Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 12 Sister, a lot of meat!

Chapter 12 Sister, a lot of meat!
She screamed and was about to rush up to beat people, and the people from Xie's family naturally wanted to help her. Grandma Ye raised the kitchen knife in her hand, looking like she was about to fight. .

The people around rushed over to persuade and fight.

"Oh, don't hit, don't hit, just talk if you have something to say."

"Yes, yes! Folks in the village, stop beating!"

"Oh, don't do it! It's okay for the two old women to make a fuss, it's outrageous for so many people to rush up!"

With so many people, even after persuasion and pull, this fight did not start.

Ye Mingyan is a small person, it was wrong for Xie Wenkang to beat someone, and later Xie Wenkang did fall by himself, the Xie family didn't take it seriously, there are so many Ye family relatives in the village, they would never see the Ye family being beaten like this Bully.

Grandma Ye was carrying two chickens that had been killed, and when she turned around, she saw her good granddaughter standing at the door. After a meal, she immediately found a sack in the yard to put the chickens in, and threw the kitchen knife into it.

Afraid to scare my good baby!

Carrying the sack on his back, he came to Ye Mingyan, stretched out his hand and hugged Ye Mingyan.

"Don't be afraid of Yanyan, grandma will take you home."

Ye Mingfeng quickly followed.

Grandma Ye left, and the people at the door hurriedly gathered around again, trying to persuade the Xie family members in small groups, but none of the Xie family members could rush out of the yard.

Back at Ye's house, Grandma Ye continued to boil water, planning to deal with the two chickens she got this time.

In the yard, Ye Mingfeng looked at the chickens and rabbits at home.

The day Ye Mingyan fell into the water three days ago, grandma went to Xie's house to grab two chickens and came back, stewed one, and got another.

This time they went up the mountain and brought three rabbits and one pheasant.

Now, get two more.

There is also Qin Xiuheng's stewed chicken soup.

Ye Mingfeng swallowed, "Sister, so much meat!"

Ye Mingyan looked at his little brother, thinking of grandma's toughness, "Pfft..."

On the other side, after Qin Xiuheng left the Ye family, he was still in a daze.

He didn't expect that God would allow him to be born again.

Thinking of that little girl Ye Mingyan, Qin Xiuheng smiled, perhaps, God felt that he was too lonely in his previous life, so he gave him a chance to start over.

Some things that he didn't have time to do in his previous life, and the fate he missed with Yanyan, in this life, he can re-grasp.

that's nice!

This is Grandpa Du's home.

Simple farmyard, Grandpa Du is not at home.

He is a child adopted by Grandpa Du, and he lived here with Grandpa Du for several years. Two years ago, he went to the capital to go to university, and was discovered by the Qin family, so he recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan.

Qin Xiuheng simply cleaned up the house, and then went to the street to buy things. The little girl is so thin, she needs to make up for it and grow up quickly.

Qin Xiuheng went directly to the street to buy a lot of rice, flour, dried noodles, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and all kinds of seasonings.

It's not that there are these in the family, but he knows that Grandpa Du's life is very simple, and the seasonings at home are definitely not so rich. In order to make delicious food for the future daughter-in-law, there must be no less seasonings.

After thinking about it, this is summer, and things are easy to break, so I simply went to buy a refrigerator.

Then I bought a washing machine, an electric fan, and originally wanted to buy a TV, but people in the countryside don’t have much entertainment. If anyone’s house has a TV, they will crowd a room full of people to watch TV, which is too noisy.

So I just bought two radios and gave the little girl one to play with.

 See you tomorrow, okay?The Ye family are all very tough!

(End of this chapter)

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