All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 962 Dao ancestor collapsed, catastrophe

Chapter 962 Dao ancestor collapsed, catastrophe

Rahu was born as an Asura king, and it is nothing new for the eight Buddhist tribes to betray him.

After all, the fruit status of Buddhism is the most respected, and only the three levels of Arhat, Bodhisattva, and Buddha are the right path.

The other fruit positions are all heretics, such as tomato rotten bird eggs, I don't know that the Buddha in Lingshan is the master.

Any arhat traces back upwards, the patriarch Bodhisattva, the Buddha, the ancestor is Sakyamuni, so the sons and grandsons of the Buddha are really disciples and disciples.

No matter you are King Asura, Dragon King, Garuda, any arhat can scold you: evil beast!
It is conceivable that the status of heretical gods in Buddhism is called a thug at a good point, and a stepping stone at a bad point.

It is the stepping stone and mount of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas when they become enlightened. Which Buddhist power is not stepping on the body of a heretic to create a great reputation.

When Sakyamuni became a monk, he emphasized the equality of all beings.

But in this Lingshan, in this Daleiyin Temple, there are three, six and nine grades.

Tang Xuanzang looked at the distant figures of several Asura kings, and sighed: "The end of the Dharma has come."

The demon king said to the Buddha: In your Dharma-ending period, I will ask my disciples and descendants to mix into your monk treasures, wear your cassock, and destroy your Dharma.They misinterpret your scriptures and destroy your precepts to achieve what I cannot achieve with force today...

This is the true meaning of the end of the Dharma. There are bad people among the masses, and demons among the monks.

San Zan said indifferently: "Dharma-ending period, I will lead my disciples to take off their cassocks, practice in the world, and become a Buddha in one lifetime!"

"Good, good."

Patriarch Bodhi smiled and said, "This is the honor of the world."

The fruit of Lingshan has already died, so the cause of the world has just been planted.

Starting from September 81, [-], Tang Xuanzang saved all sentient beings. During the tenth difficulty of being burned at night and the eleventh difficulty of losing his cassock, he met Guanyin Temple and enlightened Monk Mengqi, who became a holy Buddha and the venerable one.

Now in the daughter country, the seven Ultraman King Buddhas have been converted into the land of Buddhas in the world, and they are the kings of Buddhas in the world.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties are ninety-nine and eighty-one human Buddha lands.

Looking around, there is a demonic aura flying into the sky in Xiniu Hezhou, and the demonic aura covers the sky, but in the cracks, there are also Sanskrit sounds and Buddhist scriptures echoing.

After the disaster of Xiliang Kingdom 43, the disaster of Pipa Cave 44 is not surprising. The nine saints worked together to crush the essence of Pipa. The so-called toxins are like scratching an itch for the saint who has experienced darkness and turmoil.

It's hard to start at 45, the heart ape has two hearts, and the six-eared macaque made Tang Seng look at him now that he has turned Wukong into a heart ape. Where did the six-eared macaque come from?
Tang Xuanzang waited for a long time in the Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain, let the nine holy bodies leave, put away the three corpses, and finally a monkey with hairy hands and feet ran in.

He kowtowed in front of Tang Seng and prayed: "Holy monk is merciful, holy monk is merciful, please save me, please save me."

Tang Xuanzang looked at the monkey, which looked the same as Sun Wukong, but it had six ears. He couldn't help laughing and said, "The six-eared macaque is good at listening, can perceive, knows before and after, and understands everything."

"You are the most intelligent monkey in the world, why do you ask me for help?"

The six-eared macaque burst into tears and cried: "As the saying goes, cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness. It is because I am good at listening and understanding that I get into trouble."

"Also ask the holy monk to be merciful and save me. I am willing to enter Buddhism."

Tang Xuanzang moved his eyes and said thoughtfully, "You heard something you shouldn't have heard."

The six-eared macaque wept and said: "Holy Monk Mingjian, I listened to all things a few days ago, and I heard something about the Buddha's Nirvana in the Lingshan Mountain. I was so scared that I came to this Huaguo Mountain. I wanted to inquire about the news these days, but...the result ..."

"What's the result?" Tang Xuanzang smiled indifferently, and comforted him: "The Buddhas have all passed Nirvana, what could be more terrifying than this."

The six-eared macaque said with a mournful face: "As a result, I heard the sound of the Tianzhu collapsing, the great flood is coming, the three thousand weak waters, the real water of the underworld, the dark sea of ​​blood, and Gululu are all coming."

"The catastrophe has begun, holy monk, it's time for you to save the world!"

"Whoever can save all living beings in the Three Realms will win this calamity, and whoever will be the protagonist of the next era!"

"Tianzhu collapses, flood rises!"

Tang Xuanzang stood up abruptly, looked at the sky, his pupils flashed with enlightenment: "So that's how it is!"

That's how it turned out, it turns out that the fusion of the worlds and the unity of the heavens are in this form.

The Three Thousand Great Thousand World smashed the pillar of heaven, and merged with the origin of the endless worlds, stirring up the heavens in the form of a great flood, pulling all the worlds, and mixing them into one.

With the integration of the origin, the sky is getting higher and higher, the ground is getting thicker, the laws are getting stricter, the avenue is getting more and more secretive, and finally a real world similar to the Hunyuan world is formed.

In the Hunyuan Realm, even Da Luo will be suppressed.

The real world is slightly inferior to the Hunyuan world, not enough to suppress Da Luo, but it is enough to suppress all monks under Da Luo.

Once the integration of the heavens is completed, all supernatural beings will return to the ruins, only the people will last forever, and only faith will last forever.

The next era is the era of Shinto. Whoever has more believers will win and become the protagonist of the next era.

How to win believers, of course, is to save them in the great flood of all worlds.

This era believes in passwords, and traffic passwords are the savior!

The other three major states have already made preparations to exist in the form of an empire, follow the divine way of the son of heaven, and become the first emperor on the earth.

The Great Han, the Great Tang, and the Great Qin, the three family emperors forged the Kingdom of God, and finally ascended to the throne of the Heavenly Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven is the greatest master of gods in the heavens and the world. The person who proves the Emperor of Heaven for the first time will monopolize the beliefs of the heavens and be the first to restore Daluo's strength.

At that time, even if Zhutian Daluo came out of the Hunyuan Realm, it would be too late.

One step at a time, one step at a time.

Even if Tang Xuanzang set up a Buddhist Taoist temple with ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and became the king of the world, he only reached more than 81 difficulties, which is a step slower than the three great empires.

And Zhutian Daluo is one step slower than Tang Xuanzang.

If you lose your first hand, it will be extremely difficult to get up again.

"What about the door?"

Tang Xuanzang murmured, Buddhism starts from the Nirvana of the Buddha, and the family is divided into three to preserve the orthodoxy. Confucianism is simpler and directly attached to the imperial dynasty, betting on the three schools.

Why does the Daoist sect keep silent? With the character of this group of people, if they don't come out to make troubles in the Taoist kingdom on the ground, and start a Yellow Turban uprising, it is not in line with their character.

After all, Taoism can really rebel. The so-called respecting the orthodoxness of the Three Purities and demoting the old ghosts of the Six Heavens can be seen as normal.

What are the old ghosts of the six heavens? They are the God of Haotian and the God of Five Directions.

In the original version of Taoism, the combat power is not one or two points of brutality.

The six-eared macaque trembled and said: "This is exactly what I want to tell the holy monk. The Taoist ancestor wants to dissolve the body of Nuwa, go to mend the sky, save the great flood with one hand, and become the savior of the world."

"The middle way collapsed, the Taoist ancestor collapsed!"

The Buddha Nirvana, the Daoist collapsed, and the sky was full of sacredness like stars raining down.

Tang Xuanzang came back to his senses for a long time, and sighed: "Who will not die in this catastrophe?"

Even Buddha and Taoist are dead, who else can't die.

Big catastrophe, complete chaos

(End of this chapter)

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