All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 941 The Wordless Scripture, The Words Scripture

Chapter 941 The Wordless Scripture, The Words Scripture

"Tathagata, but saved your life."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "Snatching the Dragon Palace, tearing up the book of life and death, making a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, the Sanyuan Holy Realm of Heaven, Earth and Water, you have basically offended any gods you can offend."

"You were sentenced to 500 years in prison for beating, smashing, looting and burning so many things. What do you expect?"

"Even Zha, Yang Jian, can cause trouble without you."

Sun Houzi smiled awkwardly, and argued, "Peaches can't be considered stealing... peaches!... What about monkeys, can they be considered stealing?"

A series of incomprehensible words, such as "eating alchemy and refining medicine", "youth and madness" and so on, caused Luo Feng to burst into laughter: the atmosphere inside and outside the Five Elements Mountain is full of joy.

"When I was young, I broke the rules of the Tao, and now I have repented."

Sun Houzi laughed and said: "I think you must have status if you can come to the Five Elements Mountain, Daxian. Otherwise, Wufang Jiedi would have come out of those mountain god lands long ago."

"How about showing me a way out?"

Whoever said that monkeys are stupid or smart monkeys is referring to him.

"The golden cicada of Buddhism has been reincarnated for ten lives and asked the Western Heaven to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. Why don't you worship him as your teacher and achieve a positive result?"

Luo Feng asked
Unexpectedly, Sun Houzi quickly shook his head: "This matter is not appropriate, it is not appropriate. My grandson has his own family inheritance, so it is inconvenient to ask others to be his teacher."

"Then you go and eat the golden cicada, and you can achieve a positive result."

Luo Feng calmly said: "He is a good man who has practiced for ten lifetimes. If you eat him, you will live forever and achieve the fruit of cultivation."

Sun Houzi was slightly taken aback: "How is it possible? In the world, only innate spiritual roots can help people prolong life."

"Could it be that Jin Chanzi was reincarnated from her innate spiritual roots."

"Golden cicadas are not innate spiritual roots." Luo Feng said: "There are ten spiritual roots in the heaven and earth, namely Huangzhong plum, gourd vine, ginseng fruit, flat peach, fairy apricot, hibiscus, laurel, plantain, bodhi and bitter bamboo."

"Among them, the bodhi tree is the place where the Buddha was enlightened. There is a golden cicada on the tree, the incarnation of the bodhi tree."

"In order to repay the bodhi tree's kindness, the Buddha accepted Jin Chanzi as his second disciple."

"Because the golden cicada has absorbed the juice of the bodhi tree, it also has the effect of immortality, which is equivalent to the bodhi seed."

Sun Houzi suddenly realized: "So that's the case, but this great immortal, how do you know the details of the Buddha's epiphany?"

Seeing the monkey deliberately trying to find out about himself, Luo Feng said frankly: "No, I was there at the time."

There are many obstacles to the Buddha's enlightenment. Many great supernatural beings in the heavens hope to go to the live broadcast to show their face and catch a hot and famous scene, so that they can go out and brag about it in the future.

The more prestigious the person, the higher the ranking. The first two kalpas protect the way, namely Lao Tzu and Confucius, symbolizing the unity of the three religions.

During the third calamity, protecting Dao for Sakyamuni, this is the root source of Luofeng Buddhism's fruit status, and it is a real on-site monster.
The monkey was thoughtful, but then he reacted and said: "It's not right, it's not right, my old grandson remembers that there seems to be no such person as Jin Chanzi among the top ten disciples of the Buddha."

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven has been in the Eastern Immortal World more often, but he knows very little about the Western Buddhist World, and has only dealt with the most famous Guanyin and others.

"Is it someone else?" Luo Feng chuckled lightly: "Great Sage Equaling Heaven, you are also an old man in Tiangong, let me ask you, who are the top ten disciples of the Buddha?"

Mahakasyapa, Muggallana, Puruna, Subhuti, Shariputra, Rahula, Ananda, Upali, Anirudha, and Kajanyan.

Where there are golden cicadas, there is only Subhuti.

As we all know, the second disciple of the Buddha is Subhuti.

Tang Seng is Subhuti, and Subhuti is Tang Seng. These days, those with great powers like to wear vests.

Sun Houzi looked incredulous as if he had been struck by lightning: "So, the Tathagata counts as my patriarch."

In this way, many things make sense. For example, when the Heavenly Palace was in trouble, why did Haotian God announce the Western Buddhists instead of telling the Three Purities and the Four Imperials to do it, because this monkey was originally a member of Western Buddhism.

Wukong, Wukong, isn't this dharma name obvious?
The fundamental teaching of Buddhism is Nirvana, which is to pursue the emptiness of the four elements.

Everything in the world, whether sentient or ruthless, animals or plants, as large as the universe and life, as small as a flower and a grass, is formed by the combination of the four elements of earth, fire, water and wind.Earth fire water wind is not just a literal meaning.Earth is big, with hardness as its nature, able to support all things and not make them fall; water is big, with dampness as its nature, it can contain all things and prevent them from overflowing; fire is big, with warmth as its nature, it can ripen all things without causing them to rot; The wind is strong, with flow as its nature, it can grow all things, and it can be adjusted smoothly.

When it is empty, it will jump out of formless and formless, which is Nirvana and detachment.

The Buddha said that the world is neither the world nor the world, so it is called the world.

Tao, can be said, very Tao; name, can be named, very famous.

To Buddha it is empty, to Tao it is Tao.

Emptiness and Tao, one is jumping out, the other is proving the Tao.

The south and the north are diametrically opposed, but they lead to the same goal by different routes.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal above Hunyuan Yiqi." Luo Feng read out the Dao fruit that Sun Wukong finally achieved.

Not Taiyi Celestial Immortal, not Taiyi Sanxian, but Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Hunyuan Yiqi is the direction of practice, the upper part is the honorific title, Taiyi is the divine attainment status of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and Jinxian is the Dajue Golden Immortal, fighting against Buddha.

The void was silent, even if Luo Feng reversed cause and effect at this moment and leaked the secret, nothing changed.

This made Sun Houzi even more astonished, and asked cautiously: "I don't know if the Great Immortal is following me."

Luo Feng smiled lightly: "It's easy to say, easy to say."

"The Emperor Tian is my student, and Zhenwu is my guest. He once discussed Taoism with the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and also played chess with the Dragon, Phoenix, and Kirin.

"Congenital and old and born later, Hunyuan Wuji guards the door, creates the world as the leader, and does not remember the tens of thousands of years in the world of mortals."

"Count it up, the little dragons you bullied were once my subordinates."

Sun Houzi was terrified, and smiled apologetically, "The Ruyi Golden Cudgel is just borrowed, borrowed."

"No need. Although the Dragon Clan is my subordinate, Zulong and I are good brothers." Luo Feng laughed and said, "I always... don't care about the Dragon Clan's affairs!"

The monkey blinked and tried to ask, "Whatever?"

"I really don't care." Luo Feng smiled
The monkey breathed a sigh of relief, quickly changed the subject, and asked, "Then, should I worship Jin Chanzi as a teacher again?"

"Not only that, there is no Buddha in Lingshan."

Luo Feng said slowly: "Monkey, do you think it's better for Buddhism to be your teacher, or the future Buddha Maitreya?"

A Journey to the West is so complicated that it is difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

Why did Kasyapa Ananda give the scriptures without words to Tang Seng, and why did Maitreya Buddha destroy the scriptures without words and pass them on to Monk Tang with scriptures with words.

It seems that Maitreya helped Tang Seng, but Tang Seng, who is known as the Mahayana Heaven and has already opened his own line, still needs scriptures?

The founders of schools have always drawn their own paintings on white paper.


(End of this chapter)

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