All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 921 I and Pangu 55

Chapter 921 I and Pangu are [-]-[-]
Hogwarts, Harry Potter, this is a world full of magic, and the evaluation of this reincarnation world is sometimes low and sometimes extremely high.

The so-called most powerful black curse, the three unforgivable curses, not to mention the interstellar weapons such as star destroyers, are nothing compared to the war-killing weapons of human industrial society, aircraft and tanks.

But to say that the score of this reincarnation world is low, it can give you some unexpected tricks from time to time, the magical substance that makes the Sorcerer's Stone coveted by mortals has amazing functions.

It can turn any metal into pure gold, and it can also create an elixir of life, so that the person who drinks this medicine will never die.

According to legend, the gift given by the God of Death to the three brothers, the Resurrection Stone, the Elder Wand, and the Invisibility Cloak are also called the Three Hallows of Death.

If these are not enough to satisfy the low-star reincarnators, then there is still a surprise waiting for outsiders, the time converter, a forbidden weapon that can only be possessed by the seven-star demon god and above, appears in this so-called love and peace, justice and evil, brave and evil. In the ordinary reincarnation world of the devil king.

If you dig deeper, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that the four founders of Hogwarts, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin, are four wizards who are powerful enough to slay dragons. Why? To establish a college in the deep mountains and old forests to protect wizards.

Why the exact location of all magic schools can never be discovered.

Why Hogwarts, on the basis of both a school, is a war fortress.

Who is it that is hunting down a group of wizards who can master the power of time?
Why is a group of wizards lingering in a corner, with no more than 10 bloodlines, the largest gathering place is a village, and Christmas is still celebrated.

Luo Feng raised his head and looked up at the sky. With his identity as a Qi trainer, he saw layers of tight nets, each line of cause and effect intertwined and staggered. The incomplete and brilliant magic net was hanging at the end of the world, and buried under the earth. The dragon veins complement each other, telling the last twilight of the magical world.

Groups of wizards claim to learn magic, but in fact the source of magic power comes from the blood power in the body, which is undoubtedly the greatest irony.

This is a bunch of guys who read magicians, write wizards, and are actually a bunch of warlocks at their roots.

A Moran can use pain, anger, or other intense emotions to release Moran to cause great damage to the surroundings.

In the final analysis, they are digging their own blood. The main task of the school is to protect the lives of students, prevent them from going berserk, and then basically teach them the power rooted in their blood.

It seems that he easily chanted a few spells to leverage the rules of nature, but he actually hinted at himself, using the magic script to leverage spiritual power, activate blood vessels to respond to the incomplete magic net, and finally release supernatural power.

Because of incompleteness, the energy level is low, and because the previous upper limit is high, even the high-level powers such as resurrection and time exist, and they appear at a precise angle, which can be mastered by ordinary students.

"Tsk, this is really an interesting newbie world."

"The reincarnation missions time after time are not testing people today, but the oldest layout."

"However, all of this has nothing to do with me. After all, I am just a new reincarnation."

Luo Feng withdrew his gaze, and was blocked directly at the price of prying into the cause and effect of the world's laws at the expense of a new Qi practitioner.

What a joke, this multiverse was created by Lao Tzu, it’s not bad if I didn’t ask you for rent, and it’s backlash, backlash!

Luo Feng calmed down and thought about mixing into the wizarding world. The magic field of this reincarnation world is extremely exclusive.

Without a corresponding bloodline, even the Diagonal Realm of the wizarding world cannot enter.

As for the owl?
No, no, no kid who didn't receive an acceptance letter from Hogwarts by owl at the age of 11.

Aren't you a wizard?Or maybe you're just a lowly, lowly, useless Muggle.

The above three adjectives represent the attitude of mainstream wizards towards Muggles.

As for Muggle wizards, although Muggles have no magical abilities, some Muggle families will have offspring with magical abilities, who are despised as Muggle wizards.

Well, we can temporarily ignore their existence, although pure blood is noble, although pure blood is invincible, although pure blood is supreme!

But those Muggle wizards really know how to cast spells!People really have weapons of mass destruction in their hands - magic wands!

Unlike that group of stupid Muggles, even if they have guns in their hands, they can solve the problem by exorcising Muggles, or even more evil, controlling their souls, manipulating their parliament, and electing their own president.

It's really urgent, without the black magic spell, the Muggle wizard will give you one person, and there will be no scum left.

In terms of numbers, hehe, the noble Malfoy family is a single lineage, and other nobles can be imagined.

Except for a certain weird Weasley family, obviously the oldest pure blood, but the cubs are like pigs.

Countless pure-blood families were filled with righteous indignation, and they cursed countless times in secret, but it still didn't help.

All in all, all in all.

To enter the wizarding world, you must have blood, otherwise you will not even be able to touch the magic silk stockings.

"Time, place, people, these are all important."

Luo Feng thought for a while, and decided to make some money first.

He put on his black hat, picked up a cane, and walked outside.

Although the main god of this session is so stingy that he doesn't give him any supernatural power, he still has the integrity of a basic set of clothes.

Otherwise, all the heavens and myriad worlds will be full of streaking reincarnations, and the face of a generation of bosses, great demon kings and gods will be completely lost.

Dressed in accordance with the British gentleman's dress in the nineteenth century, walking on the street with a cane, like a jazz, won the respect of everyone.

Then, in the hands of a rather plump lady, she got a newspaper and a noble medal for nothing.

Look at the date above.

1990 years.

This is a good day. The red giant has not yet collapsed, and the world is still deadlocked. It seems that there will be a cold war for decades.

It wasn't until 1991 that Harry Potter began his student career at Hogwarts.

Holding the newspaper, Luo Feng walked from the bustling street to a dark corner, as if in a different world, performing other reincarnation tasks, slums exist in any city.

I collected a few things on the way, and at the same time attracted a few wolves who looked at the fat sheep.

However, the identities of hunter and prey are constantly changing.

"Eat me, lime powder!"

Luo Feng shouted loudly, and a mess of rocks, sand, powder and sludge hit the eyes of several wolves.

Then he picked up a black cane that was as thick as an iron rod, and beat them one by one until they couldn't move at all, and lay on the ground howling.

Counting the pounds in his hands, Luo Feng looked at the drunks and smiled slightly: "Follow me a few tricks, and you will go to heaven or hell in the future, and you will be bragging."

"It's a good thing now, if you were back then, you wouldn't even have ashes."

It's not that whoever was beaten by Pangu can still survive.

If I were a little more shameless, I could still claim that Pangu and I were [-]/[-].

(End of this chapter)

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