Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 186 Cultivating ancient martial arts, I will teach you

Chapter 186 Cultivating ancient martial arts, I will teach you
Qin Xiuheng looked at the little girl who was getting more and more calm, smiled and pulled her to his side, and said gently: "during my absence, did anyone bully you?"

Ye Mingyan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "No! You protect me with such fanfare, who dares to bully me!"

Qin Xiuheng looked at the person in front of him, feeling a little emotional, when will he grow up?When can I marry and go home?
After waiting for so long in the previous life, I finally met a little girl I liked, but unfortunately, I didn't have time to pamper and protect her well. When I came back in this life, I was born again when she was so young.

How nice it would be if it was with her?
"Yanyan, the teachers have already arrived, how are you getting along with them? Do you want anything else?"

Ye Mingyan thought for a while, and tentatively said, "I... have a question for you."


"I've heard that those who practice martial arts will be very powerful in the end. Do you know such a person? It's just...the kind on TV, the kind who breaks the table with one palm and knows internal strength."

Qin Xiuheng was taken aback, this little girl wants to learn ancient martial arts?

Yanyan is not an ordinary little girl, she was born again, naturally she would not naively ask about the martial arts in TV dramas, how did this girl know about ancient martial arts?
"Yes, you want to learn?"

"Yes, yes! Can you teach me? Or, is there a teacher in this area? I must study hard."

Qin Xiuheng looked at the little girl's excited appearance, sighed and said: "Yanyan, practicing martial arts is very hard. I asked you to exercise before, but I just wanted you to learn some self-defense skills. The cultivation of ancient martial arts is too hard. , and, without talent, most people may not be able to reach that level in their lifetime."

This Ye Mingyan is very clear that the transformation from ordinary kung fu to internal strength requires a strong understanding, and many warriors will not be able to reach this level in their lifetime.

"I know, I'm not afraid of hard work, I want to learn! You teach me!"

Looking at her excited and eager eyes, Qin Xiuheng felt a little distressed.

Why does a girl have to work so hard to learn so many things?After all, is it insecure?

The experience of the previous life hurt her too much, and the later him failed to protect her well.

Back then, when he found out that she was pregnant, he was so happy, but at that time, his surroundings were too dangerous, and his greatest enemy was competing with him. Once he knew of Ye Mingyan's existence, she would definitely be in danger.

Although the Chen family is not a good place, it is relatively safe for Ye Mingyan. No matter how many women Qin Xiuheng has, no one will believe that his woman will be Ye Mingyan.

So, he let her go back to Chen's house, secretly helped her career, and let her go smoothly. Unfortunately, when he finally got rid of the danger and ran to Chen's house to find her, he was one step too late.

Yanyan grew up so big in her previous life, she was never protected by anyone.

Qin Xiuheng sighed, "Okay, I'll teach you, but if you think it's too hard, don't learn, Brother Qin will protect you, with me, no one dares to hurt you, okay?"

Ye Mingyan nodded obediently.

As long as someone teaches it.

Qin Xiuheng said: "Actually, your master also knows this thing. He also has inherited martial arts. When I'm not around, he can teach you."

Ye Mingyan was taken aback, "Master will also?"


Qin Xiuheng touched her head, "There are some things between your master and me that you don't know, so maybe he didn't trust you that much at first, or he was afraid that he would lead you down or teach you to mess with me. Don't hurry up, don't think about it!"

And this reason?

Qin Xiuheng smiled, "He didn't mean to guard against you, he was jealous of me, he did more mistakes, less mistakes, he just didn't want to cause trouble, after a long time in the future, he will see your cleverness, so he will naturally treat you Treat it as a true disciple."

Ye Mingyan looked at the person in front of him, he really didn't expect Qin Xiuheng to be so capable.

Qi Songyan is no ordinary person!This guy actually made Qi Songyan so afraid of him, what kind of leverage is behind this?

Ye Mingyan smiled, "That's it! No wonder I always feel that Master is a bit strange! I am already very obedient, obedient, and smart. I can tell that Master likes me, and he is very fond of teaching me. Do your best, but sometimes, he hesitates to speak to me, as if he is a bit unspeakable, and it's because of you that he has been doing it for a long time!"

Qin Xiuheng rubbed her little head, "There's no way, if you don't give him what he wants, he won't be so obedient and willing to come to the countryside with his wife to teach you! What's more, he still lives here for a long time."

"In the end, I gave too much leverage and scared him. He thought that I, the new young master of the Qin family, was so unfathomable! I was afraid that I had done something wrong to annoy me and make me agree to him Nothing."

Ye Mingyan smiled and said, "You are unfathomable!"

Qin Xiuheng raised his eyebrows, this is to praise him for being smart, right?

Right right right?


The Ye family banquet was held three days later. Today is also the day when Grandpa Du and Grandma Ye get married, but it is in the countryside after all. Grandpa Du and Grandma Ye will also live in this village in the future, so there is no such event. It was too ostentatious, the two put on new clothes, with a little festive red, entertained so many guests, and then, picked a good day, went to get the marriage certificate.

Grandma Ye looked at the marriage certificate in her hand, and was really moved. This was the first time in her life that she received a marriage certificate!

Lying in the new house, Grandpa Du reached out and took Grandma Ye's hand, holding her hand tightly in his palm, "It's been a busy day, go to sleep!"


This time, because he wanted to teach Ye Mingyan, Qin Xiuheng stayed here for a long time, and did not leave until the end of the year.

After the new year, Ye Mingyan and others built a snowman in the yard. It snowed heavily a few days ago, and there was a lot of snow on the ground.

This time is not a future of global warming. At this time, in the countryside, there is quite a lot of snow, and there are many icicles under the eaves.

The whole family, two dogs, had a great time playing in the yard. Grandma Ye is living younger and younger now, and she is more lively and cheerful. She was playing in the yard with a few children, but suddenly , fainted.

Everyone was shocked, "Grandma! What's wrong with you, grandma?"

Everyone hurriedly moved Grandma Ye into the house. At this time, every family was visiting relatives for a hundred years. There were people coming and going in the village, and the gate of Ye's house was not closed. Grandma Ye just fell down, and everyone outside saw it.

Everyone hurried over to have a look.

Ye Mingyan felt grandma's pulse, but in the end, he was completely stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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