All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 892 His Majesty will arrive in his faithful capital Trier today

Chapter 892 His Majesty will arrive in his faithful capital Trier today

Above the star world, there are seven kingdoms, and the figures of seven true gods stand.

There is sky, ocean, steam, and scorching sun. Different figures stand, but the most sensitive position in the middle is three gods.

A piece of quiet darkness covered with moonflowers, night herbs and other plants is boundless, and the night fairy waits and sees quietly.

In the lonely dusk, a huge mountain-like figure stared at Roselle, and calmly said, "The Black Emperor."

Behind the twilight, there is a primeval forest guarding the forest. In the forest, a dark green vine is entwined, and a figure decorated with various herbs and flowers stands out.

He is also as huge as a mountain peak, with a plump figure, a fluttering dress, and an illusory baby in his arms.

The mother is on the same side as the figure of dusk, holding the weak night nymph.

It looks like Dark Night is on the underdog side, precariously.

But no matter whether it was the four who were calm on the surface and turbulent in the dark, or the three who were tit-for-tat on the surface and secretly set a dead end, they were indifferent to Roselle's resurrection.

The Seven Gods watched this scene quietly, and the Black Emperor was resurrected. This was an order that no other true god could reverse or stop.

And even if they could stop it, they were unwilling to stop it, because 1368 was the year when the "first barrier" disappeared, and it was the "end of days" recognized by the world's prophets.

The common will of the Seven Gods is to desire the resurrection of a Dark Emperor to share the pressure for them, no matter who the Dark Emperor is, whether it is Roselle, George III, or Solomon resurrected from the ashes.

In short, there must be a Lich King.

Three copies of Sequence 1: The Extraordinary characteristics of the Prince of Sequence automatically returned to the hands of the Black Emperor Roselle. He had already taken the potion once, and there was no obstacle in his promotion this time, and he successfully became the True God of Sequence 0!
Stepping into the star realm and relying on the distorted order to walk in the Kingdom of God, the Black Emperor Roselle took a deep look at Steam Princess.

Everything has a beginning.

When Roselle returned from time travel, at the most difficult time, it was the God of Artisans, the Artisan Church gave him the first pot of gold, and extended a helping hand to a down-and-out nobleman to make him rise.

Russell overthrew the ruler of the Kingdom of Intis, Caesar, and became emperor.

Russell also gave back, starting the industrial revolution as a "son of steam" and a member of the church, bringing various trends of thought, and the "god of craftsman" seized the opportunity to change his name to "god of steam and machinery", Shared the progress of civilization enlightenment and digested the corresponding potions.

Only then did he become a veritable Sequence 0-True God.

If everything ends here, if this world is not so crazy and chaotic, not so cold and ruthless.

The relationship between Roselle and Steam Princess will always be maintained, one is a great true god, and the other is a devout follower of the emperor.

But it is a pity that this world is facing danger at any time, and only the true God is qualified to protect himself and protect his family.

It can only start to split with the Church of Steam.

"Fortunately, the final outcome is not bad." Roselle took a deep breath and stopped looking at the Seven Gods. This is not his battlefield yet, he wants to take back his empire first!

"Intis, your emperor is back!"

In the real world, several major kingdoms are fighting wars on land, but on the sea, there is still a powerful force, which is divided into four kings and seven generals according to the order.

The Queen of Mysteries is one of the kings, and there is another king, the King of the Five Seas, Nast Solomon
He is the son of Savigny, inheriting the legacy of the Solomon Empire, and his flagship is the Black Emperor.He always wants to recover the Solomon Empire and become the new Dark Emperor.

But as Russell's majestic voice sounded, Nast Solomon knew that he had no chance.

"Is there no chance?" Nast Solomon sat on the deck, wearing a gorgeous robe with black background and silver border, and wearing a crown of spires twice as high as his head, looking down on everything around him like a god.

But his heart is full of unwillingness. He is not a person who kills at will. He wants to establish a set of order and establish his own kingdom.

From the virtue of abiding by the virtue of not killing prisoners and the recognized pirate king, it can be seen that he is a person with a big structure.

The so-called Qianlong is in Yuan, but unfortunately the Black Emperor of Yuandu has taken it away.

Emperor Roselle landed on the Black Emperor, looked around, and nodded with satisfaction: "This ship is not bad, you can't become the Black Emperor, but you can become the Duke of Entropy."

"Boy, how are you thinking?"

The crazy suppression of spirituality from the personality of the true God is like an emperor ordering his subjects to submit.

Nast Solomon took a deep breath, knowing that he really had no chance, so he lost his majesty, half-kneeled on the deck, and under the terrified and suspicious eyes of the crew, he met the newborn Black Emperor and expressed his submission.

"As you wish, Your Majesty Roselle!"

As the pirate king knelt down and surrendered, the rest of the pirates on the ship fell to the ground one by one, burying their faces on the deck, not daring to lift up.

Russell let go of the spiritual suppression, patted Nast Solomon on the shoulder, smiled and said: "Young man, don't give up, I will give you the status of an angel, canonize you as a duke, and you can form an angel family .”

"Although it is not as good as the Solomon Empire in the past, it can be regarded as the first step to revive the family."

Nast Solomon said humbly, "Listen to His Majesty's instruction."

Roselle nodded, then looked into the distance, stared at the boundless sea, and said with incomparable majesty: "Go on, join forces with the Queen of Mystery's Dawn, and target Intis!"

"Of order!" Nast Solomon replied loudly, his pupils filled with excitement.

If you can't be the Black Emperor, it's good to be the Duke of Intis, it's better than drifting on the ocean every day.

On the vast sea area, the two fleets merged and marched towards Intis, causing a commotion in the entire world.

Intis' family members placed bets one after another, while the civilians hid at home, not daring to step out. The drama of the emperor's return did not take long.

Intis's newspaper advertises:

Day [-]: "Monsters from the Primordial Island Land in the Port";
Day [-]: "Man-eating devils advance to the Republic of Intis";
Day Three: "The Usurper Enters the Hornaches";
Day [-]: "The Black Emperor Takes Lyon";
Day [-]: "Roselle Approaches White Maple Palace";
Day Six: "Your Majesty will arrive today in his faithful capital, Trier."


Intis Republic, the capital Trier.

The noble councilors who got up early, the knights who stuck to their posts, and the Extraordinary hidden among the ordinary people all set their sights on the majestic emperor.

In the sound of rites and music, everyone sang loudly: "God bless my emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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