All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 926 Is it reasonable?Very reasonable!

Chapter 926 Is it reasonable?Very reasonable!
The icy voice of the Lord God echoed in his ears.

[Reincarnation World: Low Magic World No. 323-23]

[Mission introduction: The shadow once again shrouded the magic school left by the four founders - Hogwarts. Strange mice spread around the campus, eight-eyed spiders peeped in the dark, and the second-generation Dark Lord's remaining prestige did not seem to dissipate...]

[Main task: Destroy the devil, time: unlimited]

[Sub-quests: None]

[Mission completed: perfect]

[Main quest: reward settlement: [-] reincarnation points, one C-level item]

[Sub-quests: None]

[Whether to return to the main god's space, choose to continue to stay, and deduct [-] reincarnation points every day]

"Stay for a day."

Luo Feng smiled indifferently, and made a choice to let the attracting power of the main god's space disappear.

The reincarnation point is just a number to him.

He has never touched the reincarnation point, and is not interested in the reincarnation point.

The daily life of real Pangu is so unpretentious and boring.

Looking at the white mausoleum, where flowers were laid out to pay homage to the souls of the past, Luo Feng shook his head and walked to his family's property, a nearby church.

The pastor is preaching above, and a group of believers below are listening piously, although they don't know whether they are pious or not.

In Luo Feng's eyes, every living being came to worship with a purpose.

Are you worshiping God, or are you worshiping the desire in your heart? !

Luo Feng sighed slightly: "No matter how long it has passed, people's hearts are unpredictable. They can be sacred or sinful. Everything is created by the heart."

Luo Feng's sigh aroused the pastor's dissatisfaction, and he scolded: "Justified by faith, only by obeying the teachings can we be saved."

"That's true." Luo Feng nodded. If he can do this, he can be called the Holy Spirit, and everything is indestructible like the true God, which can be called indestructible.

The bishop and pastor breathed a sigh of relief, it didn't look like they were trying to tear things apart.

It looks like it can be fooled for a while.

“This gentleman, do you want to express your sincerity to the Lord.”

"This will absolve you of your original sin."

A bearded shepherd asked, with a look of compassion and a donation box in front of him.

Luo Feng was speechless for a moment, you fooled me, and you even got a hammer's indulgence, I have been God for so long, but I haven't received a penny.

Feelings have been embezzled by you bastards.

After a long time, under the puzzled expression of the pastor, Luo Feng sighed: "Look, this is the fate of not obeying the gang rules!"

Luo Feng hit him head-on, and then hung him on the cross, enjoying the treatment of the Holy Son.

Countless believers screamed in terror and tried to escape from here, and some people even picked up the alarm phone to call for people to disperse the mob.

Walking to the back of the cross, Luo Feng knocked on the door calmly: "Hey, who is on duty today, come out to wash the floor!"

Under the horrified sight of countless believers, the gate of heaven opened, and countless pure white feathers condensed by holy light scattered on the ground. Luo Feng's body was rippling with brilliance, like a living saint, walking in the world.

"Holy, holy!"

"Holy, holy!"


The high-spirited and sacred song sounded, and the believers present lowered their heads and pricked up their ears, and those who called the police quickly hung up the phone, as if nothing had happened.

It looks like it's real!
Or, pretend to believe for a while? !
An angel appeared from the golden gate, and the light wings on the back spread out again, becoming more sacred and majestic, making people bow their heads.

"World, who is it..."

A holy staircase appeared under the angel's feet, and he walked down slowly, saying incomparably majestic

"I am your father."

Luo Feng said calmly

The two-winged angel suddenly became furious, and was about to raise the flaming sword and come down from above: "Who is blaspheming... um, Father God?"

The holy angel suddenly got stuck, looking at Luo Feng in disbelief, what kind of luck was he, to meet the boss on the first day he was on duty in a global village!

And it's not the boss in the general sense, but the top, most sacred, and stalwart head office boss.

This is like the knight patrolling and meeting the king, and the angel is incoherent in an instant, even better than the believers below... It should be said that it is much better.

At the moment when the angel yelled "Father God", countless believers fainted from excitement.

What kind of day is this? Can people like them see this sacred picture?

Not to mention the holy son in the myth, at least one must be the pope's saint level to serve on one side.

"Little guy, did two people go up to register today?"

Luo Feng was still very kind to his own people, beckoning and asking

The angel swallowed, tremblingly said: "One went to heaven, but one went to hell."

Heaven is justice, and the lives of wizards and Muggles are equal, so the first generation of Dark Lords went to hell.

"It's like this." Luo Feng pondered for a moment, he couldn't take the lead in violating gang rules, and then chose a compromise method, asking: "Is there a way to let both of them go to hell?"

The angel froze for a moment, then glanced at today's list: "If Dumbledore is willing."

No one has ever actively chosen to go to hell, which is a torment.

Luo Feng smiled and said, "I give him this opportunity as an extra reward for years of reading."

The angel said excitedly: "Follow your will."

As for the follow-up matters, the angel was not stupid enough to ask, if he was helping the leader to do things, he was still the top leader, what difficulties could there be.

As for hell, hehe, isn't that a branch of heaven.

One team, two brands, understand everything.

Without the permission of the boss, the branch of Hell couldn't even open.

After dealing with the final matters, Luo Feng silently returned to the main god's space, and disappeared into a white light.

An immortal legend has been left in the local area.

The main god space is still the same, it is snow white, and there are things that reincarnated people can't exchange for it at first glance, like a chaotic clock, the method of opening the sky, and it is okay to fool the reincarnated people at the bottom.

The real gods and demons can tell they are fake at a glance. If the main god of reincarnation has the mind to open the sky, how can he not even be Da Luo.

"The heavens and worlds have been around for so many years. They have been copied over and over again, but they are still a template. The main gods these days lack the sense of innovation."

Luo Feng couldn't help but shook his head and commented.

Then I obtained my own c-level props from the main god

【Jiuxiao Ruyi】

[Quality: High-grade magic weapon]

[Function: calm the mind, reduce thunder and clouds]

[Evaluation: Daoist magic weapon]

"The Way of Thunder?"

Luo Feng grumbled, and then exchanged his reincarnation points for a copy of Taoist Yunlei's Dharma scriptures

Then, deduce and upgrade yourself a little bit.

Luo Pangu add points!
"Yunlei Daoist's Dharma Scriptures" - "Jiuxiao Yunleidu Tiandao Jing"

You see, they all have the word "cloud and thunder", is it reasonable?Very reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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