All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 959 All Heavens Unite 1

Luo Pangu sits in the Hunyuan Realm and harms the great Luos of the heavens. He no longer needs the help of his talisman.

Let Luo Tianyi turn around to rob the heavens, complete his practice, and reach the realm of supreme treasure.

One of the catastrophes is the trilogy world where the red-haired monster is located. The Three Heavenly Emperors arrived on the sacrificial path, and it took some effort to revive all the dead pollen empresses.

After all, Empress Huafen passed away in the field of sacrificial dao, and she cannot be resurrected casually.

So Luo Tianyi was invited to borrow a fake to practice, first imitate the invincible way of the pollen empress, let the pollen empress be resurrected in the body, and then separate the pollen empress independently.

Let God's Empress Luo Tianxian find all the soul light and memories of her relatives from the depths of her blood, inject them into her body, and reach the realm of resurrection.

After eternity, Luo Tianxian, Luo Ruoyi, and Luo Tianyi have now been achieved. They are connected by blood and form a trinity.

After Luo Tianxian came out, another Pollen Empress came out and stood side by side with Luo Tianyi.

"Thank you brother for saving your life." Empress Huafen thanked

Luo Feng laughed and said: "We are all a family, thank you for what you say, I will save you today, and you will save me tomorrow. The heavens and myriad worlds are not fighting and killing."

"Even the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks know to wait for Chu Luoli to start a group to go to the high ground together."

"Ruoyi, you need to restrain your Feng Aotian posture in the future."

Empress Huafen was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "It's not that you don't restrain yourself, but that the road is like this. You need to be invincible on the road of sacrifice, and you can break through with great sacrifices."

"It's simple, jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements." Luo Feng counted with his fingers: "I have mastered several paths in my hands, and I can try them all."

"It's really not possible, you can go grab it with the Demon Ancestor, and you will end up with Dao fruit, it's not impossible."

Luo Tianyi reminded in a low voice: "Brother, is it really good to just sell the Demon Ancestor like this?"

"Don't worry too much, Luo Hu won't mind." Luo Feng said casually: "Being in the front row, Han Xiandi is also in the first row."

In my generation, what is the most proficient, opening up the world, creating all things, preaching to all beings, no, no, no, it is not right!
It's a vertical arch!

Luo Tianxian's face was horrified, is this the world of Honghuang Daluo? !

Love, love.

The three goddesses quickly adjusted their posture and faced the world with another way of thinking.

Those who can prove that the Immortal Emperor is an amazingly talented person with good intelligence and emotional intelligence. The reason why he is so stubborn is that there is a red-haired monster who is forcing him.

I can only choose to push everything horizontally with combat power. When the combat power is no longer the only one, the Immortal Emperor starts to think, the virus is shut down, and the smart IQ occupies the high ground.

Arranging the Demon Ancestor to go to Xiniu Hezhou, the situation was chaotic. The three goddesses were in charge of guarding Dongsheng Shenzhou and guarding the Han Empire.

The only problem that is difficult to solve is Nanzhan Buzhou.

Shengtang, this divine dynasty is too complicated. The national teacher is Chen Zi, the imperial brother is Xuanzang, and the ancestor is Li Er. Recently, I got involved.

It can be said that there is as much chaos as there is.

This kind of chaos is not disorderly chaos in Xiniu Hezhou, but some kind of chaos of checks and balances.

If you want to break it, you must break one of the corners.

"According to common sense, a boss like Taishang Laojun is a stable existence in Diaoyutai, and will not die even if he writes the last chapter."

"However, this catastrophe is unusual... how can it be child's play."

"Many immortals will fall to the altar."

"This time, there is no chess player, only chess pieces crossing the river, trying to cross the river, the devil ancestor will end, the dragon ancestor will be born... looking for a chance."

"No one can transcend the world. The Taoist ancestor collapsed, the Buddha ancestor died, and the earth-shaking generosity and generosity are in line with the true meaning of the catastrophe!"

Luo Feng said softly, and inserted his hands into the mighty river of time, shaking the heavens and the world.

In the past, he used Pangu's giant body to open up the world, beheaded three thousand demon gods, and established his position as the leader of the multiverse.

After the sky was opened, he was as lonely as snow, his life was invincible, and he no longer needed weapons, so he chopped out the ax of truth in his hand, and the body of the ax turned into the main axis of time, and the ax turned into a brave future.

Now, he twitched the magic axe of truth, and the future timelines of countless heavens and universes and countless world dimensions quickly collapsed, shrank, rolled inward, and overlapped towards the ancient past.

In one side of the world, a group of powerful men in the universe raised their heads in horror, looking at time and space, showing an inconceivable look.

"Is the world going to die?!"

"The era is finally here!"

"Twilight of the Gods!"

"Infinite Tribulation?!"

The ancient Thunder God King looked dignified, and as far as his eyes could see was destiny. His will was supreme in the world, transcending fixed numbers and variables. He was omniscient and omnipotent, but he was still powerless in the face of Ragnarok.

On the misty fairy city, the ancient Taoist Lord looked down at the universe, his eyes vicissitudes. He has gone through countless calamities and is immortal. His disciples and disciples run through the universe and the galaxy, and now he is facing the greatest catastrophe.

The land of the other world full of elves is the habitat of the soul when reincarnated. The loving Lord of the World Tree sighed and prayed for the coming disaster.

In the three-story nine kingdoms supported by the World Tree, the black dragon has begun to eat everything. Odin has two crows perched on his shoulders, thinking and memory, reporting to the owner what he sees every day.

Announcing the arrival of the final twilight, when the gods were waiting in full force, even the crows did not notice, a certain lower plane, a poor boy named Lu Mingfei, because of the change of time, felt me ​​in different universes.

In a universe where many suns are vying for power, in the endless ocean, Nine Pillars revives, chooses the ultimate Lord God, drives the solar ship, and fights against the chaotic behemoth

In the Nine Heavens, the great holy hall is infinitely radiant, and the milky white holy power is as deep as the ocean, flowing through the entire crystal sky.

The lovely little angels in the holy light saluted, fluttering their snow-white wings, holding holy scriptures in their hands, and sincerely sang the ancient holy chapters, telling the glory and benevolence of the Creator.

Surrounded by golden holy light, all the angels and even the holy son of faith slowly opened their eyes, and the jade belt behind them flew like a beam of light, scattering light like rain.

"The world... is filthy again!"

"Push the universe forward, the goal...below the Hunyuan Realm!"

If you look at it from the perspective of transcending time and space, the seemingly distant world of Journey to the West is actually the closest side to the Hunyuan Realm!
That's why there are countless incarnations of Da Luo among them, and there are many collections of myths, which serve as road signs to guide the deity.

Now that the main axis of time and space is loose, Zhutian Daluo can return from the distant future and the past.

The heavens and myriad worlds also overlap the space in the same way, driving the universe to go under the chaos!

The end of time, the destruction of space.

Everything will unfold here, the ultimate decisive battle.

I don't know how many gods will be destroyed, and how many strong people will be detached.

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