Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 29 As far as his looks are concerned, the Civil Affairs Bureau is necessary!

Chapter 29 As far as his looks are concerned, the Civil Affairs Bureau is necessary!
For the people of Qingshan Village, Qin Xiuheng is definitely a living sign. Everyone knows that he is a child of a wealthy family in a big city.

Sure enough, hearing that Qin Xiuheng said this, Wang Xiaofang's eyes suddenly lit up a lot.

Ye Mingyan didn't tell her much, just said: "You hurry back, wait for my notice, and be careful not to let others see it."

Her clothes were torn, and it was estimated that there would be gossip when she was seen.

"Don't tell others for now! I'll tell you when I'm done here. If you tell others, there will definitely be many people who come looking for work at that time. I have to spend time dealing with them. Many people bully you. Home has become a habit, and they will have a way to keep you from coming to work.”

Wang Xiaofang's face turned pale, and she nodded honestly, "I won't say it, I definitely won't say it."

Ye Mingyan nodded with satisfaction, "Then go back early! You can't work as a girl when it's dark. It's really not good. It's safer to have a big dog like me."

Wang Xiaofang's face turned bitter. Their family couldn't afford a dog, and people couldn't get enough to eat. Where could there be anything for the dogs to eat?

"Don't cry, when you have a salary in the future, you will get money every month, and your life at home will be better, go home!"

Wang Xiaofang looked at Ye Mingyan, those eyes seemed to finally see a faint light in the abyss of despair, she really regarded Ye Mingyan as a life-saving straw.

"I...I'm willing to suffer no matter what, and I'm willing to do any tiring work. must come to me..."

Ye Mingyan felt a little sad, "Don't worry! Go back quickly, I will find you soon."

Wang Xiaofang carried the burden and left.

Wang Cai ran back wagging his tail, biting its dog leash in his mouth, and very obediently raised his head and handed the dog leash to Ye Mingyan.

Ye Mingyan brought the rope over and touched the big dog's head, "Wangcai, Brother Qin should not know what I said just now, right?"

"Do you think my mother and grandma would agree to open a restaurant? It should be a little difficult. My mother is a teacher and grandma is alone, so I can't do it at all!"

"But I think if Brother Qin helps me talk, my mother and grandma will definitely agree, but how can I ask Brother Qin to speak for me?"

Ye Mingyan frowned, "If Brother Qin really helped me, wouldn't I owe him another favor? How can I repay my favor? How can I owe more and more favors..."

The little girl talked to herself while leading the big dog.

When she was far away, Qin Xiuheng came out from the dark, looking at the worried back of the little girl, he was a little funny.

Will this little girl fool people at such a young age?
help her?

It's not impossible.

As for gratitude?

Haven't thought about committing yourself?

When you encountered such a thing in your previous life, what did those popular sayings say?

Either the police station or the Civil Affairs Bureau!

Qin Xiuheng frantically touched his face, just because of his good looks, he must be from the Civil Affairs Bureau!
Ye Mingyan walked around with Wang Cai for a few laps, and then went home.

At home, Grandma Ye has long since brought those dried fruits home.

"Yanyan! What are you doing with so much fruit? You can't finish it."

Ye Mingyan smiled and said, "I got it to sell it. Anyway, it's my family's fruit. Let's try it."

Grandma Ye was taken aback, "Then... where are these bamboo sieves?"

"I bought it at my grandpa's house! There are still some grandpas who haven't made them yet! When they are ready, they will be sent to me. I gave him a deposit of 50 yuan."

Grandma Ye frowned, "Where did you get the money?"

(End of this chapter)

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