Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 180 The family property should be given to me

Chapter 180 The family property should be given to me
Under Grandma Ye's strong protection, Ye Weifang had no choice but to coax her son, and after telling him not to provoke Ye Mingyan, she went back to work in the backyard.

Ye Mingyan was holding a tree stick in his hand, knocking on it again and again, looking at Chen Guobao with a vicious look in his eyes.

For the first time, this little overlord, who is not afraid of anything, is a little afraid of a "loser".

There was no one to back him up, the brat was very excited, and he didn't make much fuss in the back. He was given some snacks, and he just ate there honestly, but he still stared in the direction of the kitchen.

At noon, Grandpa Du also came back, and the family sat down to eat together.

There are a lot of meals, such as stewed pork vermicelli, pork rib soup, braised fish, and a braised pheasant.

Ye Mingyan is lucky, and every time she goes up the mountain, she can meet some prey. Recently, she has become more and more skilled, and often goes up the mountain to exercise.

There are more and more game at home.

When so much meat came up, Ye Weifang's family was like a wolf, looking at the meat and wanting to strike. The pheasant meat was a bit hard, and it was not as fat as the stewed pork, so they all targeted pork.

Not to mention Chen Guobao, even Chen Jianshu and Ye Weifang ate meat desperately.

Grandma Ye couldn't stand it anymore. Of the other three girls, only Erya was busy picking pulled meat into her bowl, but she only dared to get the ribs and pheasant in the rib soup.

Ribs are not oily, and stewed pork tastes the best. People who have not eaten meat for many years actually like fatty meat the most.

Grandma Ye put a few pieces of pork into the bowls of Da Ya and San Ya, and said gently: "Eat them all, if you want to eat, pick it yourself. This is grandma's house, no one is stopping you from eating meat."

The two girls looked at each other and started to eat quickly.

Ye Weifang stuffed his mouth full of meat, and said in disapproval: "Mother, they are all losers, why give them food? If you gain weight, you will marry off, it's a waste of food."

Grandma Ye stared, "You are also a loser, why come back to eat meat?"

"I..." Ye Weifang choked, and said angrily, "I'm your only daughter, why do you always treat me like this?"

"There are many relatives around me! I don't lack you."

"How can they compare to me?"

"Do you still want to eat?"

Ye Weifang stopped talking immediately, and Chen Jianshu next to her also pulled her. She finally calmed down and continued to gorge.

This time, everyone could see what Ye Weifang was up to, but neither sister-in-law Ye Weishuang nor Tang Jingyun said anything, and everyone ate in silence.

Grandpa Du sat at the dinner table and didn't care about these things. He picked up food for Grandma Ye several times, and Grandma Ye also picked up food for him.

This action made Ye Weifang, who was eating and thinking about how to stay in Ye's house for a long time and how to drive Ye Weishuang and Tang Jingyun out, to see Ye Weifang, and she frowned immediately.

After lunch, what should everyone do? Grandpa Du still went to the construction site. Ye Weishuang was supposed to clean up the dishes, but when Ye Weifang saw that Grandma Ye had also gone to the kitchen, she drove Ye Weishuang to work and helped herself up.

Ye Weishuang was a little speechless, but she didn't argue with her and went to work by herself.

In the kitchen, Ye Weifang smiled flatteringly, "Mother, is our business doing very well recently? I see a lot of goods in the backyard! Also, the restaurant in the county is also owned by our family, right? Oh, how can such an important matter Let an outsider take care of it? I think our big tree is very suitable, mother, let the big tree take care of it."

Grandma Ye glanced at her and smiled ironically, "Who told you this?"

Ye Weifang's face froze, but then she said angrily, "Mother, are you so brave to say it? I am your only daughter, and you will depend on me for the future. You didn't tell me that you opened such a big restaurant?"

Grandma Ye, "You are just a loser. Once married, you have nothing to do with your natal family, so as not to waste food."

"You..." Ye Weifang gritted her teeth, held back for a long time, and said, "I'm different from them, mother, I'm the only girl left for you, and when you grow old, you don't rely on me, who will you rely on?"

Grandma Ye glanced at her, but said nothing.

Ye Weifang continued: "Mother, don't be fooled by my little sister and that woman Tang Jingyun. Looking at Tang Jingyun's virtues and her gorgeous attire, I think her thoughts are not in our house at all, and she has been working outside. I don't know yet. Is there someone out there?"

Grandma Ye suddenly turned her head, Ye Weifang looked at her with cold eyes and suddenly felt a chill all over her body.

"I know what kind of person Jingyun is. She has been raising children, teaching and educating people at home for so many years, and she has never made any big mistakes. But you, you have never taken me seriously as a real mother, why? Knowing that your own father can't move anymore, knowing that your father has no money, you started to coax me again?"

"Just like when you disliked me for having no money back then, now you don't want your father anymore?"

Ye Weifang's cheeks twitched after a while, the words were too harsh, she felt that her mother was too disrespectful to her.

"Mom, why did I treat you badly?"

"You think I'm a fool for what you did back then? Do you think I don't even remember?"

Ye Weifang pursed her lips and said, "Mother, no matter what I have done, I am your biological daughter after all. Now that my two younger brothers are gone, Tang Jingyun is restless. She must be getting married. The younger sister was adopted by you, isn't it?" My dear, you can only rely on me when you get old in the future, now, you should be with me."

Grandma Ye sneered, "I won't rely on you when I'm old. If I depend on you, I won't be able to live for a few years."

Ye Weifang stomped angrily, "Mother, why don't you trust me? Could it be that you would rather trust Tang Jingyun and Ye Weishuang than me?"

"Second brother has been gone for so long, this Tang Jingyun is still so young, she is a teacher, and her job is so good, with her conditions, she should have married a long time ago, why has she refused to marry? If you don't leave home, don't you think about why?"

Grandma Ye: "For what?"

"Of course it's for our Ye family's property."

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Grandma Ye's eyes, "What kind of property can our Ye family have? If we were really rich, you wouldn't be so flattering to the Xie family, right?"

Ye Weifang was embarrassed for a while, but because of the money, she still said: "Mother, don't lie to me, so much money was stolen from Xie's house, was all that money related to our Ye family? You must still have it in your hand, now I'm the only one in the family who is your own, you can't take advantage of outsiders, you have to give me all those things."

Ye Weifang took Grandma Ye's hand and said coquettishly: "Mother, my daughter was ignorant in the past, and she will be filial to you in the future. Don't be angry, okay?"

"Who asked you to come? Xie Qinshan, or Zhou Yun?" Grandma Ye asked.

(End of this chapter)

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