All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 931 Superior Heaven Demon Red Fox Avenue 5000

Chapter 931 Superior Heaven Demon Red Fox Avenue 5000
"You are an illegitimate child, so do you hate it?"

"Do you hate your origin, hate your father for being ruthless, hate your elder brother's strife, hate that your fellow clan despises you, hate that someone arranged you on this battlefield where there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood?"

Luo Feng asked softly, as if asking if you have eaten today

The green fox in his arms trembled slightly, raised his eyes, and said with a forced smile: "What the master sword fairy said, I can't understand it. Hate, what can I hate."

"I can only blame my parents for being suave and suave, sowing seeds everywhere, so that I have this evil child. Most of the monster races are like this."

"How can you hate, hate your parents?"

There is only a wry smile, only helplessness.

This is the most helpless thing in the world. No one can stop his own birth. Life and reincarnation are the most original way of the universe.

If someone knew what the future would look like, he would definitely refuse to be reincarnated, and reincarnation would completely collapse.

This involves the most secret thing in the universe, whether it is better to set up reincarnation or not to set up reincarnation.

With reincarnation, all living beings have belonging, but they are also struggling in endless reincarnation.

But there is no reincarnation, and all living beings vanish into thin air, even without the qualification of cause and effect.

From the suffering of all beings, to the reincarnation of Buddhism, to the ascension of Taoism, to the struggle between Houtu and Emperor Wa.

The word reincarnation hides too much.

Luo Feng listened intently, and did not dislike Qingshenyue because of a little demon. Pangu believed that all beings are equal.

Regardless of Dao Xin, with one strike of an axe, mortals and Da Luo are completely equal.

No one can say inequality in front of Pangu. The inequality in the past was due to the lack of order and the loss of the emperor. Now that Luo Feng has come to straighten things out, the first step starts with reincarnation.

Qingyue God said a lot, all the thoughts that he had hidden for many years, he was afraid that if he didn't say it now, he wouldn't say anything in the future.

On the one hand, it is to vent emotions, and on the other hand, the fox is cunning, observing Luo Feng's expression, hoping to win sympathy and gain a chance of survival.

"Not only illegitimate children like me, but also those born to maidservants and demon clans born to maidservants are not included in the nobles of the demon clan."

Qingshenyue said faintly: "We have been incorporated into the Yaofeng Battalion, and we will be at the forefront in every battle, and there will be no one out of ten."

The Land God of the Two Realms Pass shook his head and sighed slightly: "That's true for the Yaozu. There are dozens of litters per litter, and they are sown at will. This is the source of soldiers and the racial foundation of the Yaozu."

"Unrestrained by enlightenment, they are driven to attack and kill the tribe, just like cannon fodder."

"In the final analysis, the bloodline is the respect, the superior bloodline is the king, and the inferior bloodline is the soldier, the upper and lower ranks are orderly, and the hierarchy is strict."

"Maybe my bloodline is really humble, not pure blood, and not as good as my elder brother. They already have the golden core, so I can pass through the realm of law." Qinghu sighed, but did not resist, but he had accepted this in his bones A set of theories, the law of the jungle, and the division of blood, are firmly imprinted in the bones of the Yaozu.

"Why is the blood so noble?" Luo Feng looked at Qinghu calmly and asked a strange question
Qinghu was stunned for a moment, and opened his mouth to answer: "The blood is noble because of the ancestors, the blood of the demon god and the demon saint is naturally powerful, and it has its own innate supernatural powers."

"Is your bloodline the inheritance of the demon god?" Luo Feng asked

Qinghu nodded proudly, even the most humble illegitimate child of the fox clan would raise his head proudly when he remembered the glory of the ancestors of the fox clan demon gods.

Luo Feng couldn't help laughing, and asked: "Are all the foxes in the world the blood of demon gods?"

Qinghu gave a dumbfounded look, he had never thought about this question.

Theoretically, the origin of the fox clan in the world is the fox saint, the fox god, but how can those lowly wild foxes be worthy of the noble blood.

"They, they are all offshoots of the bastards, and their blood has been thinned to a certain extent..." Qingshenyue hesitated for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion

"But you're just an illegitimate child."

Luo Feng ruthlessly pierced through Qingshenyue's body, tearing off the last piece of fig leaf.

Qingshenyue was ashamed and annoyed, her face turned blue for a while, and red for a while, annoyed that Luo Feng had exposed her true face, making herself want to be a slave but unable to do so.

If a mortal had spoken to him like that, he would have become furious and slashed at the weaker ones to cover up the cowardice in his heart.

Now, a person with a fist bigger than him, used ruthless words to bloodyly uncover the pustules and tear open the rotten wounds, so that Qingshenyue had to look directly at her own flaws, darkness, and unbearable.

"If you were given the treatment of a nobleman of the monster clan and a son of the fox clan, how far would you go?" Luo Feng asked again

Thinking of the spirit pills used by my elder brothers, I begged for even a useless pill, and was even reluctant to take it. I visualized and analyzed the ingredients of the pills in order to practice pills by myself.

remember the past,

Qingshenyue spit out subconsciously: "I must have formed a golden core long ago, cultivated a Yin god, and awakened the blood of the sky demon!"

"You can become a golden elixir, the nobles of the monster clan can become a golden elixir, and the wild foxes in the world can also become a golden elixir."

"As long as the scriptures and resources are in place, everything will be fine."

"You are all foxes, why do you fight in the battlefield when you are rich and powerful?"

Luo Feng said bluntly: "To put it bluntly, you foxes learned from the human race, and you didn't learn well. Instead, you learned a lot of shortcomings from the human race."

"If you say that the qualifications and bloodlines are not good, it is actually a resource monopoly, and the upward channels are blocked."

"Even an illegitimate child like you can only go to the battlefield. If the mistress is more vicious and bribes the officer, you can't go back, and you won't even be able to divide the family property."

"The so-called bloodline is because of reaching that level. Because of the Tushan clan, there is Tushan's bloodline, and because of Emperor Yu, there is Dayu's bloodline."

"Don't reverse cause and effect."

Qingshenyue's expression was pale, so the human race and the monster race are so similar? !

Apart from the difference in appearance, what is the difference between humans and demons? !

Luo Feng glanced at him, and laughed with insight into the soul: "It's all the same thing, it's all the same thing, people know the horror of monsters, and monsters know that people are poisonous"

Talking about reincarnation, talking about bloodlines, classifying races, and talking about all the grievances and hatreds in the world are actually one thing, class.

The God of the Earth was dripping with cold sweat listening to it. The strong exploited the weak, and the weak preyed on the strong. This is the way of the demon clan.

It made him think of himself.

"The monster race distinguishes the superior from the inferior by blood, the human race cannibalizes people according to etiquette, and the sects starve to death according to the Buddhist law. How similar."

The Land of Two Realms Passes Shudders

"What's your name for the land?" Luo Feng asked, being able to say these words shows that the God of the Land is somewhat clear in his heart, and he is not a member of the powerful and aristocratic people who are muddling around and waiting to die.

The God of Earth was slightly taken aback, and then he came to his senses, and quickly reported his name: "Revealed by the real person, the little god's name is Cui Haoran, and his style name is Lingyun. He is a collateral disciple of the Qinghe Cui family."

With his wisdom, he knows that he has only been caught by this real person now, and he will not be used casually as cannon fodder. He is no longer a supporting role without a name in the novel, and he usually cannot survive Chapter 3.

Therefore, when introducing his identity, he specifically mentioned the Qinghe Cui family, hoping to get this real person online so as to improve his status.

The Sui and Tang dynasties were a status-based society, with emphasis on personal attachment and aristocratic species, and aristocratic families enjoyed high prestige and status in court, in the countryside, and even in the world of practice.

Among all the noble families, five are the most distinguished, namely the Li family of Longxi, the Li family of Zhaojun, the Cui family of Boling, the Cui family of Qinghe, the Lu family of Fanyang, the Zheng family of Xingyang, and the Wang family of Taiyuan.Among them, the Li family and the Cui family each have two counties.So it's called Five Surnames and Seven Hopes
This is the scourge left by the Three Kingdoms, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties.

The Jiupin Zhongzheng system endows the family with rights and turns the country into a private household. In this era when gods and demons exist and Taoism manifests sages, the family monopolizes the resources for practice. The existence of ancestors, ghosts and gods makes its foundation deep and the veins undulating. The tentacles can touch the ghosts, gods, gods and Buddhas of the three realms.

It is conceivable that a small disciple of the Cui family can serve as a land god.

Luo Feng shook his head, Cui Haoran understood his status, but he still couldn't get rid of the influence of the aristocratic family, this is how the ass decides the head.

It's easy to break the mountain, but it's hard to break the heart. You can see the fox, you can see the human race, but you can't see yourself.

You can see the contradictions of the monster race, you can see the contradictions of the human race, but you can't see your own position, it can be said that you can't see Mount Tai.

It is difficult to get rid of one's own class.

Today, I will simply teach Cui Haoran a lesson.

"Qinghe Cui family?" Luo Feng mocked mockingly, "How many dao lords do you have?"

Cui Haoran blushed immediately, and did not dare to refute, so he could only whisper: "The five surnames and seven wangs have a long history of inheritance, and they are famous families with a long history."

"Famous family?" Luo Feng sneered all his life: "Are you the blood of the five gods?"

Cui Haoran shuddered, and said sincerely and fearfully: "I dare not climb the imperial family."

The Cui family originates from the Jiang surname and is a descendant of Qi Taigong.Qi Dinggong's legitimate son, Jizi, handed over the succession to Qi Yigong, and took Cui as his benefice. He died here and had a son, Mu Bo.

Jiang Ziya Qi Taigong is a serious flying bear. After Shennong, the Cui family was just a branch.

Even the entire Qi State cannot be considered an imperial family, and the only real bloodline of the five gods is Jiang Ziya Qi Taigong.

The Qi State is a branch of Jiang Taigong, and the Cui family is a branch of Qi State, which is far away from the old nose.

The bloodlines of the five gods are the ancient inheritance of the human race, and they can be called the existence of human gods. Dayi, Kuafu, and Xing Tian are all human gods with deep blood. The so-called famous families are in front of them.

"Then are you the illegitimate sons of the Taoist Lord Tianzun?" Luo Feng jokingly said, "Li Tang is said to be the human blood of the Supreme Taoist Ancestor, aren't you?"

Cui Haoran shook his head hastily, there were only a few Yuanshen real people in the family, and they couldn't even see the face of Tianzun Daojun.

"You are not the blood of God, but also the descendants of Tianzun." Luo Feng laughed loudly and shouted: "Your ancestors didn't even have a Heavenly Emperor, and you dare to call yourself a family."

"Even if there is a Heavenly Emperor, the glory belongs to the Heavenly Emperor, what does that have to do with you?!"

"What difference does it make if you follow a fox."

"It's all because one leaf can't see Mount Tai."

"The so-called five surnames and seven wangs are different from traffickers and pawns. They are all descendants of Yan and Huang, just common people."

"In the past, the swallows in front of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people, not far away."

Cui Haoran, the god of land, was dripping with cold sweat, and quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve. He found that what he had insisted on in the past was so vulnerable.

I hate the aristocratic family, I hate the status of being a concubine from a collateral lineage, but I always regard myself as a disciple of the aristocratic family, and even this god position is obtained by Qinghe Cui's relationship.

Now that the blood is useless, what is left of the Qinghe Cui family?
Is it luck as one of the pillars of the Tang Dynasty?

When the aristocrats monopolized the society, they also maintained the social order and became the pillars of the Tang Dynasty. This situation will not end until the Tianjie is exhausted and the imperial examinations are formally formed.

Seeming to have grasped the only life-saving straw, Cui Haoran, the god of the land, murmured: "Luck, and luck, the luck of the Tang Dynasty, the luck of humanity, the Cui family has passed on for many years, protected the civilizations of the Xia, and did not let us down." Poems, books, rites and music were lost, but China was not lost."

"Then where does luck come from?" Luo Feng asked with a smile
One is fate, two is luck, three is geomantic omen, four is accumulation of yin virtue, and five is reading.Six people, seven phases, eight gods, nine benefactors, ten health care
Luck is an important part of humanity.

Everyone has a different understanding.

Cui Haoran, the god of land, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Inheritance? Bestowed by parents? King's imperial seal"

Destiny is favored, nobles are favored, this is great luck.

If one's parents are noble people, then one is born with great luck.

Therefore, luck can be passed on.

Luo Feng smiled, and asked back: "When the parents die, the luck will bless the son. According to the principle, the people who kill the world will have the luck. doing what."

Yes, people are dead, so what's the use of luck.

Things like luck need to be compared, without comparison, it is useless.

Cui Haoran frowned tightly. He couldn't explain it from the perspective of the teacher, parents, and king, which proved that luck is not from top to bottom.

Heaven and earth are masters and masters, masters and masters can't do it, so what about heaven and earth.

"The heaven and the earth have their own luck, and people live in it." Cui Haoran mused: "So people carry luck."

"It's very close, but it's still not right, there are some discrepancies." Luo Feng shook his head and said
"I really can't figure it out." Cui Haoran was able to become a god, which proved his wisdom, but because of the limitations of the times and a certain kind of arrogance, he couldn't see the truth.

"Suiren drilled wood to make fire. There is fire in heaven and earth, and it can't be used by people. You have to get it yourself, so that it can be used by people."

Luo Feng told the ancient story, taking Sui Huang as an example: "This fire is luck, it originally existed, and it was born because of movement."

"Where does luck come from? Human labor creates luck."

"The existence of luck is invisible. It is man who created luck, endowed it with a concept, and made it visible."

"This is creating something out of nothing. Man creates labor, and labor creates man."

"Qi luck is bottom-up, and it is the creation of everyone"

Cui Haoran was dumbfounded, and subconsciously asked: "Where is the emperor, Nuwa is the ancient goddess who created humans, the mother of the human race!"

Labor creates people, and where will the emperor go? This is a heretical theory that overthrows the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

Cui Haoran, as a son of an aristocratic family, as a god, is naturally disgusted and even afraid of this theory.

"Nuwa is Tao, nothingness, the rules of operation, invisible."

Luo Feng said meaningfully: "The invisible belongs to God, and the visible belongs to man."

Divide God and man, and connect heaven and earth, this is the theory of Hei Di.

Nuwa is not only the mother of humans, but also the emperor of demons.

Qingshen Yueyan was full of fear, and sure enough his first instinct was correct, this is the old devil, an old devil pretending to be a sword fairy!
He even dared to blaspheme Nuwa and tamper with the concept of the human race. What kind of devil is this? The devil in the Nine Nether Blood Sea dare not do this!
If it is discovered by the higher-ups of the Yaozu, they will not even be able to enter the reincarnation.

Qingshenyue trembled, thinking that it would be better to die in the hands of the war supervisor, once everything was settled, it would be easy and comfortable.

Luo Feng looked back at Qingshenyue, and said with a sneer, "Cui Haoran is a son of an aristocratic family and a land god, he is not afraid at all."

"What are you afraid of, a low-level monster race? You should be happy."

"Demons, demons, demons are evil, demons are mad, demons and demons walk together, immortals and gods stand side by side."

What is God? God is the defender of the existing order.

What is a demon? A demon is a subversive of the existing order.

Those who are close to gods are immortals, and those who are close to demons are demons. Immortals usually have priesthood, and demons usually practice magic.

Qingyue God didn't dare to speak, this was much more exciting than massacring one party, blood staining the world, offended countless people.

Generally, the devil is just a wanted criminal, but this is a terrorist, or even a rebel.

Either way, it's a dead end.

"Being born in a humble background does not fall into Ling Yunzhi, Gods and Buddhas are not benevolent and use demons to save sentient beings."

Luo Feng chuckled, and punched a spell into the little fox's sea of ​​consciousness.

The blue fox's red pupils were shining brightly, as if there was radiance, and a touch of red appeared on the three fluffy tails.

"Black Mountain Old Demon Dafa, Supreme Heavenly Demon Fist, Scarlet Fox Shocking Heaven"

The three mysterious exercises circulated in his mind without any confusion or code name. Not to mention practitioners, even ordinary people who could not read could follow the meridians on the map.

Luo Feng let go of his hands, let the fox Qingshenyue leave, and said with a calm smile:

"Fix it or not, it's all up to you."

Qingshenyue froze for a moment, then fled into the mountain without looking back.

"Really, just let him go like this?"

Cui Haoran asked in disbelief, now he gradually understands what is a Daoist struggle, and the risks involved are beyond doubt.

The risk of letting a little demon go is very high.

"He will learn. This world is such that all oppression will force him to learn."

Luo Feng said indifferently: "As long as this world remains unchanged, as long as the oppression remains, sparks will always exist."

"As for reporting it, he is a deserter now, and someone will discover the three major exercises in the sea of ​​knowledge."

"The first to die is himself, the fox is cunning, he won't be so stupid."

Cui Haoran's heart was awe-inspiring, and he asked cautiously: "Sir, what will happen if the exercises I practice are discovered?"

Luo Feng smiled lightly: "Then your fate will be better than his. His soul will be drawn out and burned for thousands of years."

"You will probably be beaten out of your wits, it won't be that painful."

"Shinto has a radish and a pit. There are many people watching it, so you should pay attention to it."

Cui Haoran sighed in his heart, no wonder he was accepted into the gang so easily.

That's how it is, the pit is here.

(End of this chapter)

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