Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 189 News from Dad

Chapter 189 News from Dad

That guy has successfully transformed from an elite specially trained by the Qin family to a rural youth, and he is living a leisurely life.

Looking at the basket that Ye Mingyan had been holding in his hand since meeting him just now, Qin Xiuheng lifted the floral cloth covering it, "What is this?"

When you open it, you will find a strong aroma of tea.


Ye Mingyan smiled and said, "That's right! I went to pick them this morning, and I'll make them into tea later for you to take back."

Han Yue jumped over immediately, "I still have me, give me some too."

After getting along with each other for these years, Han Yue admired Ye Mingyan all over the place. There is nothing wrong with this girl's hands.

It looks like they are some local specialties in the countryside, but you can't buy this kind of flavor outside, and no one can make them as well as her.

Ye Mingyan rolled his eyes, just now he was telling her that he was rich, but now he is so rare for this little thing in her hand!
Ye Mingyan went to the kitchen to cook, and Qin Xiuheng followed to help.

"Have you decided on the school? Should I go to the third year of high school, or go directly to university?"

Ye Mingyan spent most of these years studying with several teachers in her hometown. Later, she never went to school at all, but her grades have always been very good.

Ye Mingyan smiled, "Let's go directly to Beijing to go to university next year! I have received the recommendation notice."

Qin Xiuheng smiled, this little girl is excellent!
"What about now? Continue to stay in my hometown, or do you want to go out for a walk?"

Ye Mingyan paused, "I haven't stayed in my hometown all the time! You don't know that?"

In these years, she has been studying, she doesn't have to go to school, she has free time, but she has traveled a lot!Practice medicine everywhere, make money, and collect countless antiques, all of which are placed in her space!
The society in this era has only just opened up, but many rural areas are still very backward. Many ordinary bosses don’t know the last names of those things at all. She took advantage of this time to buy a lot of rare goods and even food in the city, and then When people go to those places for treatment, they specify that they want these things, and if there are some, they can pay for them.

The common people don't regard those broken things as good things at all. She once watched a blue and white porcelain plate from the Qianlong period feeding dogs in the countryside. The mood at that time was simply amazing!

Tell them that the thing is valuable, and the common people don't believe it, thinking she is a liar and talking stupidly.

In the end, she had no other choice, and she didn't explain it. When she saw something good, she just bought it with money, or exchanged it for some supplies in the city. The common people were quite happy instead.

Over the years, she has stored a large number of antique calligraphy and paintings in her space, even more than those uploaded by Ye Jiazu.

Of course Qin Xiuheng knew that this girl hadn't been idle these few years, and he had been with her several times!

"It's different this time. I went to Hong Kong Island this time and got some news. Your father..."

Ye Mingyan was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed, "You have news about my father? He's still alive, right?"

Qin Xiuheng said: "Don't get excited, I just found out a little possibility, if he is still alive, he should be in Hong Kong Island, I will go back to Qin's house this time, arrange some things, and then I will take you there. "

After searching for so many years, Qin Xiuheng finally got some clues. All he can say is that the other party is really powerful, and in the age when information was underdeveloped, it was really difficult to find someone.

"Alright then, I'll wait for you and go with you then."

At noon, Ye Mingyan and Qin Xiuheng made lunch, and Grandma Ye and Grandpa Du came back. They brought back a lot of fresh vegetables from the field, as well as several fish.

"This is for your mother. I don't feel at ease if I'm alone in the city."

Grandma Ye was muttering, and when she looked up, she saw Qin Xiuheng came back, and immediately smiled, "Xiu Heng! Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back? Old Du, old Du Xiuheng is back!"

Grandpa Du put down his things and smiled, "I'm back! How long will you stay this time?"

Qin Xiuheng helped put the things away, and said with a smile, "Ten days and eight days! I have been busy outside, and I will go back to the capital in a few days."

Grandpa Du patted him on the shoulder. Over the years, he has become more mature and stable, and he is an adult.

"Busy people! You young people, when your wings are hardened, you all ran away. In recent years, Yanyan and Xiaofeng have spent more time by our side. The boss and the second have all run away. When Yanyan goes to university, the family members Less!"

Du Houze looked up, "I'm here! I will always be at home."

Grandpa Du smiled. Every time he saw this son, he felt that God really treated him kindly. He actually made him a child when he was old, and he was such a smart kid.

"Yes, yes, you are the best, and our Ze'er is the best!"

"That's right, I'm better than my eldest nephew!"

Qin Xiuheng: "..."

Grandma Ye took the things into the house and shouted: "Yanyan, these are all for your mother, she hasn't come back for a long time, you have time to visit her, it's too worrying to be alone in the city Already!"

Tang Jingyun stopped being a teacher a long time ago. Ye Mingyan earned her family's income back then. Later, she also decided to go into business. Now the company is doing very well.

Ye Mingyan looked at these things and said with a smile: "Grandma, these vegetables can be bought in the city, and you can't finish them with so much!"

Grandma Ye disagreed: "The food in the city is not good, but the food in our village is the best."

Ye Mingyan stopped talking, right?

The things in Qingshan Village are indeed very good.

Because Grandpa Du has been busy making money these years, but he didn't want to leave this place, so he simply contracted a lot of land, forests, and now there are many orchards, tea gardens, and farms in his family.

In order to make these things grow better, Ye Mingyan often goes to several nearby water sources and puts some spiritual spring water into them. After a long time, the people in this place are outstanding, and the melons and fruits grown are sweeter than those outside. .

Grandma Ye was used to eating home food here, but later she went to the city to visit Tang Jingyun and ate food from the outside world, which was unbearable.

Tang Jingyun is now in Linjiang City.

After the family had dinner, Ye Mingyan looked at these things and decided to go there as soon as possible, lest the vegetables wilt.

Qin Xiuheng smiled and said, "I'll take you there! I'll leave later."

He turned to look at Han Yue, "Do you want to go?"

Han Yue lay on the reclining chair in the yard, he couldn't do it leisurely, "I won't go, I'm here for vacation, play for a few days and then go to the capital, see you in the capital."

Qingshan Village is a good place!Even the water is sweet, and he would come to this place to live for a period of time every year.

Qin Xiuheng and Ye Mingyan loaded their things into the car and drove Ye Mingyan to Linjiang City.

(End of this chapter)

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