All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 913 After many calamities

Chapter 913 After many calamities
The heavens and worlds, infinite dimensions, calamity rises and falls, a calamity sweeps the three thousand universes, shatters the prehistoric world, the avenues are wiped out, the ancient times go away, the arrogance rises, ten thousand ways are juxtaposed, and various systems emerge as the times require .

In every era, there are children of destiny conceived and born. They act according to the great luck, or they are free and easy, or they may live forever, or become immortals, or ascend to the upper realm.

Over time, one era has fallen, another era has risen, countless heroes have risen, and countless heroes have fallen. Almost all practitioners have a question, is there an eternal and free real world in the world? !
Where is this real world, why does it exist, and how to ascend to the eternal free sky? !
From the beginning to the end, there are only a few words in the heavens and worlds, which record the eternal freedom of the Hunyuan Realm.

The monks in the heavens and the world are confused whether this is a real existence, or the false words of the predecessors.

"Where is the Hunyuan Taiji True Realm?"

A Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe and a lotus crown squinted his eyes, sitting on a large blue stone, flipping through ancient books, as if he was performing some sacred ceremony.

"Hehe, Hunyuan Realm, the legendary Eternal Realm, you should also pay attention to this kind of news." A pale man outside, wearing a medieval aristocratic dress sneered: "Don't say whether this kind of news is true, even if it is true, it is still true." It’s not something that four-star reincarnators like us can touch.”

"At least the big shots at the level of seven-star gods and demons can pay attention."

The Taoist priest in Tsing Yi glanced at his teammates, revealing a trace of contempt. The reincarnated people on the bloodline side just have no knowledge. Seven-star gods and demons, if the records in their hands are true, not to mention seven-star gods and demons, eight-star fairy kings and gods will fight for it .

Even the legendary nine-star reincarnation representative will appear.

The noble man seemed to have sensed it, turned around, and shouted: "Are you ready to watch?"

"Guizhen Sect, a Taoist sect that doesn't even have Jindan Daoist, can have any good things. The idols enshrined are not even Sanqing Taoist ancestors, but Yin-Yang Patriarchs who have never been heard of."

"In my opinion, the so-called Hunyuan Realm news is probably compiled casually by this kind of casual cultivator patriarch who can't even be ranked in the down-and-out Taoist sect. It belongs to miscellaneous books and gossip."

The green-clothed Taoist restrained the contempt in his eyes. Although he looked down on the ignorance of noble men, the strength of the c-level vampire viscount was real. With the vampire's immortality, he was considered a leader among the four-star reincarnation.

"Okay." The Taoist priest in Tsing Yi closed the book, revealed his reincarnation watch, and said with a serious expression: "The task is completed, please ask the Lord God to review it."

Beyond the great world, a beam of light was projected in a form that no one could see, and the cold and ruthless voice of the main god sounded like a machine.

[Sequence 23018-23 Great Thousand Worlds]

[Mission introduction: The Guizhen Sect in a certain mountain range in the Eastern Land God Continent is not very eye-catching, but it seems to hide some secrets. 】

[Main task: Destroy the Guizhen Sect and exterminate the orthodoxy; it is limited to three days to complete. Note: Within seven days, you are not allowed to leave the Eastern Land of Shenzhou, and those who violate it will be obliterated! 】

[Sub-question: kill Guizhen Sect disciples, and reward reincarnation points based on strength]

[Mission completed: perfect]

[Main task: Reward settlement in progress: C-level plot line, a ticket to the unknown world]

[Sub-task: Rewards are being settled... 33 Qi Refining Daoists... [-] Foundation Establishment Daoists... [-] Waidan Taoist...a total of [-] reincarnation points]

[Drip, drop, drop, check whether the reincarnation person carries a book, whether it consumes one hundred reincarnation points, and carries it into the reincarnation space. 】

The vampire noble looked dark and cursed: "What are you doing with a broken book?! Reincarnation points are so precious!"

"All the knowledge has been memorized, just go back and copy it yourself!"

The Tsing Yi Taoist hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and paid a hundred reincarnation points: "This reincarnation count is mine, and it will not affect your income!"

"The Lord God pays one hundred reincarnation points, carry it!"

The vampire aristocrat's expression softened, as if it wasn't him who just yelled at him.

"Payment completed, return immediately."

The main god was empty, and the endless cold voice sounded again, but it made the two reincarnations breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the Lord God is despicable, extremely vicious, ruthless, and will obliterate the reincarnated people at every turn, the mighty power that travels through the heavens and worlds and governs the infinite reincarnated people is real.

All the reincarnated people are under the protection of a single power, travel through the heavens and worlds, and act recklessly, just like the gods and gods descended from the upper world, making the indigenous worlds fragmented and torn apart, but they don't have to bear any responsibility. responsibility.

No matter how much karma has been formed and how many people have been killed in the heavens and myriad worlds, as long as there are enough reincarnation points, with a slight sound of the main god's return, you can get out of the predicament and be at ease.

In an instant, the feeling of dizziness came, as if walking in the void, without any gravity, but the two reincarnated people got used to it and accepted this introduction safely.

A red light rose from behind, and a raging fire burned the ruins of the mountain gate of Guizhen Sect.

The corpses of the Guizhen Taoist priests were lying on the steps in disorder. Their eyes were wide open, and there was still wet blood on their cheeks, showing the fear and panic when they died. Several Taoist priests were still scared to death. Yes, their eyeballs were still staring, as if they were dying in extreme pain.

It is not false to tell everything, but a bloody catastrophe is really coming.

Blood pooled to form a river that slowly flowed down the steps, nourishing the land. Some people died, but there were also newborns. Next year, the water and grass will be abundant here, attracting flocks of cattle and sheep.

Time passed little by little, and dozens of Taoist corpses were all scorched by the flames and became dry, and some had been reduced to ashes, leaving only bones.

I don't know how long it took, a monk came to this place together.

The monk glanced at the corpses all over the ground, and sighed slightly: "It's another reincarnation."

Sit cross-legged on the ground, recite scriptures of the past, and see off the dead one by one.

Suddenly, the monk looked angry and shouted: "You are so brave, you don't even keep your soul, and you disturb the order of the underworld!"

"Hmph, the wolves and wild dogs of the reincarnated heavens and worlds, what are they afraid to do?"

Another Taoist snorted coldly, then closed his eyes and pinched his hands to count. After about a quarter of an hour, the number of days in this world was in his heart. It's like something.

"Damn it, was taken away by the reincarnation!"

"It is said that when the patriarch of Yin-Yang ascended to the Eternal Free Hunyuan Realm, he left a secretary in the orthodoxy."

"Latecomers can rely on this book to peek into the mystery."

"The big thing is not good. Could it be that the Lord God of Reincarnation wants to ascend his tentacles into the Eternal Freedom, Hunyuan Taiji Realm?!"

(End of this chapter)

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