Chapter 554
"Marketing forbidden technique?" Thirteenth Aunt frowned, she was not familiar with the intrigue in official career, and even less familiar with the intrigue in the shopping mall.

Just because you don't know something doesn't mean you haven't seen it.

It was precisely because she had seen her that Aunt Thirteen was worried that Yang Fan, who never talked about his methods in such a negative way, would make a very bad start if he did so.

Aunt Thirteen's sense of justice has never left. Just like when she was a child, she would be very disgusted and cast aside when she saw people who were rich and unkind.

Like the kind of big data familiarization, exploiting the loopholes in the pre-sale mechanism and causing a large number of unfinished real estate projects to be paid by the common people, it is enough to cause a crisis of trust, and what hurts is the loss of several generations. Yang Fan can clearly explain the plan.

The sea is too deep and wide, and Aunt Thirteen is really afraid that Yang Fan will go into the sea to do business.

After he goes down, there is too much room to play.

Ever since she fell in love with Yang Fan, Aunt Thirteen has become more and more aware of his debauchery and love for freedom.

He also likes to direct people.

The usual Thirteenth Aunt, facing those commanders, felt ashamed even thinking about it, and of course she would not let Yang Fan's baton be unscrupulous.

But every time she immersed herself in it, she never refused.

There is neither psychological nor physical resistance, even liking, why should I refuse?

"That's right, there is a way to steal. This kind of marketing method can be punished by everyone. Basically, it can only be used once." Yang Fan said.

Liu Qianqian will be a domineering female president in the future. There is a saying that kindness does not lead soldiers, and kindness does not lead to the president.

So, she humbly asked her boyfriend: "Yang Fan, what should we do?"

Yang Fan asked instead: "Do you know what product positioning is?"

After establishing a relationship with Yang Fan, Liu Qianqian has always felt inferior. She feels that she is incompetent. In addition to working hard to start a business, she is also preparing to take over Liu Ma's N multiple industries.

She has understood the technical term product positioning, and tried to organize the language to answer: "Product positioning refers to what kind of products the company corresponds to meet the needs of target consumers or target consumer markets."

After a pause, Liu Qianqian added: "Theoretically speaking, market positioning should be done first, and then product positioning."

Liu Yueyue on the side stared wide-eyed, since when did my sister become so powerful, do you understand this?

On the other hand, she can do nothing but sing and earn money through advertising.

She is beautiful and has a good figure. She is born with it. She is not something to be proud of. She just secretly rejoices in her heart. She will not show off to others.

Thinking about it this way, I am really bad, no wonder Yang Fan likes Qianqian besides her.

"So, you know the market positioning. It's amazing. It seems that I only need to take care of the children at home in the future, so I don't have to worry." Yang Fan doesn't feel that he is a softie at all. Even if he is, it is because he is soft. The ability to eat, other men can't eat like this.

Liu Qianqian was a little shy, only her sister was by her side, she was fine, but Aunt Thirteen was there.

Yang Fan thinks that Liu Qianqian's girlfriend is really cute, but just saying that, she will feel shy, where is the fearlessness of being alone with him in the boudoir?
I remember one time, in the room, she spit out something from her mouth into the palm of her hand, looked at it curiously, and looked very surprised.

Just like children holding a boiled egg, adults tell them that if it is not cooked, it can hatch a chicken.

so amazing!
Liu Qianqian at that time was very cute.

She looks shy and ready to let go now, which is also very cute.

It seems that no matter which side of her she is, she is very pleasing.

Thinking of this, Yang Fan was even more grateful to Aunt Thirteen for introducing him to Liu Qianqian.

After meeting Liu Qianqian, he met Liu Yueyue, and finally Liu Yueyue became his girlfriend.

Therefore, Liu Qianqian also needs to be grateful.

As for Liu Yueyue, she was equally grateful, although she was often not by his side, but she went out to make money, and to have a good material life with him in the future.

Yang Fan can also make money, but since his girlfriend earns so much, he doesn't need to work harder.

Give others a way out, be a good person, good rewards will come naturally.

"Oh, I don't want to have a baby yet." Liu Qianqian said with a blushing face.

Aunt Thirteen peeled off the skin from the chicken legs, then put the chicken legs in a bowl and dipped them in seasonings to eat.

As for the chicken skin, she threw it into the fruit bowl.

Guoguo shaved the rice and vegetables together, and quickly shaved the chicken skin into his mouth.

After chewing a few mouthfuls, the little girl frowned slightly, looked up at her mother, and wanted to speak, but Thirteenth Aunt said coldly: "Swallow first and then speak."

Guoguo struggled to swallow the food in his mouth.

After finally swallowing, I was about to ask my mother what I had just eaten, when I saw my mother sandwiched a piece of boneless chicken for her.

What were you trying to say just now?


Bow your head and continue eating.

Liu Yueyue stared blankly at Thirteenth Aunt, is it okay to raise a daughter like this?
And look at Guoguo who eats well, her stress is instantly multiplied!
The easier Guoguo is to raise, the more she worries about her and Yang Fan's child in the future.

What should I do if I have a baby who cries and makes trouble every day?
Liu Yueyue saw other people's children, it was very tormenting, so that she didn't like children until she met Yang Fan and Guoguo.

If she could, she wouldn't even want to have a child. She suffered too much and asked for trouble.

When I was young, I made more money, so I was not afraid that no one would support me in the old age.

The biggest challenge for the elderly is not lack of emotional sustenance, but lack of money.

"Children are so cute and fun. It is irresponsible for children to have a late child." Yang Fan gave Liu Qianqian a piece of chicken breast.

Think about him clipping another piece for Liu Yueyue.

Aunt Thirteen didn't seem to mind, but Yang Fan still gave her a piece.

"Yang Fan, how do you suppress that competitor?" Liu Qianqian asked while eating the meat given by Yang Fan.

"Tell you a story, and you will know." Yang Fan laughed.

A car company A has launched a new large-scale van. As soon as it entered the market, the sales volume was very hot. Competitor B felt that Alexander could not deal with them positively, so he was going to play dirty.

Car company B heard that a crematorium was preparing to purchase a batch of vans, so it spent money to purchase a large number of these vans, and then sold them to the crematorium at a very low price.

In addition to this crematorium, B car company also cooperates with crematoriums in other cities through various relationships to sell A car company's large vans at low prices.

Since then, car company B has suddenly turned this model of car company A into a special car for funerals. It has been unable to turn over for more than ten years and can only continue to provide services for crematoria.

After the story was told, Liu Qianqian was in a daze.

Before telling Yang Fan about this, she thought that Yang Fan would provide some advanced marketing strategies to defeat competitors, or improve the quality of her products to squeeze out competitors.

Unexpectedly, he made such a sinister move, directly positioning the opponent's product.

If you don’t want to go bankrupt, car company A can only continue to be tied to the funeral home, and tied to the funeral home, your products will not be able to open the market.

(End of this chapter)

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