Chapter 97 Please also be clever (two more)

The Immortal Taierzong is really insidious, and he keeps sending avatars to test him.

Every contact seems wonderful, but in fact there are risks everywhere, and you need to be extremely cautious when encountering opportunities!

Fortunately, my family was cautious enough to scatter 360 spiritual thoughts in every corner of the Taier Sect, and was on standby 24 hours a day in all directions at [-] degrees and five degrees, so I didn't fall into the trap.

After this incident, Luo Feng felt even more dangerous in the flood and famine, one by one with ulterior motives, and the city government was extremely deep.

He could barely protect himself against Heavenly Immortals and Earth Immortals, but if he fought against Jinxian, wouldn't he be played to death.

"But test who I am?"

Luo Fengpan fiddled with the silver bracelet and fell into contemplation.

There are three immortals in Taierzong, Taier Immortal, Yuanling Immortal, and Jiulian Immortal.

Who the hell was going to test him, one?
Or, the three immortals joined forces? !

If it is the latter, Luo Feng should consider moving the nest.


The days continued until half a month later.

When Luo Feng had made thirty puppets, he suddenly received a message.

Zongmen Big Competition?

Staring at the jade talisman in his hand, he looked at Uncle Huoyun with a smile on his face.

Luo Feng asked quietly: "Uncle Shi, does our sect have a great competition?!"

Tai Erzong's atmosphere, he still doesn't understand?
One word is safe, two words are calm, and three words are super stable.

The supervision of the disciples relies entirely on the legal network, the outer disciples are not allowed to go down the mountain, and the inner disciples are pitiful.

Daoist Huoyun said with a simple and honest smile: "We don't have it, the Seven Sects of Xuanyuan have it."

Don't look at Huoyun's simple and honest face, his tongue is not slow, and he tells the whole story.

Tai Erzong is a sect that is not even prepared for fights and is dedicated to learning. Naturally, there is no such thing as a sect master.

But there are seven Xuanyuan sects!Although the Xuanyuan Seven Sects are alliances, the alliances are not a family, and there are times when even a family is at odds.

Over the past 10 years, the seven sects have worked hard to overcome various contradictions in various ways, and worked together to promote the construction of a new type of relationship.

They unanimously emphasized seeking common ground while reserving differences and insisting on consultation, setting the main tone for the relationship between the seven sects that are experiencing ups and downs, and placing ballast.

This is fighting but not breaking, harmony but difference.

Therefore, seven sects were established.

First, to resolve personal grievances, secondly, to rank high and low, thirdly, it is also the most important thing, see if there are outstanding seedlings in the major sects, how are the younger generations, can they become immortals, and whether there are any sects that are not connected Danger.

Tianyi Pavilion was listed as the bottom of the seven sects because of the lack of success.

Looking at Daoist Huoyun with a simple and honest smile.

Luo Feng shook his head and said, "Uncle Master, I'm not humble, you said, how can I represent the sect to participate in the seven sects of martial arts? "

Daoist Huoyun still said with a smile on his face: "Tianyi, nephew, I can't say anything, the competition is divided into four ways: Yuanshen, Yuanying, Jindan, and foundation building."

"You build the foundation waterway, you are a top grade, and you are a loose cultivator with rich life experience."

"The inner door has already researched and decided, and you will be the leader of the Foundation Building Association."

Luo Feng hesitated and said, "Is this... is there some imperial meaning? What will the rest of the foundation-building disciples think?"

Daoist Huoyun laughed and said: "You don't have to be careful about this, you need three people to build a foundation and gather martial arts, you are the leader..."

"One's destiny, of course, depends on self-struggle and hard work, but the process of history must also be taken into account..."

"Nowadays, there are only new disciples like you among the disciples who practice foundation building. You are the one with deep roots in foundation building... So, people, you don't know, you can't predict it yourself."

"It's really unchangeable."

"It really can't be done!"

Seeing that Daoist Huoyun came with a firm intention and could not be changed.

Luo Feng sighed and said: "If it is beneficial to the sect, I will not care about life and death. Can I avoid it because of misfortune, and go forward to welcome it if I am blessed?"

"Senior nephew is ashamed to take it."

"This is good, this is good." Daoist Huoyun left with a simple and honest smile: "Nephew, don't forget the time, the square will gather in three days."

Luo Feng listened carefully, nodded and said, "This disciple understands."


When Daoist Huoyun took the red wine gourd and left while walking, Luo Feng's face gradually calmed down.

Looking for a shade of a tree, he split a stone pier and sat down quietly.

The situation deteriorated again.

The Immortal Taierzong began to further test his own family, from the contact with Wen Dou's friends, the opportunity, to the current martial arts, forcing himself to do it, and seeing the flaws.

Pressing step by step, getting every inch.

It should be noted that there are obvious differences between a mature Taoist and a newbie who has set foot on the fairy road.

Not only in the practice of mana, but also in experience and technology, and even in the heart of the Tao.

Once you start, you will inadvertently reveal habitual flaws.

The breeze blew through the evergreen trees, and a green leaf fell into the palm of the hand.

Luo Feng turned the leaves and saw clear veins and interlaced textures on the leaves.

After calming down and thinking again, I can't help feeling that this move is very meaningful.

There is another layer of computation in it.

If Luo Feng is really a newbie, he won't see through the heavy routines.

It can only be regarded as a test for the younger disciples by the sect immortals.

If Luo Feng sees through, it will prove that he is not a newbie, but an old fritter.

At that time, it was not the sect immortal who framed the younger disciples, but the sect's eyes that found the spies and spies.

Therefore, no matter if Luo Feng found it or not, this dumbass can only eat it.

This stability, this mind.

I would like to respect you as the strongest!
Fortunately, however, there is a silver lining to everything.

Yin and yang evolve into the heaven and earth, and everything has two sides.

On the bright side, the Immortal Taierzong always only doubted himself, and doubts were only doubts after all, not even a single head-on shot.

Whether it's a fight or a fight, they all follow the trend without any pretense.

Therefore, as long as you pass this level and get through it, most of your doubts will be eliminated.

This time it's all about acting!

In the heavens and the worlds, acting is respected!

The martial arts ceremony of the Seven Sects of Xuanyuan was a rare opportunity for the people of the Second Sect to go down the mountain with dignity.

The scene was once intense. It was quite spectacular, with gongs and drums, firecrackers blaring, red flags fluttering, and a sea of ​​people...

There was almost no real spark.

The intensity is equivalent to the ringing of the bell, the tiger coming out, and the cafeteria grabbing food.

After more than half a day of uproar, the contestants were finally selected.

Three are Foundation Establishment, three are Jindan, three are Yuanying, and one is Yuanshen.

Only the leader of the team, beyond everyone's imagination, turned out to be Daoist Huoyun with a simple and honest smile.

"Why is Uncle Huoyun leading the team?"

Sure enough, there was a trace of restlessness in the crowd.

Daoist Huoyun's image of a good-natured person is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, making them feel a little uncomfortable.

"that is because……"

The young Yuanshen Taoist who participated in the competition said faintly: "Uncle Huoyun killed the immortal!"

[The protagonist is about to go to heaven, um, after going to heaven, return to the world of one person]

(End of this chapter)

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