All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 902 49 Innate, 3 career positions

Chapter 902

The proposal to evolve 49 congenital Daluo karmas and [-] acquired golden celestial karmas caused controversy.

This map includes, Taishang, Yuanshi, Lingbao, Fuxi, Nuwa, Haotian... the three religions and nine streams, the top career positions ranked by the heavens and the world.

Everyone who comes here is a big boss, and no one will let anyone else.

"Since everyone has objections, it's uncertain." Luo Feng calmly said: "After the opening of the sky, everyone will fight according to their ability. The deadline is the amount of kalpa. That Yuanshi who has the last laugh is the real Yuanshi Tianzun."

"The other Shanghe Xuhuang Daojun, Yuqing Zhenwang, Yuqing Zixu Gaomiao Taishang Yuanhuang Daojun are all the trumpets of the real Yuanshi."

After discussing with each other, you feel that this is a good plan. You will win the big player and the others will be the trumpets.

And every calamity has a chance to start again, reshuffle the cards and put them on the table, at least on the surface, all beings are equal.

Otherwise, everyone will be the protagonist, and the universe will be destroyed.

Mingyue, the demon god of light, raised her hand and said, "There are at least [-] daluos in Miluo Palace, why can't they be set as [-] innate honorable positions?!"

Luo Pangu shook his head: "There is competition, there is pressure, and you and I will burst out with brilliant wisdom and promote the progress of the big universe." '

"Eight hundred great Luos compete for the 49th position, the loser is eliminated, and the next calamity will be repeated."

"And the evolution of the universe's origin is just right for 49 ranks, and the evolution of eight hundred karma ranks. The origin is too thin, and fellow Taoists don't like it."

Besides, Luo Feng complained silently in his heart, you are all lying flat, with eight hundred Luo industry positions, each person has a hole, what profit can I make with Luo Pangu.

Only when the elimination system is implemented at the end, and you big Luos involve each other, will you burst out your wisdom and play a greater role, and the Pangu of me, Luo, can be consummated earlier.

"Then why do we need three thousand gold immortal positions?" Taiwei Zifu Taoist frowned and said: "Golden immortals, no matter how powerful they are, they can't jump out of the box, they are people in the book after all."

Daoist Wuwu cooperated with a smile and said, "Could it be that Luo Pangu is going to give birth to Zhang Chulan, like a fellow Taoist, and every golden immortal will give a chaotic demon god?"

Standing beside Luo Feng, Zhang Chulan, who was under the high platform, smiled awkwardly, thinking that he, the Chaos Demon God, is a buy-one-get-one relationship.

Even if it is true, you don't want to say it in public.

Luo Feng coughed, waved his sleeves, and two mind maps appeared in the void, recording the Xiantian 49 Avenues and the Houtian Three Thousand Avenues respectively.

The two Dao maps do not exist independently, but a relationship that can be promoted.

For example, the Houtian Avenue, which combines metal, wood, water, fire, and soil, can be promoted to the Five Elements Avenue, and can also evolve into the Material Avenue, and can also become the Good Fortune Avenue.

Luo Feng said leisurely: "After the first calamity, it is impossible for fellow Taoists who have successfully occupied the karma position to occupy the 49th Avenue forever. The so-called innate 49 demon god karma positions have to be thrown away after comprehension."

"It's just like Emperor Zhenwu, who was known as the 82nd of the Taishang back then. Hehe, everyone knows that the 81st of the Taishang has always been the 82st. Where did the [-]nd come from."

"True Martial Fellow Daoists are just rubbing the heat. When you have stabilized your Dao Fruit and become the Demon Slayer Heavenly Venerate, you will forget about the 82nd generation."

"If you really want a fellow Taoist to forcibly occupy the position of the Supreme Master until the immeasurable calamity, I don't object. What will happen? Everyone knows that you will completely become the incarnation of the Supreme Master and live up to yourself."

"Then after the first calamity, what are these innate positions used for?" A Da Luo, who Luo Pangu had bought in advance, stood up and acted as a supporter.

"That's a good question!" Luo Feng slapped the seat, startling a group of big Luos who were frightened, thinking that Luo Feng was going to make an excuse to get mad.

Unexpectedly, Luo Feng said with a smile: "Fellow Taoists, you can leave the position of master universe to your disciples, relatives and friends, I remember that there is a way of enlightenment in the way of Daluo."

"This path is different from other powers, fighting for hegemony, and luck. The key point is to become a generation of saints."

Qingjue Daoist Zhang Yueguan said thoughtfully: "There is such a way."

"Cultivating a Da Luo is to affirm the correctness of one's own path, and one's path will definitely increase."

"Teaching and cultivating the Nine Great Luos, the path is extremely correct, and he is qualified to become a school in the heavens and worlds, and can easily become the Patriarch of the Beginning."

"Teaching eight hundred Da Luo, that is the leader of a religion, the leader of Taiyi."

"If you can teach the three thousand great Luos, you will immediately achieve Pangu's career. As far as I know, only two Taoist ancestors have achieved this achievement."

"One is the Taishang Taoist who opened this way, and achieved Pan Gu's honor with morality, and the other is the first generation Hongjun. This Taoist achieved it by a clever trick, so that the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods of Zixiao temporarily recognized him as his disciple."

"That's exactly the reason." Luo Feng nodded his head and said: "After the opening of the sky, fellow Taoists can't teach eight hundred Daluos or three thousand emperors, but there is still hope for teaching nine Daluos."

"By merging the postmortem position, the Jinxian creature was promoted to the innate position, temporarily possessing the power of Da Luo, and gained a new perspective."

"Compared with the normal Ronaldo breakthrough, it is much, much easier to get in."

Many people with great supernatural powers in Miluo Palace were moved. They came this time to find the opportunity of the beginning. No one expected to jump two realms at once and become the leader of Taiyi.

The road of enlightenment seems to be feasible.

"Then what should I do about him." Daoist Fu Min asked solemnly: "I am only honored in the main universe, and cannot project other time and space, and become billions of people, after all, I am a fake Daluo."

"Once the fake Da Luo leaves the main universe, he will definitely fall back to the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit."

"That's a good question." Luo Feng nodded his head and pointed to the heavenly masters: "After all fellow Taoists have ascended to the Great Luotian, you can open up a parallel universe as a supplement to the main universe."

"On the one hand, this Pangu will not interfere with your actions in the parallel universe, and on the other hand, he can be artificially created."

"After the Golden Immortal of the main universe obtained the innate karma, he began to communicate with these man-made others, and then proofread, unified, searched for the law, and finally locked in the eternal Daluotian where the true spirit is."


"Once you ascend to Eternal Freedom Da Luotian, you can use Da Luotian to lock your future and go back to the past."

"From then on, the fake big Luo is the real big Luo."

There was a lot of discussion in the Mira Palace, and the great Luos began to use their own magical powers to calculate the feasibility and success of the plan, and began to discuss whether to support this system and become the main system of the universe.



"Silence, silence." Luo Feng ordered Da Brahma to ring the bell several times to intimidate Miluo Palace.

"This motion, start voting!"

After friendly and peaceful deliberations, fully understanding the wishes of the big Luos, moving them with reason, and understanding them with reason, this proposal was passed smoothly.

It can be seen that this conference is a successful conference, a conference of unity, and a conference of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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