All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 894 The Journey to the West Begins

Chapter 894 The Journey to the West Begins

The reappearance of Emperor Roselle is no less shocking to people of this era than the First Emperor unravelling his coffin and walking out of Mount Li.

In a trance, Mr. Hanged Man, the long-time pirate captain, couldn't help but think of a classic joke that has been circulated in the sea all the year round.

Gentlemen of pirates, I am the Black Emperor Roselle, I am not dead, but sealed, I have thousands of tons of gold and millions of soldiers sealed in the original island, now only need one thousand gold pounds to unseal , as long as you give me money, I will make you a duke when I unblock you.

When the pirates heard someone claiming to be the Black Emperor, they would laugh mercilessly, ridicule loudly, and occasionally throw their stinky leather boots over.

But here is Mr. Fool's Tarot Club, which is the stronghold of mysterious existence, and the sound of the majestic return that was circulated in the world some time ago is like thunder.

Mr. Hanged Man swallowed his saliva, and looked at it in fear, so, he is the real Black Emperor Roselle!

Although I know that the identities of everyone participating in the Tarot Club are not simple, and there is a mysterious support behind them, but this is Roselle!

The living Emperor Roselle!
Compared to Mr. Hanged Man's fear, Miss Justice Audrey was much more relaxed, because she could see His Majesty the Loen Kingdom at every court gathering.

Emperor Roselle is more powerful and mysterious than the Ruen Kingdom, but within the scope of understanding and acceptance.

What really confused Miss Justice was how she called Emperor Roselle.

In the field of occultism, the 22 tarot cards interact with each other.

For example: when the Witch card exists independently, the code name of "him" is Queen.

When the witch card and the emperor card exist, there is no two suns and no two masters, and the queen card evolves into the queen card.

When the mother card exists independently, the corresponding astrology is the moon, which symbolizes wisdom, like a high-ranking ruler, and the correct name is the female priest.

But whether it is Mr. Mother or Mr. Priestess.

Read it out, it's always a bit weird, and it doesn't respect Emperor Roselle.

After another period of silence, "The Fool" Klein tapped the edge of the mottled long table, chuckled and said, "Mr. Roselle, I didn't expect that you would come in person."

Seeing Mister Fool talking, the members of the Tarot Society breathed a sigh of relief, this is the normal process, a dialogue between gods and gods.

Since then, he is the first member of the Tarot Club not to use the code name of the Tarot Club.

No one is meaningful, because Emperor Roselle is a great existence with the same personality as Mister Fool, and he is not afraid of revealing his identity, which is very different from these secretive little figures in the mysterious world.

Roselle took a deep look at Mister Fool, and said meaningfully: "Fate led me here, and so did Mister Fool."

"I've been collecting my Roselle diaries."

"Hehe..." Mister Fool smiled awkwardly, and suddenly thought of that sentence inexplicably, the taste of a witch is really good.

This is in front of the parties!
After staring at each other calmly for a few minutes, Klein the Fool announced that the gathering was over.

No one will be surprised, because coming down is not a meeting before God, but a meeting of God.

As Miss Justice and the others got up to pay their respects, streaks of red light dissipated, and finally Klein and Emperor Roselle stayed behind.

The two looked at each other like this, and after a while, Klein took the initiative to disperse the gray fog, revealing his true face.

Black-haired and brown-eyed, somewhat similar to Gehrman Sparrow, but the outline is not rigid enough, the lines are not deep enough, the temperament is not cold enough, and there are certain differences in the facial features, and there are some socially induced effects on the chin and stomach A small amount of fat is exactly Klein's original image of Zhou Mingrui, the Zhou Mingrui who hangs inside "Origin Castle" and has been "roommates" with Russell Huang Tao Gustav for thousands of years.

"Mr. Fool? One hundred thousand gold pounds?" Roselle sized it up and asked, holding back a smile
The legendary guardian of Backlund's bathroom, an insider of ancient history, the roommate of Emperor Roselle, the pet cat of the Evernight Goddess, the savior of the City of Silver, His Highness the Grandson of the God of Death, the rap audience of the true Creator, and a friend of the Aurora Order , above the seven-color aura, the king of the group photo world, the host of the Tarot Club, the holder of the ingot, the existence who holds the authority of Erwuzi, the opponent of Amon, Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun, a fool who does not belong to this era, gray The mysterious master above the fog, the yellow and black king who is in charge of good luck, and the great poor god crowned Mr. Fool

"Emperor Roselle! Is the taste of a witch really good?" Klein also couldn't help laughing.

The self-proclaimed Caesar, the imitator of Napoleon, the emperor who also fell into the White Maple Palace, the friend of the witch, the roommate of the fool, the father of industrial civilization, the son of the era, the former saint of the god of steam, the former protagonist of Long Aotian, was desired The male mother pursued by the mother god, the brave man who jumped out of the sequence, the great Emperor Russell
For a moment, above the gray mist, there was a happy atmosphere.

In this crazy and chaotic time, even the gods can't be self-sufficient, and they must remain ruthless at all times, or only above the gray fog, where two fellow villagers from the ancient earth can be so unscrupulous.

"Cough cough." After laughing wildly for a while, Roselle coughed and asked, "I heard that you are collecting my diary and cards of blasphemy?"

"How many have you collected?"

Klein nodded, and said calmly: "That's right, I want to understand the extraordinary knowledge of this world. As for the card of blasphemy, I only have the Black Emperor card, and I want the Fool card even more."

"Huh..." Roselle exhaled, and said cheerfully, "Fortunately, it's not the Witch card, the Moon card and the Mother card."

Klein glanced at Roselle, and silently complained in his heart, he never thought you would be such a great emperor.

As if sensing Klein's gaze, Roselle argued, "I've watched the live broadcast, so it should be clear how normal this is..."

"Besides, I was influenced by the fallen mother god at that time... Mother god, can the things about the mother god be called women's clothing?!"

One after another is a series of difficult words, what kind of crazy will, not under self-control, is not the original heart.

It caused Klein to burst into laughter, and the air above the gray mist was filled with joy.

After some ridicule came over, Roselle resumed his serious expression, and said solemnly: "If you want to find the Fool's Card, pray to the night, there is Antigonus out of control in the main peak of the Hornacis Mountains."

Klein is awe-stricken, this is the way to relate to him, it is very important.

"Also don't collect all 22 cards, be careful, mother card!" Russell seriously reminded

"Is it because of the pollution of the fallen mother goddess?" Klein asked cautiously
Russell nodded, then thought of something, and said bluntly: "When you become an ancient scholar, come to Intis to find me."

"There's a ceremony there."

"Ritual?" Klein asked doubtfully
Roselle smiled and spit out two words in Chinese: "Journey to the West."

(End of this chapter)

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