All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 896 The Lord's Angel of Time

Chapter 896 The Lord's Angel of Time
Ah Meng's pupils revealed infinite sorrow. Many years later, facing the sin-bearing cross, Ah Meng would recall the scene of his father singing "Qiusha" in the courtyard.

Even if the world is still newly opened, many extraordinary special effects cannot be named, so they have to point with their fingers.It was finally named by the ancient sun god.

At that time, the King of the Eight Great Angels was still the loyal servant of the Lord, the pure day angel Osykus had a sincere smile on his face, and the Church of Evernight was still a cult.

Time has changed, the same group of people, but the scene is different.

"The last time it was called the Redemption Rose, what is it called this time?" The Evernight Goddess said softly, looking at the divine Adam.

Adam smiled, looked at Luo Feng without emotion, and asked, "What does Tianzun think?"

Now the atmosphere is weird to the extreme, all the true gods and evil gods have an ominous premonition, it's all right for Roselle to be called Tian Zun, why Adam also has to call Tian Zun.

If this is Heavenly Venerable, who is the standing Fool? !
"Journey to the West planning team." Luo Feng smiled slightly, looked at the gods and angels and said: "You have been discussing for a long time, discussing how to solve the Doomsday Outer God, the answer is to let the fool be born, to open the door of the Western Continent, and let yourself become the old one. .”

"Hehe, the dragon-slaying warrior turned into a dragon."

"This is just the Hinayana method, which can only be used for vulgarity and lightness. It can only treat the symptoms of madness and chaos, not the root cause."

"I have the Dharma of Mahayana, which treats the symptoms and root causes, can restrain all chaos and madness, can restore the great purity of heaven and earth, can save people from suffering, can cultivate the body of infinity, and can do things that come and go without coming."

Emperor Roselle cooperated and asked, "Where is the Mahayana method?"

Luo Feng smiled and said, "In the Western Continent."

Going around and back to the original point, if you want to open the Western Continent, you must first let the fool become the master of mysteries.

The gods and angels looked at each other and already had the answer in their hearts. This meeting was to elect a brand new Lord of Mysteries.

And there are only three candidates for the Lord of Mysteries, Klein, Mr. Gate, and Amon.

Mr. Men couldn't come back outside and was directly disqualified by the representative.

There are only two candidates left.

The attitude of the gods is obvious, and they are evenly matched, otherwise the Lord of Mysteries would have appeared long ago, and it would not have been delayed until now.

The Evernight Goddess patrolled the area, stood up, and said calmly: "If you continue to consume, the end will come."

"The angel who agrees with Amon as the Lord of Mysteries, come to the left, and the angel who opposes Amon as the Lord of Mysteries, come to the right."

Zaratul walked to the left without hesitation.

Becoming the old days does not require all the Sequence 1 Extraordinary characteristics of the corresponding path.

As far as he is concerned, Klein becoming the old day means that he will inevitably fall, but if Amon becomes the old day, as long as he shows his loyalty, he can still retain his current personality and level, 'Lord of Mysteries' Always need 'Servant of Mysteries'
Pales Zarathustra walked to the right. His wrong sequence of archangels, Amon, let alone becoming the old days, or becoming a god, he would definitely die. If Klein became the old days, relying on the past The friendship can still save one life, and maintain the personality of the Sequence 1 archangel.

The angels quickly dispersed, revealing a figure that was still unwilling to move.

This is an angel that has never been seen before. When the gods were wondering, he suddenly put on the monocle and smiled: "I am Amon."

The Evernight Goddess sighed helplessly, and invited Amon and Klein to come to the stage.

Klein was horrified as he walked at a stalemate pace. Many thoughts appeared in his mind... When did Amon appear here, or should he be here all this time? It's really too terrifying to be the King of Angels of the wrong path.

Amon glanced at Klein leisurely, then smiled slowly: "Compared to him, I have a huge advantage."

"It will take a while for him to become the universe, but I can immediately become the Lord of Mysteries only by taking the potion."

"Gods, timing is everything."

"You're wrong." Ah Meng stood up with a smile: "There are still people who haven't made a statement."

After clapping their hands, a beautiful young lady came in from the outside, Adam's eyes hurt when he saw it, and he recalled the oncoming Tiandiquan.

Audrey has been cultivating in the universe, researching the five great secret realms, and now her holy body is completed, her golden body is immortal, and the surging blood energy is so majestic that even the God of War is terrified.

"I agree with Mister Fool becoming the Lord of Mysteries."

"Who agrees, who opposes?!"

Miss Justice Audrey calmly stated a fact

The gods hesitated, and then Miss Sharon, who was wearing a black gothic court dress and a small soft hat of the same color, walked over with her usual pale face.

Miss Sharon calmly said: "The fallen mother goddess left the earth and set her eyes on the mother tree. My god's pollution disappeared, and the Rose School of thought supports Mister Fool."

The mother goddess was frightened and left the earth temporarily. In order to make up for the loss, she set her sights on the mother tree, which made the god of spiritual things and the dark side of the universe break free from the shackles.

The God of Spiritual Objects is a member of Rose Redemption, so he can come to meet old colleagues and express his opinions.

The chips of a King of Angels tipped the scales.

In the end, Huang Jiajia came out and cast the final weight on behalf of the Black Emperor Roselle. The balance was completely out of balance, leaning towards Klein once.

Amon's expression was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Klein was looking at the gods in a daze. What's the situation? I've been appointed just like that. Should I read a few lines of poetry?

Roselle coughed and said with a chuckle, "Mr. Fool, after the meeting of the gods, we decided to invite you to be the Lord of Mysteries."

"I'm really not being humble..." Klein said something subconsciously, and then reacted, his pupils tightened, and he said hastily: "I don't seek a place for myself, but I still take it as my duty to benefit the world. Only by becoming the Lord of Mysteries can the universe be protected, and I can only take responsibility and completely abandon my selfishness. "

"Yes, Fool." Emperor Roselle bowed cooperatively.

"I don't want to go to the starry sky." Amon said unwillingly, he failed without doing anything, and no one would be happy if he changed it.

Luo Feng nodded, smiled and said, "Yes."

Miss Audrey held the scripture she wrote and read it in front of the gods: "My lord the fool, in the past, in the present, and in the future, he is the great ruler of the spiritual world, and he is also the master of good fortune. The king of yellow and black is also the beacon for every creature to pursue eternity.

"My Lord dwells above the realms of reality and spirit, and His mercy overflows the heavens and the earth, and there are six angels standing beside His seat.

"'Mercury Angel' is the incarnation of destiny and the most beloved angel of our Lord; the 'Angel of Death' is the existence that has followed our Lord the longest, and is the consul of the underworld; The communicator of the oracle; the 'angel of life' is the crystallization of wisdom and the indelible spirituality in every human body."

"'The Angel of Retribution', who is the thunder of the Lord, the wrath of the Lord, the palm of the Lord, the judge and executioner of all the fallen and unclean."

"'Angel of Time', he was the 'King' in the ancient times, and finally surrendered to my Lord, and struck the bell of heaven for Him."

"Do you accept such an ending?" Audrey looked at Adam calmly, her emerald green pupils contained emotions, without any fluctuations, as if she was in a state of divinity.

Do you accept this development?

Do you accept this arrangement?

Do you accept this ending?
Adam was silent, and Amon was also silent.

The corner of Audrey's mouth curled up into a smile, and she exited the audience state, like a little girl who had won, jumping for joy, and solemnly announced: "This is the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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