All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 909 Houtu Nuwa, Humane Orthodox

Chapter 909 Houtu Nuwa, Humane Orthodox

After the Star God Luos talked all kinds of things in Luopangu, promised various benefits, and secretly reached an ulterior and dirty deal, their faces changed instantly, and they turned around to support Zhang Chulan's supremacy.

"The so-called sky has no two suns, and people have no two masters. We only have one Zhang Tiandi in our hearts!" Emperor Ziwei looked solemn, and said righteously: "Loyalty! Sincerity!"

Hurrah, there was enthusiastic applause and even more enthusiastic applause among the star gods.

Since then, the position of Emperor Zhang Tiandi has been determined, Jin Tong has become the Emperor of Heaven, and the jade girl Luo Yuan is of course the Queen of Heaven. This kind of extension of the power of the Emperor of Heaven, no Da Luo would find it boring to pursue it. The Queen of Heaven is the Queen of Heaven, not Jin Huangyaochi is such an important position in the gold industry, Si Tianzhi is the most powerful.

"This meeting is a complete meeting, a successful meeting, I declare..." Luo Pangu shouted excitedly, ready to announce the end of the highest meeting of Pangu in Miluo Palace and a complete success.

The next thing is that Pan Gu, who loves to hear and see, is chasing and killing three thousand demon gods with an ax in the chaos.

Unexpectedly, a female voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Luo Pangu's declaration.

"Wait a minute, the Heavenly Emperor has been chosen, and the Human Emperor has not yet been chosen!"

"Who should build this human race, who is the protagonist of humanity."

"We still have to discuss it."

All the heavenly venerables suddenly gasped, who asked such a tricky question.

How sensitive is the position of the Human Emperor, even more sensitive than the position of the Emperor of Heaven.

In the competition for the position of Emperor of Heaven, as long as your fist is big enough, all the great supernatural beings will obey you, and as long as you are old enough, the gods will give you face.

However, the competition for the position of emperor is not just as simple as fighting and killing, it is more about the sophistication of the world.

The candidates vying for the position of emperor have extremely ancient bloodlines, which can even be traced back to the oldest emperors of heaven.

In the dark is the game between the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors, the two major factions.

If it is not done well, the human race will be divided.

The position of emperor is simply one of the biggest problems in the heavens and the world.

So is there any more troublesome problem than the position of emperor?

Yes, then it is the struggle between the human races. If this problem is not handled properly, it will be the most difficult problem in the heavens and the world to solve, not one of them.

The kings of heaven and earth, relatives and masters, Da Luo of the five veins will come to trouble you.

Haotian God, Donghuang Taiyi, the five congenital heavenly emperors...

Empress Emperor, Mount Tai God, Uncle Ming...

Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Suiren, Fuxi, Shennong, Yandi, Huangdi, Chiyou, Shaohao, Zhuanxu, Diku, Yao, Shun, Dayu...

There are also Taishang Daozu, the most holy teacher and his seventy-two boys, three thousand disciples, and all the saints...

Also, there is...

All in all, all in all, the Terran problem is a hornet's nest, if you can be touched, don't touch it.

Luo Pangu turned around with a bad expression: "I want to see, which one is it..."

"Oh, so it's sister Houtu." Luo Pangu smiled, making people feel like a spring breeze, ready to step forward to pull.

The Earth Queen, the Earth Clan, only she, and only she, has the qualifications and the courage to challenge the orthodoxy of the human race.

The Queen of Earth, Tu Clan, dismissed it with disgust, and said with a sneer, "Luo Pangu, what do you think is humane?"

Luo Pangu was speechless.

There are differences on the issue of humanity. Houtu advocated that all the creatures living on the earth are human beings, and Nuwa advocated that the human race she created is the human beings, the true master of all souls.

This is an inseparable contradiction, which has led to an extremely intense struggle between the Houtu and Nuwa in almost every universe in the heavens and myriad worlds, and it is not inferior to the fight between the two brothers Yuanshi Lingbao.

If it is said that the three Qings are torn apart, there are also Taiyi, Haotian, Zhuangzi, Laozi, these sages and emperors dare to persuade them.

Then the war between Nuwa and Houtu, no one dared to touch this bad luck.

In one side of the world, Nuwa has the upper hand, driving Houtu away completely, and becoming the Lord of the Underworld.

There are also those who have the upper hand. Thousands of races compete in the vast world, and the human race is just one of them.

In terms of emotion, Luo Pangu is more inclined to Nuwa, not only he is also born in the human race.

More importantly, he has a good relationship with the two Nuwas.

One is Nvwa from the Zushen universe, and they are brothers and sisters who have a very high relationship before time travel.

The other one is Nuwa from the Great Desolate Realm. This kind of big boss is extremely cruel, and he directly drove away the Empress Houtu. He is alone in the two priesthoods of Nuwa and Houtu, so he can be called the big boss of the Great Desolate Realm. .

Only the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor in the Great Desolation Realm, this kind of vest is open to liches, and it is the elder brother Dijun who takes the lead on both sides, and Di Jiang's ruthless man, who is qualified to fight against the Nuwa in the Great Desolation Realm.

When Luo Pangu was in the prehistoric real world, he also formed a lot of good relationships with this Nuwa. From Lingzhu to Houtu reincarnation, and then to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, this big guy secretly raised his hand and opened a back door mean.

But now the Empress Tushi questioned it face to face, and Luo Pangu couldn't do favoritism in public, so he could only haha ​​and fool around with a smile.

"Oh, these human beings haven't been born yet, why not wait until they are born, and then let the human beings make a decision."

I have to say that the idea of ​​this and muddy mud is really bad.

The Empress Land Emperor immediately sneered and said, "Okay, Luo Pangu, you are born as a male god, and after leaving the family, you even forgot Mother Earth's upbringing. Are you betraying your own origin?"

Luo Feng sucked in a breath of cold air, this punch wiped out Dao Dao.

Nuwa came forward with a smile, took the Empress's hand, and said kindly: "Sister, look at what you said, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, let's not care about that."

"Hehe, what did Sister Nuwa say?" The Queen Empress also showed a gentle smile, grabbed Nuwa's hand, and pulled it away in Miro Palace.

It was a beautiful picture for two beautiful and graceful goddesses to exchange hands and hold hands, but the countless heavenly lords couldn't help but shudder.

The floor of the Miluo Palace, and even the Eternal Freedom Daluotian are about to be wiped out.

If their innate immortal aura were placed between the two goddesses, they might be ground into soy milk, and they might not be able to return for countless eons.

"Sister Xuanming, are you just sitting idly by?"

Nu Wa said with a smile: "Brother Luo Feng, tell me, you can judge."

In an instant, countless sympathetic eyes turned to Luo Pangu. This kind of scene, this kind of Shura field, not to mention Luo Pangu, even Sanqing Pangu might not be able to withstand it.

Luo Pangu's eyes turned wildly, looking at the Da Luo Tianzun and Taiyi Daojun, trying to find a thigh that can resist things and withstand thunder.

Suddenly his eyes turned, Luo Feng looked at a certain emperor, and showed a bright smile: "Oh, my Majesty Xuanyuan Huangdi, you old man is the head of the human race, the king of all emperors, why don't you judge the two empresses? .”

(End of this chapter)

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