Fresh wife is amazing

Chapter 551 The Boyfriend Is Good or Bad

Chapter 551 The Boyfriend Is Good or Bad

"Remember, what happened?"

"Xiao Yang is a treasure hunter. We have to search carefully for the places he has been to."

Listening to what his colleagues said, Yang Qianli's eyes lit up: "Let's go, let's go to the house where Xiao Yang and the others live."

In the past three days, in Hailing Island, where Yang Fan and his group have been, Yang Qianli has arranged escorts.

At the same time, Yang Qianli also asked these people to pay attention to what Yang Fan and his party did and what they left behind.

Unfortunately, those people didn't find anything special left by Yang Fan.

Now, except for the hotel where Yang Fan and his party stayed, they haven't checked carefully yet.

It is said that most of the inspirations of literati come suddenly, and there may be some essays scattered around the place where they live.

Those essays are the crystallization of wisdom, even the spirit of eternal life.

After Yang Fan and his party left Hailing Island, Yang Qianli and his party then entered the hotel suite where Yang Fan and the others stayed.

This suite has always been reserved for the big brother's family for vacation.

People with money can't live in this kind of place, just like some nursing homes where powerful people live, and no matter how rich they are, they can't live in it.

The lavish door opened inward, and Yang Qianli and his party entered in a file.

It seems that because Aunt Shisan and Liu's sisters lived here, the group always felt that there was a faint fragrance in the house, which was different from the smell of copper.

The so-called copper smell refers to the smell of perfume and other odors obtained through wealth.

Power can also be exchanged for some human fragrance, but it cannot be exchanged for the fragrance of Yang Fan and his party.

No one came to clean up the house yet, but there was no mess after Yang Fan and his party left.

The living room is still bright and almost everything is in order.

The pillows are leaning side by side on the sofa, and the tissue boxes and other items on the coffee table are neatly arranged.

Even the quilts in the room are well folded, and the disposable slippers seem to have never been used. Yang Fan's family uses their own slippers and other daily necessities.

Yang Fan and his team have used the shampoo and other supplies in the bathroom, because they are all bottled and unopened for the use of distinguished guests.

"Look for it, and don't let go of the trash can."

Yang Qianli and others began to search the house, just like the cleaners on the street, they did their dirty work dutifully.

"The family planning supplies used for free have not been touched, they are all high-end products." Looking at the unopened family planning supplies on the bedside table in the room, Yang Qianli closed the drawer.

He doesn't care about it, he didn't sneak away, it's not that he doesn't need it, there are many at home.

Looking through the trash can in the room, but did not find the used family planning supplies, Yang Qianli sighed in his heart, he is still young and loving.

When he was young, he and his girlfriend were also very affectionate.

From time to time, things would fall from his body, and he hated those things that fell.

There is only one thing that Yang Qianli dislikes, but at the same time hopes that his girlfriend will take it away and not waste it.


"Come here, Xiao Yang really left a message." Someone shouted from the balcony.

Immediately, Yang Qianli and the others in the room quickly left the area they wanted to search and ran up to the balcony.

"I really left a message!"

"It's a word that Xiao Yang didn't ask to keep!"

"Get out of the way, let me see."

On the balcony, seven or eight people squeezed in at once.

Fortunately, the balcony is big enough for a family of five to have supper and watch the moon.

With seven or eight people squeezed in, the balcony didn't seem as crowded as the subway.

In a minibus bound for the military airport.

In the seat, Guoguo was drowsy.

"Have you had enough fun these days?" Aunt Thirteen said to the little girl, "Take a nap and get up and make up my homework."

Guoguo's spirit was shocked, and her eyes widened: "Do I have homework?"

"Yes." Thirteenth Aunt said ruthlessly. There was no homework in school, but it didn't mean she didn't arrange homework for the little girl.

"Then if I don't go to bed, can I not do my homework?" Guo Guo insisted not to go to sleep.

Aunt Thirteen covered the little girl's ears and said to Yang Fan, "Coax her to sleep."

Yang Fan looked at Guoguo apologetically, and said, "Since Guoguo doesn't want to sleep, let me tell a story."

Guoguo is looking forward to and fearing at the same time, she likes to listen to stories by nature, it is hard for her to resist, but she always fell asleep while listening to stories in the past, she still remembers it vividly.

"Speak?" Yang Fan asked the little girl again for her opinion.

This is actually not asking Guoguo's opinion, but seduction, much like asking her with candy, do you want to eat it or not.

"Yeah, I want to listen." Guoguo nodded frequently.

Although Dad often tells stories that she doesn't understand, there are also children's stories that she especially likes to hear.

She bet that Dad would tell the stories she liked to hear this time.

Yang Fan began to speak.

There is a man who has been working outside for many years and is finally going home.

The boss asked him: Do you want the salary of these years, or my three words of advice?

The man thought to himself, the boss must be sick. I have worked for so many years just to make money, but the man still said: Boss, I will be on the road tomorrow, can I give you the answer tomorrow morning?
The boss said yes.

That night, the man suffered from insomnia.

At breakfast, he bet that the boss is a good man, and said to the boss: I want three pieces of advice.

So, the boss gave him three pieces of advice.

After speaking, the boss gave the man some money and a bag of bread, and told the man not to eat the biggest piece of bread until he got home.

The man was on the road and walked for a long time. He finished the first piece of bread. Not long after, he came across an intersection and asked someone how he could walk home faster.

Passerby: Take the path, come closer.

Passer-by: Take the road, safe.

The man couldn't wait to meet his wife, so he took the path.

Not long after he walked, he heard a passer-by say that there were bandits nearby.

The man remembered the boss's first piece of advice: don't try to find shortcuts.

So he turned around and walked the road.

After walking for a long time, the second bread was also eaten, so he found a very cheap inn to stay.

He heard a woman crying in the middle of the night, and he couldn't sleep, so he decided to go out and have a look.

Suddenly he thought of the boss's second piece of advice: Don't be overly curious about things you know are bad things.

So he fell asleep again.

When starting the next day, the store was surprised: Are you still alive? !
He was puzzled, so he asked the reason.

The shopkeeper said that he had a crazy daughter who would cry out to kill her when she got sick. Only one of the guests staying last night survived.

The man sighed and walked for a few more days. When the third loaf was finished, he was not far from home.

The man was very excited. Not long after it got dark, he walked to his village...

At this point in the story, Yang Fan stopped talking because Guoguo had already fallen asleep.

The little girl can't shake off Aunt Thirteen's homework.

Yang Fan caressed the little girl's face, even he had to hand in homework to Aunt Thirteen on time.

Liu Qianqian's eyes rolled darkly, and it was the first time that she felt that her boyfriend and Aunt Thirteen were good or bad!

(End of this chapter)

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