All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 904 Three families are divided into saints, Luo Feng is furious

Chapter 904 The Three Families Divide into Saints, Luo Feng Goes Crazy

Patriarch Bai Ze looked at one side and wrote a piece of history. Tasks were assigned in Miro Palace. Da Luo Tianzun became a player to experience the game. Readers who specialize in finding faults and catching bugs, everyone has a bright future.

History books call it the three divisions.

The original Hunyuan sage held great power, representing three thousand Daluo, writing the will of God, and dooming fate. He was both a contestant and a referee.

The so-called general trend, the so-called destiny, and the so-called plot are all in the mind of the Hunyuan sage. They are players, authors, and readers.

It can be called the authority dog ​​among management apes, and the bug level exists under Pangu.

Now that the authority is divided into three parts, the realm of vigorous vitality and the competition of all things is in front of you.

Within the harmonious range, a Taoist Zulong jumped out and suggested: "Although there is no realm of Hunyuan, one cannot live without the concept of Hunyuan."

"If you don't even have the concept of perfection, and everything is lacking, it's like God's will cutting all living beings with a knife."

"How can you play this!"

Da Luo Tianzun and Taoist Taiyi began to discuss how to deal with the concept of Hunyuan.

"If there is a shortage, there will be a shortage, what's the big deal."

A Huangtian Emperor holding a stone pot in his hand said nonchalantly, "How can we force out the potential of all living beings without a divine will?"

"Emperor Huangtian, I think it's forcing out the potential of your disciples." Taoist Zulong said with a strange air, "Who doesn't know, your family's system is based on the body as the seed, and the environment of self-destruction is more suitable for your cultivation."

"Oh my, fellow Daoist Zulong's words are wrong, let me say something fair." A heavenly emperor standing up and laughing said: "If you cut yourself, what's so bad about the Dharma-ending era?"

"It's not only suitable for disciples and monks under my sect, but also suitable for disciples and monks under other fellow daoists, such as fellow daoists from the Lingbao lineage, don't you think so?"

In an instant, the atmosphere in Miluo Palace was a little tense. Master Tongtian, Great Sage Tongtian, Daojun Wuwu, these Daojun Tianzun of the lineage of Lingbao smiled without saying a word, and nodded in gesture.

The pioneering of the wilderness, the evolution of the Tao, the three stages of the opening, the heyday, and the end, which are successively transformed into the Yuanshi Tianzun, the Daode Tianzun, and the Lingbao Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun symbolizes the cause of all effects, which is the first, so most of the disciples of the disciples are congenital saints, so there are rumors that Yuanshi Tianzun pays attention to following his feet and does not accept acquired souls.

In fact, it is not that Yuanshi Tianzun does not accept the acquired spirits, but that the practice of Yuanshi's lineage is biased towards the divine way. It needs the beginning of the sky, and the environment of ten thousand ways to be undetermined can practice to the peak. They are the rule makers. This is the way of Yuanshi's lineage. .

The same is true for the moral god, he symbolizes the peak state, that is, the era of prosperous humanity, and all the sages are born together, such as Confucius, Yangzi, Zhuangzi, Guiguzi... Many sages are Taoists, at least they have heard Laozi say The sages of Tao.

It can be seen that there are even remarks made by hundreds of schools in later generations.

The line of morality needs to be practiced in the era of prosperous humanity in order to practice to the peak.

The same is true for Lingbao Tianzun. He symbolizes the end of the era. He needs to preach in the end of the Dharma era, guide all living beings, and save the world. Therefore, most of his disciples went upstream for a period of time before the destruction of the universe, and finally escaped.

This has led to the fact that most of the Lingbao disciples are the protagonists of the universe, the children of the times, and the saviors who save the world. It is for this reason that the Lingbao lineage is more popular than Yuanshi and morality in the heavens and worlds.

Taking the body as a kind of need has the greatest effect of practice in the Dharma-ending era, and the Lingbao lineage has a tradition of respecting me at the end of the kalpa.

In an instant, Huang Tiandi and Ye Tiandi drew together one-third of the power of the Taoist sect.

Taoist Zulong immediately sneered and said, "As expected of a crouching dragon and phoenix chick, this idea can also be raised."

Emperor Huangtian's eyes suddenly became unkind, Zulong doesn't look like a humanoid creature, hehe.

Ye Tiandi silently set up the fire, considering whether to barbecue or make soup.

"Brothers of the Dragon Clan!"

"If there are flaws in perfection, how can we reproduce bloodlines?"

"The road to promotion on the Dragon Clan Avenue cannot be cut off like this."

Taoist Zulong shouted, Immortal Qin Zulong, First Emperor, Canglong Great Sage, Zulong Heavenly Emperor, Black Emperor Zulong... ran out one after another

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Ye Tiandi shouted: "Friend Chu, friend Wu Shi, friend Empress..."

A young emperor with a smirk joined in, and then the beginningless bell rang... One after another, the emperors joined the camp
The gathering of the three emperors symbolizes the superposition of the past, future, and present, and there are many immortal emperors offering sacrifices to help out, not afraid of the dragon army at all.

"Brother, kill me, knocked over his milk cans today!"

“Grill, must grill!”

"Eat it, eat it, eat the Chaos Demon God today!"

"Come on, join me in fighting Ye Fan, who has fake academic qualifications."


The Miluo Palace was once again in chaos. The Three Heavenly Emperors and the ancestor dragons fought to the edge of the Miluo Palace. They opened up the sky and opened up the earth with their hands and feet.

Huangtian Emperor Shi Hao sneered: "Who is calling invincible, who dares to say invincible?!"

The sword fetus of Da Luo burst out, cutting off the eternal years, and the river of time was divided into two parts.

"I love animal milk the most, don't be arrogant!" Taoist Zulong went upstream, reconnected the disconnected time, and made a killing blow.

Ye Fan shouted: "I am the Emperor of Heaven, and I shall suppress all enemies in the world!"

The Six Paths of Reincarnation punched out, shattering hundreds of millions of immortal Qin terracotta warriors.

"I am the first emperor, and the heaven, earth, monsters, people, ghosts, immortals, and Buddhas should worship me!" A supreme first emperor rises, the heavens rise and fall, all spirits worship together, and the killing continues.

The Great Emperor Wushi shook the big bell in his hand, and Zhong Ling shouted: "Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, and the Wushi Dao will become empty at the first sight!"

The bell is ringing, the world trembles for him, there is no past, no present, no beginning and no end!
"Follow the water, go against the clouds!" The Black Emperor Ancestral Dragon roared up, exercising his power, between the water and the cloud, no trace could be found, and everything was secretly developing his mind.

The Empress Wushuang started the battle and flew out of the fairy light: "One thought blossoms, and the king will rule the world!"

"Thousands of dragons are facing the sky, the emperor is the world!" The blue dragon howled, the universe was ups and downs, fighting to kill all enemies!

There was a lot of trouble for a long time, and there was no winner.

Luo Pangu rubbed his forehead, kept ringing the bell and said, "Silence, silence!"

"Huangtian Emperor, please put down your milk can!"

"Zulong, don't hit Nilin and it will show up!"

There is chaos now, and Luo Pangu is about to burst out with blue veins.

"Damn! Stop it for me!"

A magical ax of truth was born out of nowhere, carrying the real power of opening up the world, it struck in the center of the hall, separating the two sides of the battlefield!

The Miluo Palace was silent for a moment, Luo Feng took a deep breath and got up, picked up the magic ax of reason, and said with a smile: "Peace is the most important thing in everything, everyone still has to be reasonable, right?"

Both Heavenly Emperor Ancestral Dragons swallowed, nodded, and sat back to their seats quietly.

No one would think that a Luo Tianzun who has cultivated to the level of Pangu would be an honest person, even if Luo Feng is an honest person, an honest person is a big Tianzun, and a good old Pangu is more terrifying than ordinary Pangu.

Seeing the terrified expressions of the other Tianzun Daojun, Pan Gu Daoist had a frantic expression.

Luo Feng sat back on the platform again, and said calmly: "Everyone, just pretend nothing happened."

"Continue meeting, continue meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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