Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 115 Follow Grandma to Dig Treasures

Chapter 115 Follow Grandma to Dig Treasures

Ye Mingyan had tidied up in the house and was about to go to bed when Grandma Ye came in at this time.

Grandma Ye came and sat down beside Ye Mingyan, and said cautiously: "Yanyan, your...mysterious space is still very stable now? Are the things in it still there?"

Ye Mingyan was taken aback, he didn't expect grandma to ask this.

"Yes! It's always been stable, grandma, don't worry!"

Grandma Ye didn't speak, she looked hesitant and anxious.

"Grandma, what's the matter with you? Has something happened?"

Grandma Ye remembered what Xie Qinshan said, so she decided to speak out.

"Yanyan! During this time, grandma has also noticed that you are a sensible child. Grandma is telling you something now. Do you remember not to tell others?"

Ye Mingyan frowned, she felt grandma's panic.

"Grandma, don't be afraid, I will be very obedient, and no one will tell. If you have anything, you can tell me."

Looking at the calm eyes of her little granddaughter, Grandma Ye calmed down inexplicably.

I don't know what's wrong, she was once my most pampered granddaughter, but unknowingly, she seems to have become the backbone of this family.

"Yanyan, your grandpa has been greatly stimulated recently. His leg has not healed, and he has developed problems at home. He hates me to death. He has been yelling all day that we have a baby at home, let everyone I'm a little worried..."

Ye Mingyan paused, Grandma is... worried that the treasures at home will be exposed, so you want to give them to her?


Those things are naturally safest in her hands.

"Grandma, does our family really have a baby? Is what grandpa said true?"

Grandma Ye whispered: "There are indeed some things left by the ancestors, which were destroyed a lot back then, and some were hidden by your great-grandfather. When I married your grandfather, I brought some of them with me. The dowry, and part of it was secretly obtained by your grandfather in advance."

"Your grandfather's place was stolen some time ago. I don't know who did it. He dug all the holes in the house and found it so accurately. If it's an outsider, grandma is worried! They can find Xie's family." , maybe we can find our family."

"Even if it's not an outsider, but the prodigal son of the Xie family, I'm still worried that he'll waste all the money and come back to cause trouble for our family."

Ye Mingyan only said: "Then... grandma, what do you want to do?"

Grandma Ye struggled and said, "This...don't you have that mysterious space? I thought, if you put all these things in your space, wouldn't it be safe? No one will be able to find them again."

"At that time, even if those people play tricks and can't find anything, they will naturally stop, and it won't have any bad influence on our family. It won't attract too much jealousy, and we can live in peace. "

Ye Mingyan didn't expect that she snatched the things from the Xie family, just because she didn't want the people of the Xie family to enjoy the wealth of the Ye family, but she didn't expect to make grandma so worried.

She held Grandma Ye's hand, "Then... let's just find a chance and put everything here. Also, grandma, don't worry too much. The society is different now. It is impossible for someone to come to the house to grab things easily, and it is now a society ruled by law."

Grandma Ye said helplessly: "Yanyan, you are still young and don't understand the sinister human heart. Our family is all old and young Confucian women. Grandma used to be the lady of the landlord's family. This identity is too dangerous. If there were no relatives secretly protecting you all these years Take it easy, grandma, I don’t know if I can survive till now.”

"Back then, when I divorced your grandfather, how much effort and pressure did I have to withstand? When I think about those days, I feel scared. Fortunately, I made it through."

Ye Mingyan said distressedly: "Grandma, it's all over. In the future, you will get better and better, and our family will get better and better. You believe in Yanyan, Yanyan will make you live a better life."

Grandma Ye paused, looking at the little girl in front of her, her once ignorant and innocent big eyes made her feel so trustworthy.

"Okay, grandma believes in you, Yanyan will definitely make grandma live a good life."

Grandma Ye calmed down for a while, and then said: "We have some of those things at home, and some are outside. If you find time, grandma will take you to get all those things out and put them all in your place."

"it is good!"

There are many things in the Ye family, which were collected in many batches back then. Now, some of the things in the family were originally here, and the other part was specially brought back after Grandma Ye's divorce.

After the divorce that year, she was a woman with four children, and she really needed money to survive in that poor age.

Of this batch at home, one part is in her own room, and the other two are in the rooms of her two sons. When the two sons got married, she gave a part to each of them.

In addition, there is a part of the corner behind the kitchen, and then there is the backyard.

Only then did Ye Mingyan realize that there were so many treasures hidden in her home.

There are too many people in the Ye family now, and the sister-in-law's family still lives here, so Grandma Ye hasn't moved the uncle and father's room for the time being, the sister-in-law and the younger uncle live there, and the mother lives in the father's room.

Grandma Ye and Ye Mingyan planned the time. On this day, Ye Mingyan lit incense at home to make everyone fall asleep, and came to Grandma Ye's room in the middle of the night.

Grandma Ye had already prepared the digging tools. She removed a wardrobe in the corner and said, "It's right below."

Ye Mingyan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, he was a little surprised that he wasn't under the bed.

This closet is in a corner, relatively speaking, it is really a little safer.

After digging up the soil, it didn't take long to find the box.

Grandma Ye and Ye Mingyan quickly got the box out.

Here are two boxes, not too big, but very heavy. Grandma Ye looked at the boxes and said with some nostalgia: "There are all good things in here."

Ye Mingyan was curious, opened it and looked, almost blinded, it was full of big yellow croakers.

The other box was opened, and the jewels were still dazzling.

That's right, all of them are good things, especially gorgeous and valuable good things.

Grandma Ye glanced at it and said: "These jewels are all passed down from the ancestors. As for the gold, they were specially exchanged for preservation later. Gold was a hard currency back then."

Grandma Ye sighed, as if feeling sorry for the past, "Hurry up and put it away!"

"Oh!" Ye Mingyan responded, and immediately put the box into the space.

(End of this chapter)

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