sky, making it impossible for this traveler to return home.

In the Black Iron Era, the tainted Mr. "Gate" persuaded Russell to go to the moon, and polluted him when he landed on the moon, which led to the downfall of a generation of Long Aotian.

We all know that while gazing into the abyss, one is also being stared into by the abyss.

The fallen goddess who pollutes others and invades the earth on a daily basis has encountered a higher-level outer god and a greater personality today. According to the chaotic and crazy underlying rules of this universe, the fallen goddess has also been polluted.

The most obvious manifestation is the moon, the incarnation of the fallen mother goddess in the real world, the crimson moon.

An archbishop who believed in the Goddess of the Night was resting at night, lazily lying on the old man's chair. He was looking at the window with iron bars with his gray-blue eyes, looking at the crimson moon outside, admiring the beauty of the night. beautiful view.

This is the hobby of every believer of the night, blending into the darkness, walking under the protection of the crimson lord, the goddess of the night.

Suddenly the Archbishop of the Evernight Church jumped up, his pupils were about to pop out, he couldn't believe what he saw.

On the top of the red moon, there are actually five bright yellow stars, one of which is larger and four smaller, forming a circle.

" is this possible..." the Archbishop of the Evernight Church murmured dreamily
He is already a high-ranking member of the Extraordinary Realm, a half-god and half-human powerhouse, so he naturally knows the status of the moon in mysticism, and several true gods and evil gods are involved, so he will not change it easily.

If it's changed, if it's not polluted, then God's authority is changing.

Who can pollute the true god, the evil god, so the archbishop subconsciously thought that the moon power of the goddess of the night might be changing, so he flew into the church, knelt down in front of the holy emblem, closed his eyes and prayed devoutly, and silently recited the goddess' respect in the ancient Hermes language. name:

"Lower than the starry sky, Goddess of the Night, older than eternity, you are the Lord of Crimson, the Mother of Secrets, the Queen of Calamity and Fear, the Lord of Sleep and Silence..."

Time passed by every minute and every second. In the dark, quiet and peaceful church, the archbishop prayed over and over again, and finally got a reminder.

"Don't bother."

The archbishop muttered these four words in a low voice, and looked up at the five stars conceived in a piece of red, feeling like he was dreaming.

Backlund, in a house with an extremely cheap rent.

Klein sat on a chair, thinking about how he had already digested his Beyonder characteristics during his deployment in Backlund, Sequence 6: Faceless Man.

Suddenly, a bright and clear moonlight shone in, shining on Klein's face.

"Perhaps under the light of the crimson moon, thinking about problems is a good thing." Klein nodded in front of his chest, and said in a low voice, "Goddess bless you."

Pulling the chair and moving his steps, Klein came to the window, looking at the crimson moonlight penetrating through the window, and at the familiar yet unfamiliar force.

In an instant, Klein was stunned, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart.

Red, five-star, hometown, family, everything.

"The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind... What a resounding victory song..." Klein stood under the red moon and five bright stars. The corners of his mouth unconsciously hummed, but the corners of his eyes began to moisten.

"Across the mountains; across the plains, across the rushing Yellow River and Yangtze River."

"The vast and beautiful land is our dear hometown..."

In the silent night, Klein cried and laughed watching the red moon, and his emotions collapsed in an instant. Cold tears and snot mixed together, but he didn't realize it.

Who first saw the moon by the river? When does Jiang Yue shine at the beginning of the year?
Life has been endless from generation to generation, and Jiang Yue looks similar every year.

"When will the bright moon shine on me?" Klein whispered. In the bleak night, he felt endless loneliness and coldness.

Hometown may...may never go back.

Relatives, relatives are gone.

I... my relatives, no, it should be Klein's relatives, I am Zhou Mingrui.

Acting requires acting. I have many roles and faces, among which Zhou Mingrui is the most successful.

I recognize this identity, I recognize my sister Melissa, Benson is my brother, and the name Klein is almost fused with me.

He is the most successful person I played. He was so successful that I believed it myself, so everyone believed it and got involved in it all.

"I would like to be Klein."

"But... I know, I am Zhou Mingrui."

Klein touched the teardrops in his eyes, feeling a little bit of pain in his heart, but felt the digestion of the potion in his body.

Authentically pretend to be another person; you can pretend to be anyone but yourself.

This is the rule of the faceless man summed up by Klein just now.

But this time, Klein hated his potion digestion this time and his sobriety this time. If he could, he wanted to keep deceiving himself.I don't want to dig out the eternal pain in my heart.

"Hometown..." A helpless voice came from the cheap hut.

He wants to go back to his hometown.


In the middle of the original island, in the mausoleum of the "Black Emperor".

The mother god's pollution disappeared, and Roselle, as the Black Emperor, automatically began to recover, and entered the resurrection reading, revealing his true face, long chestnut curly hair, blue eyes, high nose bridge, thin lips, and two well-groomed Very nice little beard.

Emperor Roselle, the Emperor Roselle who belongs to this world
Drop after drop of water slipped from Bernadette's face and dripped onto the floor of the mausoleum.


Emperor Roselle-Huang Tao, he looked at Bernadette, the red moon, and the bright five stars, his emotions instantly collapsed, and an indescribable sadness appeared on his face.

Huang Tao strode forward and hugged Bernadette, weeping in a low voice: "Bebe..."

"my hometown……"

"My baby, my hometown..."

Compared with Klein, Huang Tao cried more sadly, more thoroughly, and more helplessly.

Because he has relatives by his side, and because he knows better than Klein that he will never return to his hometown.

Here is the earth.

 This is the smoothest chapter I've ever written.

  The last time I felt this way, I was writing a scroll
(End of this chapter)

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