Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 178 Inheriting the family property, whimsical

Chapter 178 Inheriting the family property, whimsical
For such strange things, Ye Mingyan will not get used to them, and said directly: "What can I do if I don't take you? What can you do if you still yell at me in my house, and I won't listen to you? "

Ye Weifang was furious. In her own family, girls would not fight back when they were beaten or scolded. She would do whatever she said. How dare this Ye Mingyan resist?

"Hey you little money loser, I'm your aunt, you just talk to me like that? What is a loser talking about? You don't have a place to talk in this family!"

"My sister is not a money loser, you are not allowed to say she is a money loser." Ye Ming retorted loudly with a puffy face.

Although he is young, he knows what it means to lose money. There are many people in the village who call their girls "losing money", but their family is not.

My sister is the baby of the family, and my sister treats him very well. My sister is the darling of the whole family, not a loser.

Ye Weifang looked at Ye Mingfeng and smiled disdainfully, "What do you know? A girl is a loser, and she will marry when she grows up. What's the use? What's not a loser? You have to feed her and drink."

Ye Ming said angrily: "Then you are also a loser, why are you eating here?"

Ye Weifang was stunned, and after realizing it, she was furious, reaching out to hit Ye Mingfeng, "What are you talking about, you damn child?"

Ye Mingyan pulled his younger brother behind him, avoiding Ye Weifang's slap, and said coldly: "This is the Ye family, we are usually at home, but no one says that about us, if Auntie wants us to be more polite Son, it looks like an aunt, your family is patriarchal, but ours is not."

Ye Weifang glanced at the two children in front of her. After a while, she suddenly smiled, "You two are quite proud? Your uncle is gone, your father is gone, and your sister-in-law is adopted, do you know?"

Ye Mingyan frowned, "So what?"

Ye Weifang smiled and said, "How? In this family, I am the only one who is your grandma's biological daughter. What do you think?"

Ye Mingyan was taken aback for a while, and she looked at the person in front of her for a while, seeing Ye Weifang's triumphant look in his eyes, Ye Mingyan was stunned, and suddenly a thought rushed into her head.

isn't it?
It's not what she thinks it is, is it?
No, no, no, no?
Seeing that Ye Mingyan didn't speak, Ye Weifang was even more proud. She smiled and said, "In the future, I will be the closest person to your grandma in this family. She will rely on me for the elderly in the future. Do you understand? Let me say a word , your mother won’t be able to stay in this house any longer.”

"Everything in this family belongs to me. You're a loser here. You'd better be good to me. Otherwise, I'll sell you to avoid wasting food."

Ye Weifang felt that she had already spoken too harshly. At home, that was how she frightened her daughters. Every time she said these things, those little girls would tremble and dare not speak.

However, the person in front of him is Ye Mingyan.

Ye Mingyan laughed out loud immediately.

"I said! You used to be so flattering to the Xie family, and you never dealt with us. Why did you come to my house suddenly? It turned out that you came for our property, why? When my father disappeared, you Didn't you just swear that you are already married and never care about your natal family's affairs?"

"Didn't you be afraid that our family of orphans and widows would hurt you? Why do you want to come back at this time?"

Ye Mingyan smiled sarcastically, "Is it because our family is rich? You know our family is in business and we have a relationship with Brother Qin, so you can't wait to run back to take advantage of Qiufeng, right?"

Ye Weifang was furious when a nine-year-old child talked about her thoughts, and said angrily, "How do you talk? This is my home. I can come back whenever I want. Get the hell out of me. You won't say a word. It's an eyesore. "

Ye Mingyan sneered, "Who wants to talk to you!"

She took Ye Mingfeng's hand, turned around and left, "Let's go."

Ye Mingyang and Ye Mingchuan watched from the side, both were quite speechless, and the two of them also left. Before leaving, Ye Mingyang sent her a few words, "Whimsical!"

Ye Mingfeng was asked to play with the eldest and second brothers, and Ye Mingyan went to the kitchen.

"Grandma, what are you eating today?"

Ye Weishuang was cooking, just talking to Grandma Ye, when Ye Mingyan came in, she said, "What do you want to eat? There are still a lot of food at home! Your aunt is here, she must order some meat dishes."

Ye Mingyan curled her lips, "Although my aunt hates it, the cousins ​​are too pitiful. They can still be so hungry in this age. Wang Xiaohong is not that miserable."

Some impoverished places are definitely poor at this time, but around Qingshan Village, there are really very few hungry skinny people.

Ye Weishuang sighed and said: "Your aunt is patriarchal, their whole family is like this, the three girls have never been to school, your eldest cousin is like a slave at home, I just saw, Her hands are very rough, not at all like a teenage girl."

Grandma Ye sighed, "Sin!"

There is pork and ribs at home, Ye Weishuang said: "Stew pork noodles with pork at noon! Then make ribs soup."

The living conditions of the Ye family are really good. There is almost every meal of meat, and there is never a shortage. When the aroma of the stewed meat in the kitchen wafted out, Chen Guobao, who was eating dried twisted fruits in the yard, suddenly shouted, "Meat, It smells so good! I want to eat meat!"

Then he rushed to the kitchen.

The few remaining girls breathed desperately, the aroma was so alluring, they hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

Chen Guobao rushed into the kitchen and went to the grill, "I want to eat meat."

Ye Weishuang was startled, and quickly stopped him, "Don't burn it, it's not cooked yet!"

Chen Guobao was pulled aside, desperately struggling, "I want to eat meat, mother, come quickly, I want to eat meat."

Ye Weifang snatched her son away from Ye Weishuang, "What are you doing? Isn't it normal for children to like meat? Just give him some. This is the treasure of the old Chen family. what!"

Ye Weishuang was speechless.

Ye Weifang was also very excited, the meat was so fragrant, she lifted the lid of the pot and found that there was a lot of meat in the pot, nowhere like the Chen family cooked meat with radishes or cabbage stewed in a pot, the Ye family had half of the meat in it. The pot was full of meat, enough to feed the entire Chen family for two or three meals.

"Mom, I want to eat!"

"Okay, I'll get a piece for you to taste."

Ye Weifang rummaged through a spatula to find a piece of better-selling meat, and was about to deliver it to Chen Guobao. Grandma Ye said angrily, "Put it down, Ye Weifang, if you keep doing this, get the hell out of me now. Never again!"

Grandma Ye snatched the spatula from her hand and put the meat back.

Chen Guobao didn't eat any meat, so he burst into tears.

 See you guys tomorrow, if you have votes, please vote for me!I love you guys!

  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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