Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 31 The Ye family's property, she will grab it all

Chapter 31 She Will Take Back All Ye Family's Property

Qin Xiuheng tasted one, and it was really delicious.

Sweet and sour, the taste is very good, women and children will probably like it very much.

This little girl really has a good way of cooking.

Han Yue, who was picking peaches in the backyard, happened to come over. Seeing Qin Xiuheng eating, he immediately said in surprise, "Little sister, what are you doing delicious?"

Ye Mingyan immediately handed him something to taste.

After Han Yue tasted one, he was pleasantly surprised: "You did this too?"

"Yeah!" Ye Mingyan nodded.

Han Yue hurriedly stuffed a few more into his mouth with a look of enjoyment, "You little baby, how does your brain grow? The craftsmanship is so good at a young age, this thing tastes better than any dried fruit I've eaten before. it is good."

Ye Mingyan looked surprised, "Then... Can I sell this for money?"

That little face is so innocent!

Qin Xiuheng on the side said, "Yes, and even if the price is higher than the price of the same dried fruit on the market, it can still be sold."

"This time is the ripening season for apricots. You can make a little more. I'll find someone to bring you packaged things, and the packaging will look better. I'll sell them to the capital at that time."

Ye Mingyan was so happy, what he was waiting for was his words!
There are many rich people in big cities, especially the Qin family who has many channels. As long as the things in her hands are good enough, she is not afraid of not being able to sell them.

"Then...then I'll do it now."

Qin Xiuheng looked at the little girl's excited face and said with a smile: "There are only two apricot trees here, I will pick them all for you, and there are several yellow peaches in the backyard. The dried yellow peaches are also delicious, and you can too. Try it, if it’s not enough, just go to someone else’s house to buy it.”

This time happens to be the season when these fruits are ripe. Even if you only buy them in the surrounding villages, you should be able to buy a lot.

Qin Xiuheng went to get a basket and picked all the ripe apricots from the apricot tree in the yard. The one in the front yard is not big, and the one in the back yard will be bigger.

A total of a large basket was picked, but Ye Mingyan couldn't carry it, Qin Xiuheng helped her send it back.

On the way back, he met Zhou Yun who came out to chat with someone, Ye Mingyan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

She remembered that Zhou Yun was actually two years older than her grandmother Ye Peiling, but Zhou Yun in front of her looked much younger than her grandmother.

The clothes she was wearing were all new, her face was not wrinkled, and her skin was quite fair.

He was knocking with a bag of sunflower seeds in his hand, and he was wearing a gold bracelet on his wrist.

This old lady is very slender, even in her 50s, she can still see the coquettishness on her body, especially her pair of fox eyes, which are very attractive.

Ye Mingyan remembered hearing someone say that Zhou Yun's mother used to do that kind of shabby business in the city, and passed all her skills to Zhou Yun's daughter.

Later, when something happened in the city, Zhou Yun had nowhere to go. She fled to the countryside and met her grandfather Xie Qinshan.

In that famine era, there were many people who died of starvation, but her grandfather Xie Qinshan was rich, and those were the property of the ancestors of the Ye family.

Although the Ye family was raided back then, how could such a big family have no preparation at all?
Those hidden gold and silver jewelry later became grandma's dowry and handed over to Xie Qinshan. When Ye's house was raided, Xie Qinshan hid a lot in private.

Although jewelry and antiques could not be traded in that era, they could be exchanged for food on the black market.

Xie Qinshan relied on these to support Zhou Yun and the children she gave birth to.

Ye Mingyan's fists clenched tightly, those are Ye family's property, she must grab them back.

(End of this chapter)

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