All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 911 Let me make up the head!

Chapter 911 Let me make up the head!

Emperor Fuxi broke the waists of the gods of Da Luotian with his unique skill. No one would have thought that a generation of emperors would choose death, this way of escaping.

Shennong was amazed immediately: "You are worthy of being the emperor, this idea is so clear and unique, it is not as good as my generation!"

Death escape escaped the Shura field of Nuwa and Houtu, and at the same time won himself the honor of being the first one who created the world.

Although in the first calamity, the forty-nine positions are vacant, theoretically every Daluo can be touched, and theoretically every prehistoric creature and descendant of Pangu are successors.

But the inside story, everyone knows that there are only a few strong competitors in the first amount of calamity, the most powerful one is Fuxi, and the rest are Qingdi, Taihao, and Cangtian.

The sooner you are born, the sooner you can lay out the layout. Like a snowball, it will get bigger and bigger, and finally achieve the Dao fruit with an overwhelming victory.

When Emperor Qing, Taihao, and Heaven have all been Fuxi, Fumin Taoist, other creatures that have causal ties to Fuxi can start to compete for Fuxi, and the later Fuxi's honor is not a certainty, because there are newborn acquired creatures. .

As we all know, the gap between people is even greater than that between a big Luo and a dog.

Acquired creatures are always a bug, they can be so rotten to the extreme, reincarnated for a hundred lives, they may not even be able to achieve immortality, but they can also be astonishing to the extreme. occur.

According to Luo Pangu's calculations, not to mention the fourth calamity and the fifth calamity, even in the first three calamities, there are acquired creatures who dare to compete with Fuxi, although the probability of victory is almost zero.

But having this heart and this ability is already terrifying.

The sky-opening ax breaks through the endless chaos, and cuts off the body of the chaotic demon god. It is like turning into a universe of Yi. It combines the innate gossip, the acquired eight eight and 64 hexagrams, and evolves Yin and Yang, Sixiang, Taiji, Wuji, and all things... Everything is changing.

It seems that the fall of the Chaos Demon God is actually the rebirth of the Dao of Yi.

This is one of the reasons why Fuxi can be regarded as the first innate statue. Before the opening of the sky, the focus is on the same, and after the opening of the sky, the focus is on change!

Open up the world and take the new life!

"Easy is not easy!"

Emperor Fuxi gave a loud shout, and the inexhaustible spiritual light burst into endless light, shining brightly, shining through the ages, and falling into the new world.

Countless Chaos Demon Gods rose up, staggered with tears in their eyes, and looked excited, shouting: "What a great Pangu Demon God, who actually killed Daoist Brother Fuxi!"

"Brother Dao, go slowly, I'm here to avenge you!~"

Said that a Chaos Demon God moved a body comparable to a universe, stepped into Chaos, and rushed towards Luo Pangu's sky-opening axe, for fear that he would be a step behind.

Even if you can't grab the position of the 49th before Kaitian, you still have to occupy the top [-]!

Luo Pangu's expression darkened, and he scolded: "Shameless!"

It never occurred to him that there would be a Chaos Demon God in this world who has no lower limit than Zhang Chulan. !

Next, Luo Pangu saw an even more outrageous scene!
"Nuwa Empress, Pangu actually humiliated you like this!"

"I really can't stand it anymore, the old thief gave me a punch."

"The back soil is on the top, this disciple will let you down!"


A group of chaotic demon gods rushed in. Their own strength is weak, so they don't intend to please Luo Pangu, but concentrate on please Nuwa and Houtu, hoping that the Queen of Heaven will be protected by the two great gods.


Luo Pangu finally realized that in the past when Pangu opened up the sky, he had the mentality to slash three thousand Chaos Demon Gods angrily.

Holding the sky-opening axe, he dodged to the left and to the right, for fear that the Chaos Demon God Pengci would fall in front of him, and he had to arrange a good position for him.

So a very strange scene appeared in the chaos, Pangu Heavenly King ran in front with a sky-opening axe, and three thousand demon gods chased after him, oh, to be precise, he wanted to touch porcelain.

Countless time and space overlap, shadows and shadows form a very large and very small world. This is the primordial embryo of the Chaos Demon God, and it is also the universe that represents the Dao.

Now it is necessary to shatter the universe of the Chaos Demon God, merge it into the Pangu universe, and form a unique real world.

This order is extremely important.

"Alas... what kind of system is it!" A Chaos Demon God shook his head helplessly, then casually threw an innate spirit treasure, and shouted: "Luo Pangu, take a look, is this the innate spirit treasure you dropped. "

Luo Feng paused for a moment, fixed his eyes and took a look, this Taishang Wuji diagram contains 36 heavens, it is really a stable innate spiritual treasure.

My own multiverse was just opened, and everything was missing, especially things like Xiantian Lingbao, the more the better!
"Well, you thief, you dare to steal the innate spirit treasure of this deity!"

Luo Pan thought about it, shouted angrily, raised the ax and chopped it down.

The chaotic demon god lay down in an instant, and the chaotic embryo merged with the Pangu universe, and traces of ancestral qi were born in it, symbolizing that his avenue gradually filled the universe and occupied more and more positions.

Roll, everything can be rolled.

This Chaos Demon God made a bad start, and the Chaos Demon God behind him saw that there was something going on, and followed suit, shouting, "Luo Pangu, this is the Chaos Orb you dropped!"

"Fellow Daoist Luo Feng, this is the ruler you dropped!"

"Fellow Daoist Luo Feng, this is the 36th rank Qinglian you dropped!"

"Oh, your number is wrong, why are there only twelve grades!"

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, I have a twelfth-grade pure world white lotus, and I will make up the head!"

"This demon ancestor has a twelfth-grade black lotus, and I will form the legs!"

"That's good, that's good, poor monk has [-] virtuous golden lotuses, I'll form the chest!"

"Coincidentally, I have twelfth-grade good luck green lotus, and I will make up the abdomen!"


All of a sudden, in the chaos, bustling, coming and going, everything is known to later generations, the innate spiritual treasures of Weizhen all the heavens appeared one by one, and then piled up together, forming a huge treasure treasure cliff.

For the Chaos Demon God, after the opening of the sky, the innate spirit treasure will return to his hands, and now it is only entrusted temporarily.

For Luo Pangu, simply integrating the Xiantian Lingbao into his own multiverse is a considerable amount of income. In the future, he can sit on the ground and collect interest, distribute the Xiantian Lingbao every once in a while, and then roll up the amount of robbery to harvest Dao Fruit .

You can even use a pile of innate spiritual treasures to cultivate a big Luo that belongs to your own Pangu universe. This is a good deal.

If that Chaos Demon God is unlucky and his innate aura is shattered, and it will take countless eons to return, then his innate spirit treasure will have to be stored in Luopangu for countless eons.

(End of this chapter)

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