Chapter 14

"Thank you, Xiuheng, you are so kind to me!"

Han Erhuo didn't notice his friend's calculations at all, so he thanked him slyly.

Qin Xiuheng smiled and said, "You're welcome, let's go, I'll go buy something to eat, and go back later."

He went to buy some shrimp, then bought a dozen catties of pork, a big bag of spare ribs, and bought two more fish. After thinking about it, children should all like snacks, right?
I went to buy a pack of melon seeds, a pack of candy, and then apples and peaches.

Seeing Qin Xiuheng buying so many things, Han Yue was moved, "Xiuheng, you are so thoughtful, I'm embarrassed to buy so many things to entertain me! Who are we? Don't be so polite! "

Qin Xiuheng's mouth twitched.

After buying everything, they went home.

On the Ye family's side, in the afternoon, Grandma Ye cleaned up the pheasants and rabbits, and then went to work in the fields.

Sitting under the jujube tree in his yard, Ye Mingyan held his chin in his hand, thinking about his future.

After being reborn once, the tragedy of the past life will naturally be changed, but the Tang family will still find it, so now, she must find a way to improve her own strength, so that when she finds it in the Tang family in the future, she will be able to resist. .

It's 87 years now, materials are still very scarce, opportunities are everywhere, she still has space for ink jade, making money, it should be easy!

She went to the vegetable garden to get a lot of vegetable seedlings and planted them in the space, as well as some fruit trees.

There are jujube trees in the yard, which have developed roots and many saplings. There are also peach trees, apricot trees, and hawthorn trees in the backyard.

After finishing this, I went to study the bottle of ointment Qin Xiuheng gave her.

It's a very beautiful little bottle. After taking out a little and smelling it, Ye Mingyan smiled.

As expected of something from a medical family, it's good!
Although she has spiritual spring water in her life and has no scars on her head, but with this ointment, even if there is no spiritual spring water, she will not leave scars.

This afternoon, Ye Mingyan had been staying in the space, and when he came out, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

She glanced at the time and was overjoyed. There was indeed more time in the space than the outside world, and the flow rate was a little slower.

At this time, grandma hadn't come back yet, Ye Mingyan thought, hurry up to cook, so that grandma can eat directly when she comes back.

Younger brother Ye Mingfeng was sitting on the threshold of the main room playing by himself. When he saw Ye Mingyan coming out, he shouted, "Sister, you wake up!"

Ye Mingyan smiled, "That's right! I've had enough sleep, I'll cook and make a fire."


Ye Mingfeng is very obedient, and he is willing to do things within his power at a young age. This is a habit developed since childhood.

Seeing the unfinished chicken soup in the kitchen at noon, Ye Mingyan had a meal and thought of Qin Xiuheng.

Qin Xiuheng rescued her, she... should thank them well?

This is a gleaming big guy!Would you like to hug your thighs earlier?
In her last life, because she had no backstage, she had no resistance at all in the face of big families like the Tang family and the Chen family.

Qin family!
That is the top existence of the famous family in the capital.

Ye Mingyan smiled, quickly cooked some rice, and made a few more scallion pancakes.

Pour the chicken stock into the pot and add a lot of mushrooms to make a big pot again.

The chicken soup Qin Xiuheng brought was very thick, and inside it was a whole old hen chopped into small pieces and stewed.

Taking advantage of Ye Mingfeng's inattentiveness, Ye Mingyan secretly added a little spring water in the space. Even if the chicken soup was diluted and so many mushrooms were added, it was still fragrant.

Ye Mingfeng kept gulping his saliva, "This... Sister, you are amazing, this chicken soup smells more fragrant than at noon."

(End of this chapter)

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