All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 92 And its light, with its dust

Chapter 92 And its light, with its dust (one more)
Taiermen adopts the rules of wide entry and strict exit, which can be regarded as a kind of elite teaching.

But in the eyes of a group of undecided teenagers, they are undoubtedly prisoners.

Even if it is a loose cultivator with a cultivation base, his face changes slightly.

Fortunately, there is a precedent for Uncle Huoyun.

There is finally a glimmer of hope.

Jin Xuzi swept the crowd lightly, this kind of expression he would see once every hundred years.

Over time, it becomes numb.

The young man is always like this, with infinite dreams, he believes that he is the protagonist of destiny, and he will definitely be able to do it in the future. God blocks and kills gods, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.

Ten years to become an immortal, a hundred years to prove the golden immortal fruit, a thousand years to jump out of time and space, and a thousand years to become a sage. After ten thousand years, you can become a saint and become a sect. At that time, you can punch the three clears and kick the two saints. It is really beautiful.

However, the reality is always cruel. Most people have not even achieved the Immortal Dao, but turned into a pile of loess, just passing by.

But then again, the young man doesn't have a bit of arrogance, so how can he be regarded as a young man.

In front of these disciples, he did not expect that someone would enter the inner door to prove the immortal way.

I just hope that when I come out of the retreat next time, I can see them again and talk a few words.

The immortal way is long, not because Shi Xuzi is too ruthless and indifferent, but the helplessness of the long-lived species for the short-lived species.

Honghu An knows the ambition of the chaffinch, how the mayfly imagines the life of human beings.

Not ruthless, but also afraid to invest in feelings, no return.

Back then, Xunzi was also in high spirits, in charge of the outer sect, and respected as a big brother.

Diligently cultivate and look forward to entering the outer door, supporting and caring for the younger brothers and sisters, and fulfilling the duties of the brothers.

But Ruo Ruo has a special physique, starting with one hundred and two years of life for foundation building, three hundred and sixty years of life with Jindan, and one thousand years of life with Yuan Ying.

The Yuanshen Shouyuan starts at three thousand years, and the limit is 9000 years.

After several retreats, the deceased passed away, and once practiced supernatural powers, Hongyan was not there.

Those who are not immortals are ruthless, but time does not leave people, and it urges people to grow old.

With a thousand twists and turns in his heart, Shi Xuzi still looked calm on the surface, turned around and left without hesitation.

He's going to close.

Seeing that Xunzi really had to leave, the rest of the people looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to do.

In the end, a Xuanpao loose cultivator said: "Although it is difficult to enter the inner door, but since you have entered the sect, you are on the path of immortality, and you may not be able to prove the Tao and become immortal."

"Everyone will be brothers and sisters from the same sect in the future, how about introducing each other."

"If you don't dislike it, let the poor road throw bricks to attract jade, and then Zhang Shunfeng will build a foundation and cultivate it."

Luo Feng raised his eyelids, Taoist Shunfeng, he noticed it very early.

Because, this time, the three loose cultivators, including Luo Feng, are all in the realm of foundation building.

Among them, SF Express has the highest cultivation base, which vaguely condenses the atmosphere of Jindan.

Not wanting SF Dao to be lively, he was the first to speak, vaguely intending to be the leader of the crowd.

I just don't know if this character is disguised or not.

After all, the prehistoric world is sinister, maybe it's just pretending to be careless and unscrupulous.

"Fellow Daoist Shunfeng said it well, the poor Dao Xuanyi is also a foundation-building, and I have met all the juniors."

Another middle-aged loose cultivator laughed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes turned to Luo Feng, the three loose cultivators, and he did not introduce the rest.

Luo Feng spit out a few words indifferently: "The Taoist name is Tianyi, and the cultivation base builds the foundation."

Quick talk, ascetic monk, this is the character, or character, that Luo Feng created for this puppet.

After the three monks finished speaking, it was the turn of the mortal disciples.

If no one stands up, or go through the process as usual.

The pattern has been set, this session of the disciples, the three monks are the core, and the mortals who have not yet practiced are all juniors.

At this time, a young man in gorgeous clothes stood up. He was the one who asked Zhen Xuzi about what the outer disciples had to do to finish fetching water and chopping wood.

Although he did not successfully solve the problem, most of the disciples should have a good impression of him.

I saw him clasping his fists and saluting, neither humble nor arrogant: "In the next son of Tengbo, Tengyuan, I will meet three fellow Daoists."

In the storybook, there is often a person who can be called a son.

However, in the Great Desolate Universe, in the ancient times, Young Master was not just called casually.

The son of the prince, as the name suggests, is the son of the duke and the grandson of the prince.

Yin and Shang were divided into titles, Duke, Hou, Uncle, Son, and Male.

The dukes are all people of immortality. Although the earl is a little short, he is also a powerful party, and he is divided into a feudal and a country. He is the head of a country and has a noble status.

Therefore, Teng Yuan is not considered a son, but he is also a top figure under the Immortal Dao.

Sure enough, just after Tengyuan finished his introduction, some people moved towards him unknowingly.

After a while, wait for everyone to be introduced.

The scene was gradually divided into two camps, led by Shunfeng, Xuanyi, Luofeng, and Tengyuan.

Seeing that the atmosphere was vaguely wrong, Teng Yuan smiled slightly and said, "We are all here to seek Taoism and immortality, and we must support each other in the future."

As soon as this statement came out, the Taoist of Shunfeng smiled and said: "What Junior Brother Tengyuan said is very true, the immortal way is long, let's each find a place to live, how about listening to the teachings of the outer sect deacon tomorrow?"

Teng Yuan smiled and nodded and said, "Everything is according to Senior Brother."

A pair of hello and my good model brothers, but the implication is that immortals are respected, and we will talk about everything after practice.

In the end, both parties took people to find a place to live, and the flow of people instantly split into two.

Luo Feng naturally followed Shunfeng Daoist to leave. After all, he has a cultivation base, and his butt decides his head.

Moreover, the big Yin is hidden in the court, the middle is hidden in the city, and the small is hidden in the wild.
If you focus on cultivation, ignore people at all, and focus on the horns, it will be more eye-catching.

Such a person is a target.

The real stability is to hide in the alliance with its light and its dust, and disguise itself as a mediocre talent.

That way, it won't attract attention.

As for factions.

Luo Feng didn't take it to heart at all.

The new disciples were instantly divided into two factions. The reason was that the Second Sect didn't care about anything and let them do it.

But no matter what, there must be a bottom line, and it is certain that there can be no cannibalism between the same family.

That being the case, there is nothing to worry about.

It really doesn't work, Luo Feng can use a stunt to jump left and right!
The goal of coming to Taierzong is not to fight for power and profit, but to fill the water bottle with water.

My Tao is me, and everyone except me is a foreigner!

The next day, a bell rang.

A leisurely Daoist came over and briefly explained: "I am the outer sect deacon Zimu Daoist, I will explain the sect rules today."

"One must not deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, two must not be in the same sect to fight against each other, three must not reveal the practice method, four must not go down the mountain at will without entering the inner door, and five must not betray the sect..."

Don't look at Taoist Zimu's slowness, but he speaks very fast, and he has already said the 650th rule of the door.

Everyone was stunned and sweating, what kind of sect is this? !

When the 81 and 250 rules of the sect were finished, Taoist Zimu paused and said, "The above is the [-]th edition of the sect's rules, and the inner sect of Taier Sect reserves the right of final interpretation!"

【sleep.When I get home tomorrow, I will start to update and save the manuscript]

(End of this chapter)

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