Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 16 He is the ceiling of appearance

Chapter 16 He is the ceiling of appearance
Ye Mingyan went to the main room and took out the food. Qin Xiuheng and Han Yue washed their faces and came over. Seeing the food on the table, Han Yue couldn't be more happy.

Only at this time did Ye Mingyan see Han Yue's appearance clearly.

A typical baby face, with big eyes, a straight nose, and a small mouth. The skin is not tender, and it looks better than a woman.

Seeing the little girl staring straight at Han Yue, Qin Xiuheng frowned, inexplicably a little uncomfortable.

Is he not good looking?

He is the ceiling of appearance.

"Cough cough..." Qin Xiuheng coughed twice, looked at the food on the table, and said, "Grandma Ye is back? Why did you deliver the food so early?"

At this time, it was only around [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and it was dark in the summer. At this time, many people were still in the fields and did not come back!
Ye Mingyan recovered and smiled: "Grandma hasn't come back yet! I did it."

"You saved me, I didn't thank you properly yet, I sent some over when the food was ready. It's so hot, so you can make it yourself."


Can you cook at such a young age?

Qin Xiuheng just remembered that this is a rural area. In the rural area of ​​87, many children began to work from an early age.

He has to improve the conditions of the Ye family quickly, this is his little girl, how can she suffer such hardships?
Han Yue had already started, took a sip of chicken soup, his eyes lit up, and he quickly took a few more sips.

"My God! Little sister, your craftsmanship is also very good. Xiu Heng, try it. This chicken soup is delicious."

Ye Mingyan hurriedly filled a bowl of chicken soup and put it in front of Qin Xiuheng, expecting: "You try it, you sent it at noon! I couldn't finish it, so I added some mushrooms and simmered it again because I was afraid it would spoil. Drink up tonight."

In summer, things go bad quickly. She doesn't have a refrigerator at home, so she must eat as soon as possible.

Qin Xiuheng took a sip and immediately stopped.

The things of this era are relatively pure. He bought this old hen in the village, and it is fed with grain, and it tastes absolutely good.

However, this is also too good to drink, why is it so fresh?
When he sent it to her at noon, the taste was definitely not as good. It was obviously made with water and a lot of mushrooms. How could it taste better than the one at noon?
"How is it? Is it delicious? It's better than what I drank at the Beijing Hotel. I'll have another bowl."

Han Yue drank so fast that he had already finished a bowl.

Seeing Qin Xiuheng's expression, Ye Mingyan knew that he also thought it was delicious.

It must be delicious!
This is something she added spiritual spring water, and it is absolutely delicious.

"You guys eat more, I'll go first, and in a little while, my grandma should be back."

"Wait!" Qin Xiuheng stopped her.

He glanced at Han Yue across from him and said, "Give me the money!"

"Ah?" Han Yue was stunned.

Qin Xiuheng was righteous, "Why? Didn't you just shout about going to a restaurant? Now that the little girl is delivered to your door, you won't pay?"

He glanced at the food, "This is much better than the one in the big restaurant."

Han Yue thought about it too, glanced at Ye Mingyan, the rural family life was difficult, Qin Xiuheng guessed that he was helping out in disguise, anyway, they were all short of money, it would be fine to buy some snacks for the little girl.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes."

As he spoke, he took out the money from his pocket, took out a fifty from a stack of banknotes, handed it to Ye Mingyan, and said very proudly, "Here, little sister, take it to buy snacks."

Qin Xiuheng frowned, "It's too little, give two hundred."

(End of this chapter)

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